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Posts posted by Greene

  1. Alrighty, Dillon, let's break it down and ask some questions:


    1. Is â€‹Maple a bank in the sense that it allows people to deposit assets and subsequently withdraw their own assets, or is it a bank in the sense that it lends funds?

    2. How does Maple​ make money?

    3. What assets exist? What assets that exist will be transferred upon a successful sale?

    4. How many clients do you have? How do they feel about their institution being sold?

    • Upvote 1
  2. 10/10 would read again. In all honesty having some sort of additional food reduction beyond war would be pretty awesome. Maybe instead of it being forum saltiness (which is subjective at best), it could be pegged to some in-game factors.


    1. % of non-beiged nations, excluding players under the original grace period, but at a minimum cap of 80% (so max reduction would be 20%), and then have this factor be applied on top of your radiation reduction. So if you make 10,000 food per day, and radiation levels have you losing 20% of your food, that means you're only producing 8,000 food. THEN let's say the beige factor is at 90%, that means you're only getting 90% of 8,000 which is 7,200.


    2. % of non-aligned nations/5, excluding players under 7 days old (excluding 299 atm). For the record, that's 2005 nations right now (so 4742 total nations) would mean a reduction of 8.456% of generated food.


    3. Alliance's top member to bottom member % difference, clamped at minimum of 70% (so max reduction of 30%). This would have alliances with larger score ranges wind up being penalized more than more evenly built alliances.


    4. Least common color's total members / Most common color's total members.


    5. % of alliance members active in the past 3 days (this would discourage alliances from maintaining more uninterested players)


    Alternatively, we could go in the opposite direction, if Sheepy wanted to encourage forum activity:


    1. +0.001% for every new post on the forums the previous day. That means that if you're making 10,000 food per day and yesterday we had 1000 posts, you'd be making an extra 100 food. Not a staggering amount, but I can't imagine we couldn't become a lot more active. Maybe we could try 0.01% for starters, which would be 1% off every 100 posts. Perhaps have it randomly applied each turn, so let's say there were 500 posts, that's +5% production. First turn might see food receive the boost, but then the second might see uranium or steel, or something that's not necessarily as readily available.

  3. Posted on Jan 3, 2014 by Department of Information, Website Office


    Press Release

    The Hopkirk-Maplin Sands Teaching Hospital has today been awarded the HHS Gold Standard Award by Dr. Maya Schacher, the Minister for Health and Human Services. Shortly after Dr. Schacher assumed the post as Minister, she assigned the Office of Health to begin identifying and grading the nations’ teaching hospitals. With hundreds of hospitals, this task took a record-setting two months to identify the first hospital whose standards are so high, that they are worthy of the new Gold Standard classification.


    The Department has created the following grades, which all hospitals will eventually be graded on:


    Gold Standard hospitals are state of the art, fully staffed with excellent and highly qualified staff. These hospitals do not turn away any patients, and have programs in place to cover any costs that patients are unable to pay for themselves. Hospitals that receive Gold Standard certification are credentialed to operate on the Royal Family and Cabinet Officers.


    Silver Standard hospitals are state of the art, fully staffed with excellent and highly qualified staff. Like with Gold Standard, these hospitals do not turn away any patients, and have programs in place to cover any costs that patients are unable to pay for themselves. The only difference between Gold and Silver Standard hospitals are that Silver hospitals are not credentialed to operate on the Royal Family or Cabinet Officers, except in life-threatening emergencies when travel to a Gold Standard is not an option. These hospitals, while excellent, do not have specific wings specifically devoted to the care of Royal Family or Cabinet Officers. There is no difference in the level of care that patients and their families are afforded.


    Bronze Standard hospitals are state of the art, fully staffed with excellent and highly qualified staff. While the level of care is the same as with Gold and Silver Standard hospitals, Bronze Standard hospitals may not have programs in place to help patients and their families cover the costs of procedures and stays, or have other restrictions not associated with quality of care.


    Health Standard hospitals cover any other hospital that is not a Gold, Silver, or Bronze hospital. All hospitals are graded on a scale of 0 to 100. Hospitals with less than Grade 40 are subject to HHS intervention. When grading hospitals, factors such as cleanliness, staffing, administration, and outreach are considered, as well as other factors.



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    Hopkirk Maplin Sands Teaching Hospital Receives HHS Gold Standard Award

    Posted on Jan 3, 2014 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release The Hopkirk-Maplin Sands Teaching Hospital has today been awarded the HHS Gold Standard Award by Dr. Maya Schacher, the Minister for Health and Human Services. Shortly after Dr. Schacher assumed the post as Minister, she assigned the Office of Health to begin identifying and grading the nations’ teaching hospitals. With hundreds of hospitals, this task took a record-setting two months to identify the first hospital whose standards are so high, that they are worthy of...
  5. Seeker is desperate for support, that's why he posted an annoucement and had the leader of HBE on standby to post "I support the legitmate government"

    To be fair, it was actually I who suggested to him this morning, only a couple of hours after this happened, that he post a support. I am a firm believer in getting the information out there, and regardless of your grievances with Seeker, at the end of the day Yoda did not follow the laws of the alliance he is charged with protecting. Regardless of whether Seeker was butting into other departments or not, there is still a process that should have been followed.


    If Yoda truly felt that Seeker was not acting in the best interests of the alliance he co-led, then he should have polled the Triumvirate. A Triumvirate is 3 (naturally), and it seems that Impero also disagrees. As such, legally Seeker should not have been removed. But wait, there's more! While I don't pretend to be knowledgeable about how VE's laws work, and I haven't read its constitution, I did read somewhere in this thread that 4/5ths of the alliance could vote to remove a Triumvirate. So I see two things.


    1. If the laws are that the Triumvirate majority = Triumvir is removed, or failing that 4/5th of the alliance voting to remove the Triumvir from their post, then Yoda could have simply put this up for discussion, and have the alliance decide what direction they wished to go. Let the alliance know what's going on, clue them in on your thoughts and reasoning, and get things moving in the right direction.


    2. If the laws are that both 2/3 of the Triumvirate AND 4/5th of the alliance were required to remove the Triumvir, then the concept of putting the conversation to the entire membership still stands. Yoda has professed he wants to change the government's style, and restructure it. Why couldn't he place his ideas before the entire alliance and get input from the membership he serves? With 60+ members, I can't imagine that Seeker would have refused to go along with the ideas that the entire alliance wanted to do.


    There's be claims that he tossed away relationships, that he isolated VE. I can't speak to that. What I can speak to is that regardless of the reasoning, this is an illegal action by Yoda. I have to believe that Yoda felt this was his only way, since without that belief I'm left with someone who's just a power-hungry dictator, and I refuse to believe that's the case.


    As an aside, I can confirm that neither Codonian or Celzar knew what the heck was going on as of 11:40 AM GMT this morning (6:40am EST for those who don't math). If his own government was kept clueless, then I think it's not a stretch to confirm that the membership was also kept in the dark. 

  6. Posted on Dec 13, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office


    Press Release

    The House and Lands of Rocco led way to two powerful kingdoms: Tejas and Valentia. The lord of Rocco, Piere, had two children: Nicola and Cullen. Upon his death, he split his vast holdings equally. The western half of his empire went to Cullen, and the eastern half was deeded to Nicola. Cullen formed the Kingdom of Tejas, as the largest town was named Tejas. Nicola chose Valentia as his base of operations, and the Kingdom of Valentia grew!


    Cullen saw the best way to expand his family’s influence was to ally with the King of Resvernas, and married his daughter Alexandra to King Anson I (King Grealind’s great-grandfather). Tejas would eventually be incorporated into the greater Kingdom of Resvernas. Nicola was content with maintaining Valentia’s size, and simply expanding its economic base. Through shrewd trade deals and investments, the Kingdom of Valentia became one of the most prosperous nations when his son, Marvolo, ascended.


    Marvolo of Valentia developed an extremely strong and close friendship with his cousin and her husband King Anson I, and later Kings Anson II and Anson III. Even attending the wedding of Anson III and Robynn Hayle. Marvolo and his queen, Carla, were god-parents to both Prince Edward and Prince James.


    When Marvolo died in 1968, mere weeks after the passing of King Anson I, his son Cesare ascended. At 59, King Cesare would have no more children, and it was feared that the Valentia line would go extinct. His first daughter, Cinzia, died shortly before her fourth birthday. His second child, son Luca, was always seen in the company of men, and rarely alone with women. Luca died without issue in 1981 at the age of 45 of a sexually transmitted disease.


    The only hope would be Marina, second daughter and third child, who was only 27. Over the course of six different marriages, no children were ever produced. The day before her 60th birthday, Marina committed suicide, and left a letter blaming the national press for placing so much pressure on her to conceive.


    Heartbroken, Cesare and his councilors came to the realization that when he died, someone would have to ascend, inherit the throne of Valentia. For his people, he needed to name the person who would eventually become the fourth King of Valentia. It should have been Cinzia. It should have been Luca. It should have been Marina.


    Not having any siblings of his own, which was the driving force behind him fathering three children, he consulted the family tree. No cousins, since his uncle died at the age of 21, horse riding accident, without any children of his own. His grandfather’s brother, Cullen’s line, would have to do. Cullen had just one child: Alexandra, who married King Anson I of Resvernas. As the only living relative, he designated King Cullen’s heir, King Anson II, as the successor to the crown.


    Today, 11 December, 2013, at the age 104, King Cesare of Valentia has passed away, peacefully in his sleep. In honoring his wishes, his good friend, longtime confidant, cousin, King Anson II has assumed the throne of Valentia. This is the fourth crown he will wear in his lifetime, the others being Resvernas, Vonara, and Tejas. Before his passing the two Kings held a national poll within Valentia. The outcome is that on King Anson II’s death, the Kingdom of Valentia will become a Crown State of the Kingdom of Resvernas. The alternative option was to elect a new King upon King Anson II’s passing.



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    Anson II now King of Valentia

    Posted on Dec 13, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release The House and Lands of Rocco led way to two powerful kingdoms: Tejas and Valentia. The lord of Rocco, Piere, had two children: Nicola and Cullen. Upon his death, he split his vast holdings equally. The western half of his empire went to Cullen, and the eastern half was deeded to Nicola. Cullen formed the Kingdom of Tejas, as the largest town was named Tejas. Nicola chose Valentia as his base of operations, and the Kingdom of Valentia grew! Cullen saw the best way to...
  8. Posted on Nov 1, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office


    Press Release

    As part of the continuing effort to improve government, the House of Commons recommended that in addition to HHS being split off from Interior, that Housing and Urban Development also be spun off. The King has named Allison Thomas, former Executive Director of Healthy Homes Initiative as the new Minister for HUD. She will be responsible for 12 new offices and agencies improving the lives of all Resvernans.

    From the Critics Panel

    "As with last month's assessment, we're pleased to see another impressive appointment to the King's Cabinet. There's not really much else to say, since we're worried that any more praise might make us seem like a rubber stamp for the King."


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    Housing and Urban Development split from Department of Interior

    Posted on Nov 1, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release As part of the continuing effort to improve government, the House of Commons recommended that in addition to HHS being split off from Interior, that Housing and Urban Development also be spun off. The King has named Allison Thomas, former Executive Director of Healthy Homes Initiative as the new Minister for HUD. She will be responsible for 12 new offices and agencies improving the lives of all Resvernans. From the Critics Panel "As with last month's...

  10. Posted on Oct 1, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office


    Press Release

    For a very long time, the Department of Interior has consisted of ten Directorates: Culture, Education, Energy, Health, Housing, Keebler, Labor, Land Borders, Transportation, and Science and Innovation. Minister Hightower has done an amazing job managing this staggering pervue, however the House of Commons has recommended that the Health portion be spun off into a separate department, and significantly expanded, allowing for greater support of all Resvernans. The King requested a list of recommendations for who would lead the new department, and we are pleased to announce that he has appointed Dr. Maya Schacher, Countess of Wetzler, to lead the new Department.

    As a Professor of the Blondehaven School's Department of Sciences, Dr. Schacher pushed all of her students to reach, expand, and exceed their percieved limitations. Her favorite critique of all work was, "Great, you did it, now how are you going to make it better?" Her motto will serve her well, as she is leading a brand new department consisting of 17 offices and agencies.

    From the Critics Panel

    "His Majesty has been making quite a lot of personnel changes within his government, and we're pleased with the direction he's been going. This is just another step in the right direction, another great move to improve all Resvernans' lives better. We're excited to see what's next."


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    Health and Human Services split from Department of Interior

    Posted on Oct 1, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release For a very long time, the Department of Interior has consisted of ten Directorates: Culture, Education, Energy, Health, Housing, Keebler, Labor, Land Borders, Transportation, and Science and Innovation. Minister Hightower has done an amazing job managing this staggering pervue, however the House of Commons has recommended that the Health portion be spun off into a separate department, and significantly expanded, allowing for greater support of all Resvernans. The King...
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    Tribute to the warhero Admiral Harris Bywater

    Posted on Sep 16, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    One of Resvernas’ most noble families has gone extinct today, as Admiral Harris Bywater passed away from an undiagnosed brain aneurysm. The legendary war hero has shepherded countless lives to victory, while minimizing casualties with incredible skill. He is survived by his younger sister, Jacqueline, nephews Duke Charles of Blackwater, Duke George of Teign, and Duke Gordon of Wootton, nieces Helene Gries and Samantha Bader, great-niece Lady Eleanora Flythe, Younger Duchess of...


    Posted on Sep 16, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office



    One of Resvernas’ most noble families has gone extinct today, as Admiral Harris Bywater passed away from an undiagnosed brain aneurysm. The legendary war hero has shepherded countless lives to victory, while minimizing casualties with incredible skill. He is survived by his younger sister, Jacqueline, nephews Duke Charles of Blackwater, Duke George of Teign, and Duke Gordon of Wootton, nieces Helene Gries and Samantha Bader, great-niece Lady Eleanora Flythe, Younger Duchess of Hightower, and great-great-nephew Master Milo Velaryon, Younger Count of Lindau.

    The King has expressed his condolences, and the House of Commons has declared today a day of profound mourning.

    The House of Bywater has officially been designated extant in the male line, and will be effectively extant upon the passing of Jacqueline, Marchioness Somme.

    The title of Marquess Seine would normally be inherited by the eldest living heir (Duke Charles of Blackwater), however with the permission of the King, the inheritance instead goes to the only heir who does not currently posess a title, or will inherit a title: Samantha Bader, wife of the Earl Marshall.

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    Year 13: Delegating Authority to the House of Commons

    Posted on Jul 20, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    “Since our Kingdom was founded generations ago, the power to decide the fate of our nation has rested solely with my family: with the crown. Over the past several years I have done all I could to responsibly drive us towards a more democratic way of governance. I am happy that I have found a partner in Minister Halmund, who shares my ideals for democratic reforms. My father and my grandfather both wished to introduce many of the reforms that I have succeeded in bringing to our nation....

  15. Posted on Jul 20, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office



    “Since our Kingdom was founded generations ago, the power to decide the fate of our nation has rested solely with my family: with the crown. Over the past several years I have done all I could to responsibly drive us towards a more democratic way of governance. I am happy that I have found a partner in Minister Halmund, who shares my ideals for democratic reforms. My father and my grandfather both wished to introduce many of the reforms that I have succeeded in bringing to our nation. They failed, not because Resvernans did not want them, but because finding the right people to shepherd these changes, to do so without personal interest, without greed, proved impossible.


    “What my father, what my grandfather, found impossible to do, together we have done, as a nation, as a Kingdom, as a people. I am happy to announce that I am delegating authority to the House of Commons to pass and manage laws benefiting the nation. Four years after I tasked my Year 9 commission with digitalizing all of our laws, the House of Commons can now earnestly, and effectively begin repealing the outdated, ineffective, and problematic laws from our system, and pass new laws that better reflect our ideals, and where we are as a nation.


    “I will still retain my powers to veto any laws that I feel do not serve the Kingdom, and I will also retain my authority to pass new laws. I promise to only use these powers when there is not time to work with the House of Commons, such as in emergency situations, or when the House of Commons seeks to infringe upon the authority and liberties of all Resvernans.


    “We stand at the precipice of a new dawn, a new day, and a bright future.â€




  16. Posted on Jun 28, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office


    Press Release

    When Minister Hake tapped now Ambassador Miranda Kahill to run the Office of Global Civil Justice, there was some concern that the long-term investments made by the Treasury Department’s CGP initiative would ultimately sour. We are pleased to announce that the Citizens Accountability Project continues to do amazing work, and continues to be supported by the Community Grants Program. This organization continues to empower change worldwide, and is a driving force, leading to honest leaders with integrity. With the new connection to the State Department, CGP and the Citizens Accountability Project worked together to identify a powerful, appropriate choice to succeed Ambassador Kahill as the Executive Director. We are pleased to announce that long-time patron, Duchess Romilda of Langstone has agreed to step into the role as the new Executive Director. The Duchess brings with her an unmatched potential for advocacy and development, and we are confident that the new leadership will take this CGP-supported organization to new heights

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    Community Grants Program: Citizens Accountability Project

    Posted on Jun 28, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release When Minister Hake tapped now Ambassador Miranda Kahill to run the Office of Global Civil Justice, there was some concern that the long-term investments made by the Treasury Department’s CGP initiative would ultimately sour. We are pleased to announce that the Citizens Accountability Project continues to do amazing work, and continues to be supported by the Community Grants Program. This organization continues to empower change worldwide, and is a driving force,...
  18. Posted on May 24, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office


    Press Release

    Six permanent appointments have been made to the State Department. The King has signed off on Ambassadorships for the Offices of Global Civil Justice, Global Criminal Justice, Global Health Initiatives, Global Medical Services, Global Partnerships, and Global Youth Issues.

    Miranda Kahill, Marchioness Jokulsarlon (Global Civil Justice) has resigned as the Executive Director of the Citizens Accountability Project, a non-profit non-government organization founded to empower oppressed individuals worldwide to vocalize their disagreements and advocate for themselves.

    Dr. Daryl Flythe, Count of Lindau (Global Criminal Justice) has resigned as Professor of International Criminal Studies at the College of Christian and Maria where he served as Department Head. He has also stepped down from the boards of several non-profit legal support organizations that help disenfranchised individuals access the legal services they need.

    Dr. Kelly Horn, The Viscountess Carmine (Global Health Services) has resigned as Chief of Medicine at the prestigious Pool Medical Institute, an innovative hospital that treats primarily at-risk youth through a variety of cutting edge techniques.

    Dr. Oliver Wyatt, The Viscount Moraida (Global Medical Services) has resigned as Dean of Medicine with the Hopkirk Maplin Sands Teaching Hospital, where he championed next century approaches to compassionate care and support.

    Cammy Hosford, The Viscountess Ratamosa (Global Partnerships) has resigned as the Director of Communications to the Minister for Commons. She comes with glowing accolades from Minister Halmund and an official letter of recommendation signed by the entire House of Commons.

    Delilah Rackley, Baroness Ash (Global Youth Issues) has resigned from YouThink, the non-profit non-governmental organization she co-founded with her husband, Deputy Minister Lord Andrew Rackley to promote youth communication and support endeavors.

    From the Critics Panel

    “We are delighted to see such qualified individuals are being tapped to step up and support the Resvernan humanitarian efforts. Our only worry is that with such qualified individuals now serving a staggeringly large bureaucracy, their talents and skills may be squandered. We are nevertheless pleased with Minister Hake’s decisions.


  19. 2ba28fa7a0.png

    State: Six Department Heads Appointed

    Posted on May 24, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release Six permanent appointments have been made to the State Department. The King has signed off on Ambassadorships for the Offices of Global Civil Justice, Global Criminal Justice, Global Health Initiatives, Global Medical Services, Global Partnerships, and Global Youth Issues. Miranda Kahill, Marchioness Jokulsarlon (Global Civil Justice) has resigned as the Executive Director of the Citizens Accountability Project, a non-profit non-government organization founded to...

  20. Posted on Apr 12, 2013 by Department of Information, Website Office

    Press Release

    For Year 5, the King announced the formation of the Summit on Civic Improvement. By 2008, 250 members were nominated to the result of that Summit: The House of Commons. From that original body of 250 individuals, they elected James Halmund to be the Minister for Commons, and the King approved. Minister Halmund has been a regular at the King’s weekly cabinet meetings, and while their terms were not up until 2016, several months ago, he approached the King about significantly restructuring how the Commons would work. The King approved of the changes, and deferred to the Minister for their implementation.

    Today we’re pleased to announce the outcome of those changes. The original 8-year term will be cut short by one year. The 250 members will be reduced to 52 from the Kingdom proper, with an additional 4 representatives from the new Crown State of August Island, and 13 from the other three Dominions of the King; the total size of the body will be sixty-nine members.

    However, to standardize the process – previously it was up to each area to decide how their member was chosen – for every 2445 citizens, regardless of age, their Shire will have one District Representative. As there are only eighteen shires, that results in hundreds of thousands of Representatives. Of those elected Representatives, they will then cast ballots, electing approximately one Councilor to the Shire’s County House, for each thousand Representatives. From the County House, the Councilors will elect one Senator for every one hundred Councilors, to be Members of the House of Commons. At each level, the chosen number is rounded to the nearest increment.

    Election terms will now be for five years, instead of the original eight. All citizens will vote to elect their District Representatives in October 2013, and then every five years thereafter. Those Representatives will be sworn in on the 1st of November following the election. Those Representatives will then cast their ballots for the Councilors to the County Houses in February 2014, and then every five years thereafter. Councilors will be sworn in 1st of March following the election. Those Councilors will then cast their ballots for House Members in December 2014, and the winners will be sworn in on 1st January 2015. Also on the 1st of January, the body will then elect their leader. They must have a consensus no later than the 5th of January, or the King will step in and name a leader unilaterally.

    Minister Halmund will remain on as Leader of the House until a new leader is formally elected on 1st of January 2015. For the remainder of this shortened term, the Governors of each Shire will assign their representatives from the existing Members.


    From the Critics Panel

    “We’re pleased to see a more structured, democratic process is finally being implemented for the House of Commons. We can only hope this is the first step towards a House with teeth, as the current House of Commons has no real power.â€



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