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Kemal Ergenekon

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Posts posted by Kemal Ergenekon

  1. Fair is fair. I made a bet, trusting the polls, and I lost. NY Times statistics sheds some light as to why this unexpected outcome came to pass, but it did, and it caught everyone except the 4chan memesters by surprise. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the world is moving towards an extreme-right xenophobic/fascist equilibrium, which is very tragic.


    Congrats to Rozalia and Octavius on their win. Kemal out.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Just so we are clear in all circumstances, what happens if any of the following events happen?


    Nobody wins 270 votes and Trump wins through the House

    Clinton wins and it is proven beyond any doubt the election was rigged

    Trump wins and it is proven beyond any doubt the election was rigged

    ISIS attacks polling places like they have been threatening to and something happens (election postponed, multiple voting places are wiped out, etc.) 

    Clinton wins popular vote, but loses

    Trump wins the popular vote, but loses

    Electors don't vote the way they are supposed to, making the other candidate "win"


    Any other situations I can't think of?


    Unless neither one of the two candidates becomes POTUS, the bet applies.

  3. All these people !@#$ about being given a 10day warning when one was never needed to be given in the first place. You're getting a huge bonus for 10 additional days when Sheepy has every right to change any mechanic at any time without warning to prevent people from prepping for it (as has always happened in the past)


    The point of treasures was to generate war, not to be sold to the highest bidder anyway


    I think you are having math difficulties. Let me elucidate:


    Suppose there is an asset that earns you 4 million every day for 90 days. Assuming a zero interest rate for simplicity, the net present value of this asset would be 4 * 90 = 360 million.


    Now, seeing its high NPV, you buy the asset for 180m -- after all, 360m - 180m = 180m net profit.


    Then suddenly the rules of the game is changed such that the asset's lifetime is down to 10 days.


    10 * 4 = 40m revenue


    40m - 180m = 140 million losses


    Yes, not benefit. Loss. A huge loss. Now multiply this with the number of treasures...


    I will get the exact figures from Jessica, but I think the damage is well above and beyond 1 billion.

    I have been complaining about this for like two years.  It is very frustrating that sheep has some inner cabal advising him that clearly does not represent the player base.


    He didn't ever mention this in the CDD.

  4. Rahl is asking you whether you know what a parliamentary system means. In a parliamentary system, people vote for the members of the parliament, who then choose the head of the executive. This is what democracy means in parliamentary democracies.


    To claim that parliamentary democracies are not democracies because the head of the executive is not directly elected is laughable.

    • Upvote 2
  5. The day of reckoning approaches.


    If Hillary Clinton wins, Rozalia and Octavius are going to kiss the Social Hub boards goodbye.


    If Donald Trump wins, Lord Rahl and, yours truly, Kemal Ergenekon will leave.


    Time to place your bets folks! xdxd

    • Upvote 2
  6. Except that he wasn't because he never won an election for a government position. He ran against Hindenburg in 1932 for presidency and lost, was appointed Chancellor in 1933, and merged both the chancellery and presidency under the title of 'Führer und Reichskanzle' in 1934, after Hindenburg's death.


    The only election he won was that of leadership within the NSDAP.


    "In an election held in July 1932, the Nazis won 230 governmental seats; together with the Communists, the next largest party, they made up over half of the Reichstag."


    Could be related to his appointment as Chancellor, maybe?  ;)










    lol at you thinking that the U.K. isn't a police state and that the "democracy" still stands.  I cannot name just a single example because the whole of Western Europe is suffering from this.  Why don't you actually open your eyes and stop listening to the mainstream media like the brainwashed sheep that you are.  In the end, people like you are the ones who won't be laughing when reality hits and you're no longer living in your little isolated Utopian bubble.  By then of course it will be too late, but there are just some who can only learn the hard way...


    Look pal. Being stupid is not a crime, but it is still frowned upon. I am asking you something very concrete. A concrete statement that invalidates your edgy sentence: "Votes mean nothing when there isn't firepower to back it up." I asked you to come up with a SINGLE instance where the results of a vote was OVERRIDDEN in a European country with stronger gun laws than the US. And you came up empty. Your links are completely irrelevant in proving or debunking your false statement. But feel free to continue to act like a child while you cover your ears and scream "LALALA I CANNOT HEAR YOU, MY FALSE STATEMENT IS ACTUALLY CORRECT!!"


    This just writes itself



    Nothing can convince kiddos who are willfully ignorant. I challenged you and him to come up with an example when the election results were overridden by the evil gubments because people didn't have firearms in Europe. You failed to name one example. Your laughable claims are empirically debunked, yet you guys will continue to ignore reality rather than questioning your false prior belief. Sad, really. Organisms that cannot learn are just pitiful.

  9. Haha, that is too funny.  You seriously need to open your eyes if you actually think Europeans are free and have any power.  The globalist European Union says otherwise where the European people are treated as nothing more than pawns.  A majority of Europeans have woken up and don't want the massive influx of "refugees" that are destroying their culture and defiling their homeland.  They despise their "government" that cares more about a violent, rapist pedophile 23 year old Muslim than they do about the daughters and wives who have suffered from this multicultural experiment.  Of course, they are powerless to do anything about it because countries like the U.K. have disarmed their entire populace.  Here in America, we won't tolerate such nonsense(thanks to our 2nd Amendment) and if the barbarians try to start the amount of shit they've pulled over there, then we'll send them straight to their Allah where they can meet him in person.  This may be the last time I reply to you in this thread, because you obviously just ignore argument while perpetuating your false narrative that comes straight from your feelings rather than critical thinking.  So far, you have yet to refute anything I've said while assuming that you've already won.  Quit acting like a child or the big boys are just going to have to ignore you.


    You are more delusional than mujahideen who expect to have 40 virgins in heaven after blowing themselves up. What a pity that the world's superpower has such a horrible education system that brainwashed people like you continue to exist.

  10. are you implying that European """"""democracies"""""" do not have complete control over the body of which they rule? The people can choose which supreme leader they want, that's the extent of the democracy.


    Oh my god. Please report to your high school teacher. When was the last time you saw the democratic results get ignored because the citizens were not armed in Europe? Let me tell you: zero times. Hence, the claim that the votes need to be backed by guns for them to be taken seriously is completely false. How do you envision it to be different in your Lalaland?

  11. "Those conservatives are so dumb.  We always know what's best and what's right.  If only those ignorant bigoted conservatives could actually agree with everything we say, then there wouldn't be a problem!  They need to be more open-minded and just accept everything we tell them.  Wait, what?  Did you just say what I think you said?  Racist! Edgy! Shitposter!"  -typical liberal who lacks an argument(i.e. Kemal Ergenekon)


    Condescendingly acting like you won an argument doesn't actually win you an argument nor does it convince any intelligent person that you have.  If facts and logic qualify as shitposting, then I suppose I would be shitposting.  Nevertheless, your buzzwords are absent of any meaning and you only make yourself look more foolish than ever.  Though, I suppose I shouldn't have expected anything better considering my experience with you thus far. 


    You are not worth replying to because you cannot even recognize the most stupid of your claims for what they are. Case in point:


    "Votes mean nothing when there isn't firepower to back it up."


    Oh, really? That must be why all the people in European democracies are living under the iron fist of their government. They can vote, but they don't have the guns, so their "oppressive liberal governments" must have turned the country into a dictatorship. Oh wait. That didn't happen. I WONDER WHY?


    Jesus Christ, you people are too !@#$ing easy.

  12. >cant think of a rebuttal

    >think calling the opposition edgy gives your argument some merit

    >shiggy mcdiggy


    Hahah, that's a good one. I did entertain Octavius for far too long than his shitposting merited. Now I am just here to enjoy the stupid replies Rahl is fishing for.

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