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Hrar and Bzal turn into warzones

Prince Hunter of Bavaria



The Peaceful tribes and villages of Hrar and Bzal beacons of peace and prosperity have been turned into war zones, with Coalition and Arabian-Backed Terror groups and ILO fighting for control of the two towns of Hrar and Bzal.


Northern Campaign
After Australian Forces were pushed 3km back out of Bzal, Coalition forces quickly captured Bzal and gained a foothold in Hrar. Dutch Forces have been battling the Arabian-Backed Terror Groups alongside ILA forces. Coalition Leadership can reveal that Hrar has been captured by Islamic Liberation Forces The Dutch 6th "Panthers" Armee with 4 Divisions from Australia 5 from Hungadada and 3 new division to arrive from Thundera. The 6th Armee been forced back out of the region with 8 Brigades all that remain from a breakthrough in the Coalition Lines.


Battle for Damascus
The Coalition Forces have begun to capture key cities and towns that have opened the route for Damascus, with The 3rd Royal Army and its 10-14 Allied Divisions poised to move on Damascus where heavy fighting has begun to bog down troops. Coalition Forces have begun to bomb ILO positions relentlessly with light civilian casualties.


Southern Campaign
Coalition Forces under Hungadada's 8th Army have received much-needed reinforcements by the armies arriving from Thundera. The 8th Army has 8 Allied Divisions in its arsenal and has begun to capture the last ILO and ILA Stronghold left in Southern Lebanon.

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