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Posts posted by Xen

  1. I've never met Redarmy personally (I'm fairly new to the game) but to see everyone's moving reaction, he must've been a real real treasure to the game and the community as a whole.

    It's emotionally tough to see and feel everyone's emotion, because if we can feel such heartbreak and pain from this terrible news from being good friends with him over a game - of course some of us in the game community have met him personally - imagine how his family feel and what they're going through now. All our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Red and his loved ones, wish them all the best 💙 

    You can find the gofundme earlier in this post and I believe the P&W server as well as the VGM and DNN news servers, but if you can't get a hold of it right now I'll send it here quickly:


    Let this be a reminder to us all that, if time wouldn't stop for Red, who are we? Behind every computer, every screen, there's an individual, a human, who lives like us, talks like us, eats like us. Let's get to know each other and make the most of the already amazingly strong community we have!! You don't find many games like this that are so simple to play on a browser yet have such a massive and active player base; let us use this to better ourselves, learn from one another, grow as individuals, make friends and forge strong relationships! Again, we won't be here for ever so we must make the most of every moment!!!

    Again, RIP Red 💙 Thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones

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  2. Completely agree with implementing the inability to use baseball while blockaded. Other than that, from someone looking at this neutrally - never played baseball, don't care too much about it either - the seemingly fierce opposition to baseball is strange. The baseball players can discuss caps on money, games and whatnot, however it looks like there's a genuine hostility towards the mechanic as a whole from some.

    The premise of baseball making too much money seems weird when firstly there's an option out there to pay and gain an amount of money - via credits - that absolutely dwarfs baseball gains. Also, baseball is also something complex and therefore it should reward. 

    With the scripts, if you actually took a look at the scripts being used - had a look at them, courtesy of @BlackAsLight - you'd notice that these scripts simply improve the user experience - nothing is automated that actually plays the games. There's similar scripts for rewarded ads that you could argue perhaps do MORE than the baseball scripts because they actually play the ads for you. Even then, cracking down on the mechanic as a whole is probably unfair given that the majority of the players aren't involved in this, but the scripts themselves literally do not automate any playing of any game. 

    With baseball supposedly not intended to have been a core mechanic, not everything works out as intended! The player community here have used baseball with it's complexity to gain monetary benefit and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The player community here have also used baseball to meet new players and forge new relationships with others from different alliances, absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nothing always works out the way you intend it to do; communities have big impacts on games and their features, it's commonplace. 

    But yeah, there's definitely a strong desire to either nerf baseball significantly or remove it completely. As to whether there's ulterior motives behind that...

    11 hours ago, tree said:

    This is obviously a ploy to delete a method of making ingame money so people may turn to other ways to make ingame money. like rewarded ads or credits because sheepy makes money off that

    I prefer not to speak.


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  3. The topic title and the screenshot below detailing the rolls shows everything really. Specifically the second roll, my total value is 12 but I've somehow rolled a value of 4 which is less than 40% of 12 (4.8). Does the formula only allow you to roll whole numbers - which if that's the case, I've rolled a value less than 40% of my total value so there's a problem - or did I perhaps roll a number > 4.8 and < 5 but it was truncated down to 4? Really confused here and if this is a bug, it's a potentially fatal one.

    Another note, in the "Ships" row - under the "Army Value" row - it says that I've used 9 ships and they've defended with 3; this is false, the defender has only got 1 ship and I also used only 3 (the army values show this). Even then, a 9 ship vs 3 ship naval battle should always be getting an IT.

    If there's any glaring issue that I haven't taken into account - e.g. formulae changes or anything like that - please mention it, and I'll use the fact that I am a 2 month old noob as an excuse. 


    Link to the war timeline (if needed): War Timeline | Politics & War (politicsandwar.com)

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