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Posts posted by Avruch

  1. I see somebody didn't graduate from grade one. The difference from 2 to five is quite substancial.


    Maybe you should have a higher bar for education, because if you had also passed third or fourth grade the reason 2 or 5 doesn't matter much here would be apparent. To explain it in easy to understand language, everyone will just buy 5 spies every day instead of 2 and the dynamics will be the same. If the cap was 15 or 25, you'd start to price people out... That might make a difference, at least in that it would force people to specialize in spies. But a small increase in the cap is pointless, and even a large increase doesn't solve the problem of larger nations being able to keep smaller ones wiped clear of spies.  

  2. He got something like $1.5 million in the first 48 hours of his candidacy, which even beat the bigger Republican/Tea Party candidates like Cruz and Rubio. He'll fall behind financially once the real political race starts to kick in, but still, he's not off to a bad start. And at least he's steady in his political stances, whereas most of the bigger candidates flip-flop every other year.


    To each his own, I suppose, but for what it's worth, I think Bernie Sanders is the best candidate as of now. Certainly not most likely to win--not even close--but he carries the most good qualities.


    I don't think you understood what I wrote but its nbd. 

  3. To me it looks like the mod staff are just enforcing the lily white, Bible belt values that Sheepy has asked them to enforce. I'm not sure we can blame them for that. The forum generally works well, from what I've seen over the last month or two. #notallforums can be as anything goes as eusaforums. No one cares anymore, but for years the environment on that forum was labeled toxic and cited as a reason for many people not using it. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Probably, but for a 73-year-old, Bernie Sanders is a pretty slick guy. He knows his way around politics and he doesn't really have any scandals sticking to his shoes like Hillary does. I'm voting for him.


    It helps that he is the senator from Vermont and no one is going to offer him money for stuff. And if he got caught, he knows everyone would give him the evil eye when we bumped into him on Church St or out for breakfast. 

  5. This thread is a convenient location for Inst to explain everything - literally everything - to all the poor dumb ignoramuses he thinks inhabit this forum. Post your question, and await Inst's response. Hardy volunteers needed to write tl;dr's of the longer posts.



    Inst: If we write about gay marriage and LGBT rights in the General Discussion section, do we risk scaring off "casual" "Red State" potential customers and should these topics be banned as a result?

    • Upvote 5
  6. Ok, why not try explaining your prediction about Mensa. Given that Mensa climbed to 5th this week, I'm curious why you think it will leave the Top 10 by end June.

  7. As I said in the other thread, these terms are nasty. Certainly doesn't make Cobalt look good, I wonder why so much effort has gone into publicizing the outcome. If it were me, I'd have added one last term: "All conditions of surrender are secret and must never be revealed to Orbis, lest Cobalt be subject to criticism and ridicule."

    • Upvote 3
  8. The terms are certainly nasty. Especially over "rights to a name" that Cobalt isn't actually using, and where the guy using the name is the original founder of the alliance by that name. I guess Cobalt, being a big swinging stick as the #18 alliance, is just flexing its power to grind an alliance they don't like into dust. Pretty sure if Mensa demanded these terms, there would be a huge outcry that would last for ages.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Some awesome posts in this thread. One guy says Taiwan is the size of Canada. Another says the U.S. has no military assets stationed near Taiwan (in fact, that area has about the largest concentration of overseas naval power in the world).


    The reality is that Taiwan is self-governing, sovereign within its territory, and has trade and diplomatic (both formal and informal) relationships with other nations. There is one nation actively claiming otherwise, but merely insisting that something is so doesn't make it true. Taiwan isn't a strong nation; its position is precarious and vulnerable, which explains why the leaders of the Taiwanese government generally agree that reunification is a long-term goal and look to maintain positive relations with the PRC. Despite its weakness, however, Taiwan is still a nation.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Then don't.  I am telling you from experience how it works and how it doesn't work. I have met cheaters who have managed to get away with cheating for years, retiring without ever getting caught. I have met ban evaders who have operated multis and gotten away with both cheating and ban evading up to retirement, and I know people who are cheating and still getting away with it. I have thought long and hard on what works and what does not. If you don't want to listen, well, it's your game, actually, no, it's Sheepy's, and he can do whatever he wants.


    Also, foxfire, your current nation dates to 2013 in (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways). Since I've been here forever and have stats from 2011, alongside Samus' lyricalz, care to give me your old account name?

    Sheepy's game, yes. But you were arguing with and trying to convince a lot of people not named Sheepy. Incidentally, many of those people (me included) have also been gaming for a long time, and dealing with cheaters and banned players. You may have "thought long and hard", but your conclusion that we should effectively condone abuse and even incentivize people to abuse exploits is nonsense. The idea that taking advantage of game-breaking exploits is just "playing the game as it was made" is equally bullshit. Luckily, few game admins share your opinion. I guess they all just lack your experience as a cheater / ban evader.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Wrong. Banning should be avoided at all costs and used minimally because you do not want to create an increasing population of ban evaders. I've been there, done that, I've shook hands with quite a few of them.


    After all, once you're banned, what can the game administration do to you? It's sort of like the death penalty, except you get free respawns in this game. I will admit that in a certain game, I have been banned over 30 different times within 4 months (actually, I believe the first time after I was banned I made 80 different rerolls and had them all PM the game administration). I never wanted to play that game in the first place, but I caused quite a headache for the game administration. When you're banned / ban evading the administrators are no longer a problem to you, but instead you're a problem to the game administrator.


    Essentially, banning is more useful as a threat than as an actual punishment.


    You sound like a jerk and I'm not sure why we should listen to your opinion on banning and cheating. 

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