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Posts posted by Samwise

  1. I've always been kinda sad that you can't spy nukes when someone doesn't have any. There's nothing more hilarious than someone who forgets to check to see if someone actually has nukes before trying to spy them. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. ...feast your eyes upon this. If you haven't seen the episode that aired last night, beware of spoilers!




    Inspired by this scene from Shaun of the Dead. :P





    It's funny. I actually used Don't Stop Me Now as my anthem when I went on my nuke frenzy on my way down this past war. I take this as a sign that I have fantastic taste in music.  B)



    glad sam is dead though tbh. annoying little shit




    I was definitely glad to see both Sam and Ron die. I wouldn't exactly trade Carl's eye for their death's, but they were both annoying. As for their mother Jessie, I didn't really care one way or the other about her. I felt bad for Rick, but I felt like I wasn't invested enough in her character to care that she would be leaving, and they tried to compensate for that by overdramatizing her death.


    I do feel bad for Carl. First he got labeled as a mini-Shane by Daryl, and now he'll be dubbed a mini-Governor. He was a pretty annoying adolescent (nothing like Sam), but I've grown a liking for him as he's matured.



    • Upvote 1
  3. Listen i have absolutely no issue with the fact that Alpha's flag is bigger than ours in the OP, absolutely no issue, I dont even know why we are talking about it.  Why are we still talking about it?!? Its GREAT!


    Dat sarcasm :v

    I'm not going to lie, I could've resized the flags. But...effort.


    I swear that I need to just keep a stash of everybody's resized flags in a post for you somewhere. 

    We'll get through this SRD, but I consider it a betrayal to not have properly sized flags.


    I will make this right. For your OCD, and for mine.

    store your flags in standard size, Sheepy. i can't just steal flags from the server and have them different sizes and go and care now can i?




    It took me less than a minute to resize dis for you. I actually spent more time replying to this thread than I did resizing these flags:






    • Upvote 3
  4. Why is everyone so nice to each other?


    Rose you're all pricks.  I'm glad you lost.  I hope you lose again.  Everyone else I have varying degrees of "meh."  VE hides their bank because they know they're getting curb stomped.  You big 3 at the top are like the fat bully on the playground who talks a big game and then goes down hard after the first blow.


    Our allies are awesome.  t$ -- never leave our side.  We're so good together bb, no leave.  SK kamikaze'd and died for our sins it seems.  Everyone else you're great too, I just don't pay enough attention except to say I'm glad you're with us.  



    • Upvote 4
  5. o/ Peace

    o/ Rose and tS




    I mean, Pub already called Keegoz a shit-stain...so let's keep railing on him.





    Yay for peace!


    Shout out to the IAs, Econs, or anyone who's going to be number crunching on valentines day.


    True Story.


    So if I'm doing my math right it looks like about 700 million people were killed in this war.


    You monsters!

    • Upvote 2
  6. I wouldn't say they won. Sure, it's natural that they would climb the rankings, however, do we really classify being the #1 ranked AA as "winning". I never have. To me there are so many other factors that come into play, and while I do respect the GPA, I wouldn't say they're winning.

  7. I got this in my notifications but it doesn't appear in my war timeline. I don't think it's intentional as thwarted missiles do show up in the timeline.




    02/07 10:12 am Villain in Glasses Shiroe of Elder Tale attempted to detonate a nuclear weapon upon your nation of Gladius. The attack was thwarted by your Vital Defense System National Project.



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