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Posts posted by Kappa

  1. Are you saying that the charges are false?


    Are you saying that UPN's offensive against TAC was impressive?


    Don't read indignant tone, I'm really just asking.


    It's a 3v1... It doesn't really need much more thought than that imo.


    Tbh, the war has really made me appreciate how the EoS/UPN/DEIC treaty bloc have stood together, time and time again, as one united entity (high-fives to newest member as well <3)... In those regards, I find us impressive whenever we take action as a group. I've not stopped to worry about the execution of the war because it's irrelevant to how I would evaluate UPN. Hence, my reaction, and I'm sure other UPN'ers reaction, is indifferent to whatever the impression, of our execution of war (isolated to UPN-TAC), is. Your question was a provocative question and I replied to it with the same attitude as I replied to some of the other "third party" provocative comments within this thread -- defensively, brah...

    • Upvote 2
  2. I'm sure someone here has python or C experience...


    Maybe just a script that runs in terminal (/windows equivalent). It doesn't have to be so complicated that it harvests data from the site. A few sorting algorithms and a data entry script that remembers the previous data entry would probably help speed up the process. Output would be a text file that is written with the added BBcode (or wtv is used here)....

  3. I mean I don't believe there is a way to completely get the satisfaction that the threat, of people plotting against us, will be nullified.

    People are going to plot, as they're in every right to do so. If we find out about it, we will react as harshly as required, for the security of our members and TC. 

    This war can testify as a statement for that.


    You've put a lot of effort into nullifying the perceived threat against you. What will you have to achieve to feel that the threat is nullified?


    I believe that we either want to receive enough confirmation that there is nothing to worry about, or we want to continue until we believe that the initial threat has a statistically low enough probability of success. 

  4. The people within the respective countries need to recognize a state of injustice experienced by others within its state, and prioritize whether the fundamental freedom of a nation and it's people is more important than their isolated fears created by a forced leadership.


    Self-realized human rights, within a nation, is far better (long-term) than enforced human rights. 

    People wouldn't see acts of aggression on its country for what it would truly represent, but more so, simply as an act of aggression (and possibly war), as the controlled media, of one's nation, would portray it.

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  5. I'm not entirely in agreement with the reason to leave SI because you were unhappy with the enigma treaty.


    Had you made significant effort to gain political influence within you alliance, I bet you could have subtly, and effectively, influenced future decisions to reflect your views/principles. 


    However, I do admire that you opined that your specific view is something greater on a whole, and that it had to be represented as such.


    So... best of luck!


    o/ Umbra

  6. Iron price is at 152 ppu, and with current demand I should be able to sell it atleast 4-5k if I wanted to... 500% markup is not allowing me to do that. Some market tampering is going on here and my suggestion is to increase the global trade max markup amount. Thoughts?

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