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Birth of a Nation




We are a nation, not a state. A nation is a people with shared morals, language, faith, and culture. A state is the governmental apparatus that enforces itself over a nation, or nations, in order to keep order. When those in government are the same as those who make up the nation, then peace and order reigns. When those in government comprise a different class or type of people to those who make up the majority of the nation, then the government (the state) must use force or deception to enslave a nation, or else there is anarchy.


In Xenios, the government and the people are one nation, one people. Those who are the same as us are part of our nation, and we will support them wherever they may be. Race or colour of skin is not important, as these things alone do not constitute a nation: again, we state that it is the culture, language, faith and shared morals that make a people kindred.


Xenios started as a society of people: the League of Anti-Judaizers. This is a league for those people wishing to flee this dying world - corrupted, as it is, by Talmudic practices - and establish a safe haven for sojourners. The league is established to renew and strengthen people - creating a new man: strengthening them not only physically, but also morally and spiritually. The League's name is in recognition that the main opposition to this spiritual renewal is Talmudic Judaism, a corruption of the Jewish religion founded in the Torah. Talmudic Judaism seeks to corrupt non-Jews through decadence and immorality so that they can be more easily enslaved.


Therefore, despite an apparent "isolationist" stance, the League has always been committed to fighting the evil schemes of Talmudic Jewry and their quislings worldwide, in order to free ordinary people from Jewish perversity, leading them to the light of personal salvation and renewal. We do not discriminate based on race, and so people of Jewish origin are indeed welcome to join the League, providing they thoroughly renounce the Talmudic Jewish faith.


The nation of Xenios came into existence alongside the The League of Anti-Judaizers. There is no point in saying Xenios founded the League or that the League established Xenios: those of us who joined the League became Xenioshians, and those who came to Xenios and became citizens automatically joined the League. The head of the League is the Polemarch (i.e. "War-Lord"), and he is therefore the de facto leader of Xenios, until a time comes that a more stable form of government is possible.


And why is the government in a war-ready posture? Because all about the nation of Xenios there is opposition and enemies wishing to crush us by any means possible. The underhand way in which this nation has been attacked by some, confirms Xenios' stance that Talmudic Judaism is a cowardly force, a force that hides in the shadows, and one which will do anything to prevent the spiritual growth of human beings. Xenios and the League will not be cowed by such deception. At the moment we are growing slowly, and building up military power and shoring up our defenses. Soon, the time of Xenios will come...


Inner peace through war abroad!

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