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Posts posted by Ashland

  1. Yes we back up our members no matter what.  Why join an alliance that isnt going to have your back?  When you join VE, we expect certain things from our members, but at the same time they can expect certain things from us, which includes our support.  So if we have a member that owes 16 million dollars on a 3 million dollar loan, you can believe we are going to help him take care of that situation. 


    Just like we are going to spend a disportionate amount of cash and resources to hit malone because he went out of his way to attack a member of VE.  Would it be easier to let him just slap around MF for a round, and go on his way? of course it would, but that isnt how we conduct buisness, and what would it say about us if we allowed things like that to happen?

    Defending your members in a fight =/= letting them duck out of their debts.


    Why should anyone do credit deals or deals with future payment with anyone in VE when VE has demonstrated that they will help their members rip those people off? Do you not value your reputation?

  2. Of course I understand that, but my point stands and you are well aware of it. Once again though, this is totally off topic and I'll be glad to discuss this with you elsewhere if you ever feel the need to mend fences.

    Before I built a wall I'd ask to know

    What I was walling in or walling out,

    And to whom I was like to give offence.

    Something there is that doesn't love a wall,

    That wants it down.' I could say 'Elves' to him,

    But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather

    He said it for himself. I see him there

    Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top

    In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.

    He moves in darkness as it seems to me~

    Not of woods only and the shade of trees.

    He will not go behind his father's saying,

    And he likes having thought of it so well

    He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."

  3. I'm well aware that soured our relationship, and there isn't much we can do about it. I have no problem with you to be honest, I just won't allow my members to pay usurious interest rates (I think the debt in question had something like a grand total of 18 million due on a 3 million dollar loan for a months missed payments). And, since I didn't want to have to tell people not to pay you in the future, the easiest thing was the bar my members from doing business with you. Literally nothing at all was personal about it.


    However, I think that discussion is a little off topic here but you're more then welcome to discuss it with me elsewhere.

    One more thing:


    Do you still have no clue how long a month is in game? That's three cities. That's one donation. A month is ages in PnW. If you don't get that by now... Idk what can be done for you.

  4. Very well may be the case, but it was worth wondering due to the situation.


    And yes, obviously.

    As for making friends, I liked you guys before my run in with you where you implied that you'd be willing to shelter people from debts they owed me, accused me of being a huckster, and informed me that your members were barred from doing business with me because I wasn't a proper bank. For having the audacity to try and collect money owed to me.


    Do VE members just not have to honor their obligations? Seems you'll just back them up no matter what?

  5. Listen to the Radio show and look through this thread, over some spamming.  Showing concern crosses a line for you?


    I don't like having to attack people, I particularly don't like it when it's over something very, very silly.

    As a former vicious opponent of Guardian, you're wrong. Can Malone be a b*** sometimes? Of course. He can be an enormous b***. So can I. And so can you, obviously.
  6. You clearly are really emotional about all of this and that is not a normal reaction. If a little kid can "trigger" you so badly (that's the word the overly sensitive use these days, right?) by being annoying on IRC, maybe you should talk to someone. Malls, grocery stores, and schools may all become very difficult for you in the future. I understand that you may be special and delicate, but you can't expect everyone to walk on egg shells around you just because you can't emotionally cope with something as insignificant as someone being annoying on online. 


    I do truly feel bad, I don't ever want to see someone with whatever personal issues you may have be thrown into a hypersensitive fit by our hand, but we cannot let attacks on our members go unresponded to.


    You spoke with Goldie apparently, and that should have been that. Now though, you made your bed and have to lay in it.


    As for the rest of your post, there isn't much for me to address since it's predominately garbage. We anxiously await the day we can prove our mettle, but unfortunately we have been better at making friends then enemies. Also, as a side note, I'm not AFK and I'm on IRC nearly every week day from 9-5 unless I'm in court here and there, so you can reach me by query then if you, or anyone else, should need to speak. 


    Also, 60 million? You really think that's how much it was? haha

    Do all VE members accuse someone who disagrees with them of being emotional?
  7. !@#$ shut your whore mouth before I go full Guardian and send in my inexperienced on you for training. 

    OOC: What?  So just you would attack us?



    DiploQuickâ„¢ Diplomatic Response Form
    To: __Otto Von Bismarck__
    From: _Ashland <3__
    Dear Sirs:
    I/We hereby (bold one)
    [ ] SUPPORT
    [ ] DENY
    [ ] CONFIRM
    [ ] ________
    your recent
    [ ] QUERY
    [ ] NONSENSE
    [ ] INVASION
    [X] __Asshattery____
    of/to/by/from/because/through/for/with/that (bold one)
    Other preposition?: ____toward____
    [ ] ____insert here____
    of/to/by/from/because/through/for/with/that (bold one)
    Other preposition?: ________
    you grow a pair and make good on your threats, you little chickens***.
    Have a nice day,
    _Ashland___ (name of sender) 
    _Minister of Education_ (position and/or postscript)
    Message Generated by DiploQuickâ„¢ v 11.09: The Easy Way to Send Any Unimportant Missive to People You Don't Care About!
    DiploQuickâ„¢ is a service of Pompelintern. Accept no substitutes.
  8. I want to address something really important that everyone is missing:  All of our posts should be In Character, not Out of Character, guys.  Stop breaking the rules.




    Gideon tapped his feet slowly against the plush carpeting of the limousine.  He glanced across at his companion and reached over to pour him some coffee.


    "Here, take this." He said, offering the cup to Ryan.  "You haven't eaten or drank anything yet."


    His cohort waved gloved fingers to refuse the beverage.  The other glove was on his knee, being wrung by his free hand continuously.


    "No, thank you." He said, smiling as he remembered his manners.  "I have butterflies."


    Gideon blinked and pushed the coffee further towards Ryan.


    "Swat. Them."


    Ryan paused for a moment, using his gloved hand to push back his jet black hair, already cemented firmly in place by gel.  The action seemed to be more a force of habit than anything else.  At length this same hand reached out to accept the porcelain cup laden with the dark, bitter liquid.


    "What kind of coffee is it?"


    "It's hot..." Gideon said, gruffly as he crossed his legs, "It's brown... and it will wake you up.  What more do you need to know?  This is unlike you, Ryan.  Now, I know that this is your first conference regarding a war that will be conducted, but I assure you it's not that big a deal.  We're not even involved.  Is it because it's Guardian?  Prefontaine might be a horse's c*** but I assure you, nobody will bite your head off."


    Ryan smiled with his mouth and looked at his friend for the first time that day.  It was a sad, lonely sort of smile, like the one that a child gives a parent who is going away for a long time.


    "It's not that.  God, no, it's not that.  It's... Well.  About what we said last night..."


    He looked at the floor once more.  Silence.  The lilly-leaf patern on the floor of the car began to blur.  Presently, however, Gideon's hand came into his field of vision.  Ryan looked up again and saw that Gideon had, in fact, very purposefully extended his hand and was now waiting to see his reaction.  He smiled again, this time with his entire face, and took the outstretched hand with his own.


    "We make a good team." Gideon said.


    "We do."

    • Upvote 1
  9. Guardian and Test would murder VE in a war, the only way we would have a real shot to do damage is if we dragged the war out for a month or two, and slowly dragged down upper tier Guardian and Test nations one at a time and ground them down into our middle tier where we would have a numbers advantage, but even then, they would have the city advantage and most likely the resource advantage since thier nations on average are much older than VEs.


    You talk about all the wars we havent fought, I would think you would be smarter than that with all your vast war experience.

    What are you talking about? VE won wars left and right, didn't they? Lol.


    You're the largest bloc in the game.  You have literally twice as many players under your auspices and, given the high activity levels of TEst and Guardian, maybe 1.5 times as many ACTIVE players and perhaps just the same number of IRC active players.


    If you do not think you have what it takes now, you never will.  How many more allies do you need?  How many more members do you need?  How many more alliance treasuries do you need to inherit?  It baffles me.  It absolutely baffles me that you can simultaneously have so much confidence and so little.

  10. If you want military practice at the expense of an alliance that as far as I know is minding thier own business, you do it at the expense of taking a PR hit.  To be surprised when people dont endlessly hail you, and actually dissapprove of your actions is silly.  And why wouldnt they be upset? what stops you from hitting them next?  There is literally not a single alliance that can stop you and TEst if you wanted to conduct military practice on them.

    Just taking a gander at your nations, it seems that that's not true.  If you actually sat down and militarized your members, VE could go toe to toe with Guardian and TEst.  You'd need to make sure your upper tier wasn't blockaded so they could get aidbombed by your lower tiers.  But you could almost definitely win a war of attrition.


    As for SK, which would obviously rear its ugly head, I think your militia allies, when combined, could give them a run for their money at least.


    They'd definitely outnumber them.  They could probably fill almost all their slots with each person taking just one target.


    FURTHER EDIT:  Also, numbers matter most in the spy war, and numbers are your advantage.  With a cursory glance it SEEMS like a lot of your members have decent spies.  You need what you have plus a couple more in the 50 range and then maybe a couple in the 70 range and, with a surprise, you could win the spy war pretty damn quickly.


    I doubt any other sphere could go toe to toe with Guardian/TEst/SK, simply because no sphere is so large, but yours definitely could.

  11. DiploQuickâ„¢ Diplomatic Response Form

    To: ____Veridian Entente____
    From: ____Ashland____

    Dear Sirs:

    I/We hereby (bold one)

    [ ] CONDEMN
    [ ] SUPPORT
    [ ] DENY
    [ ] AFFIRM
    [X] ____REGARD WITH LULZ____

    your recent

    [ ] QUERY
    [ ] NONSENSE
    [ ] INVASION
    [X] ____ALLIANCE____

    to/by/from/because/through/for/with/that (bold one)
    Other preposition?: ____insert here____

    ____The Elysian League____


    [ ] ____insert here____

    of/to/by/from/because/through/for/with/that (bold one)
    Other preposition?: _______

    ____shit doesn't absolutely hit the fan____.

    Have a nice day,
    ____Ashland____ (name of sender) 
    ____Minister of Education____ (position and/or postscript)

    Message Generated by DiploQuickâ„¢ v 11.09: The Easy Way to Send Any Unimportant Missive to People You Don't Care About!
    DiploQuickâ„¢ is a service of Pompelintern. Accept no substitutes.

    • Upvote 5
  12. You could report that you suspect that they're doing it and sheepy can tell who's been spying them. Granted that's not full proof, sheepy can't tell who is friendly with who and all that. But I suspect we'll always run into that issue.

    You're vastly increasing the incentive to do it, though.  It's an issue that I don't know how to get around.

  13. well,it should be hard coded that it can't be done between alliance members at the very least.


    Sheepy could do somethings similar to fraud detection. Just run reports on the spy attacks performed each day,look at the types and damage done etc. if there were some funky outliers or clustering then it would be fairly obvious.

    I am 95% sure that there were some people we fought against who were getting friends to fill their spy slots.  Because my guys followed their orders and yet ESA members were magically getting 3 slots taken up with no damage.  And I was told almost point blank that not only is it difficult to enforce, but that there isn't even a rule about it right now.  So we dealt with it and were just very vigilant about when we spied them.


    What's more, you'd have to report it.  And by its nature it's difficult to even know if it's happening.  It's like asking the player to give an answer when they don't even know the question.

  14. Is there a policy negating said policy if the war was an offensive war? As in, you attack someone else?

    No.  I can't have my bank make me a liability in a war.  However, interest will continue to apply as long as I hold anyone's money and I will always do my utmost to get it back ASAP, which is what I'm doing now.

    • Upvote 1
  15. Withdraw 700,000 + Interest

    Noted.  To be clear, Cirrus policies allow us to turn away withdrawals 12 days after I'm in a war.  That being said, I'm currently working on withdrawals in a first-come-first-serve basis.  So Hiott will get his, and then you yours.  I don't think it should be very long, a couple days at most.

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