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Posts posted by Kell-El

  1. 11 minutes ago, Justin076 said:

    I don't recall his specific conduct but I can say that he was warned by me to not use derogatory terms. However, not to make excuses for some of his conduct but it was always in a joking way. Queen M, against my warnings took him seriously and refused to ignore his jokes and trolls. I mean, his conduct was regularly juvenile but I as an adult just ignored his at times childish behavior. Queen M was not cooperative when I tried to mend the relations, she was very stubborn and as I like to say, passionate. Prezyan was a bit more cooperative but Queen M stuck to her guns and demanded his remove despite my attempts at peacefully repairing their relationship. He was vital, he didn't cause issues with other members, his conduct wasn't inappropriate to the point that would warrant removal and only seemed to get on the nerve of Queen M. It was not an easy decision for me to see Queen M leave but it was a risk I had to take as a leader and as a friend to prevent my alliance from exploding. 

    I recall seeing a lot of !@#$ jokes and comments directed her way, mate. Sven saw them, too, if he's still around. 

    "Some random alliance that we absorbed called my second in command several slurs when we took them in and I just asked him very nicely to stop. I saw the jokes, but I'm not black so I wasn't offended and they weren't all thaaaat bad. I left my friend to defend herself alone so that this new alliance can work and when I did that they left me anyways."

    You never deserved her in your alliance, your government, and you sure as shit don't deserve to keep namedropping her as some friend when you have been anything but. You're right where you belong.

    • Downvote 3
  2. 10 minutes ago, Justin076 said:

    Fascinating. I feel it necessary to comment on this. For those wondering the context of this, after Resplendent merged into TCW, Queen M had trouble getting along with Resplendent's leader, Prezyan. Prezyan was rather right wing, maintained conservative values which did not line up with the values of Queen. A personal rift developed between them and things got sour. I tried my best to counsel and repair the relationship between them, I can say that both parties, Prezyan and Queen M were not cooperative with my efforts of pleasing both parties and repairing the relationship like adults so no one had to face disciplinary action. Following the merge, things were relatively fragile and I tried to mend everyone together and mold the alliance into one, instead of TCW and Resplendent. Removing their leader, Prezyan, which was the request of Queen M was not viable for me to do as a leader and would have had serious effects on our newly founded alliance. I made the decision to not expel Prezyan as I not only felt his conduct wasn't worth banishment from the alliance and that doing so would have broken apart the newly merged TCW. Looking back, my decision was the right one, that merge defined TCW as an alliance and many who came over had helped me tremendously as I built TCW, Julian, Turner to mention a few names. It was certainly a great loss to lose Queen M due to the above events but it was out of my hands. 


    Also, don't flatter yourselves, no ones obsessed with whatever "you're doing". We are however interested in an alliance that was plotting against us in back channels. Thats how this who rift started and why I'd say many in TGH see you as an enemy. 

    You let him slide with n-word jokes that were directed to and at her and you know it. I was there, saw it for myself when it happened, and told her to cut you off then. She helped you build TCW, did a lot of damn work for you, and you don't stick up for her?  She didn't just have trouble getting along with Prezyan. She had trouble with her friend and alliance leader that she worked with since the beginning not having a spine and leaving her to be attacked by dipshits that ended up stabbing you in the back, if memory serves anyways. With friends like you, who would need enemies?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sketchy said:

    Durmij, you do realize the reason relations initially deteriorated between our alliances, was because we caught Queen M plotting against us right?

    That's certainly news. Did you happen to, I don't know, ask about this alleged plot? Or you just took someone else's word for it?

  4. You guys will keep denying it but you're obsessed w/QM and what she's doing. Case in point, you're all still showing each other your dicks after she's already said she's checked out of a thread that was started by someone tracking what her alliance is doing. Manifestation of insecurities is putting it lightly. Public threats, slander, harassment, professions of "friendship" from someone that already betrayed her loyalty when they founded The Commonwealth together and then stayed silent as his "friend" was getting dragged through the mud by his newer and bigger friends? All of that and not one word from someone that's leading your alliance? You send your "deputy"  who seems to be the inciting incident to form this fracture of "friendship" and the formation of this adolescent "WE HATE QM Club" that composes Reichbloc/Slursphere/Swastibloc TGH and KT. That dog don't hunt, as they say where I'm from. A good ol' boy from the great state of Tennessee can spot a dogwhistle and gaslight of someone like her from a mile away.

    "Love and respect" privately but her alliance is somehow ruining your lives publicly? I would say the thirst is real, but there's certainly more there. Since the lot of you seem to have issues with reading comprehension and things like pictures work better for you....


    This is one of several things that add up to us definitely concluding that you're being willfully ignorant, gaslighting, and just outright lying. Durmij noted earlier that The Golden Horde & Friends have made and fostered an environment that made this the most logical thing to do to secure TRF's longevity. Having an alliance that can't help but very loudly proclaim how shit TRF/QM is on a regular basis led to somehow to us finding allies that will have our backs, even when the cool kids get on a tear.

    How would one translate "unhealthy obsession with women who aren't nice to you after being dicks to her" in Mongolian?



    Looking forward to working with you in the future, TCW. The structure of that alliance has good bones because of QM's founding tenure there as Second In Command. Already looking like a great team and partnership.


    • Downvote 4
  5. 1 hour ago, NewOttomans said:

    TRF calling themselves commies? Ha! NPO and BK with their command economy are the real commies!

    TRF is not calling themselves commies, but it seems everyone else.

    I honestly can't tell what it is you people hate more: Communism or Queen M's presence in the game. Everyone knows that she's not a communist. She says TRF's not a communist alliance and it's conveniently ignored to make space for your raging hard-ons for her.


    Good show, gents. Nice way to make enemies out of those that could've been friendly at best, or indifferent at worst.

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