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Posts posted by sly

  1. What if we made the licenses free? I agree that money shouldn't factor into self defense (although I usually take it further and include education, housing, etc.).


    I don't selectively use terminology like "assault weapon" (when you think about it, aren't all weapons designed for some kind of assault?) in an attempt to have certain guns banned. Yet, because I support licensing, you assume that I do use terminology in such a manner. Not everyone who advocates such policies is your typical American liberal.


    Gun licensing and no-gun-zones aren't the best things to compare, but I can see how this is an easy mistake to make. I personally do not support licensing because I've been duped into thinking that the state can keep guns out of the hands of those who want them. It is because those who choose to own a firearm should know how to safely use, store, and maintain it. Think of gun licensing as being like a lock. Honest folks see a lock and know not to tamper with it. Malicious people are going to find a way around a lock, some fairly easily. Honest folks will gain valuable knowledge in the process of obtaining their license. Malicious people are going to find a way to get their guns, as well.


    wasn't directed solely at you.


    I compared all the regulations attempted in the last 2 years to gun free zones. look how well registration has worked in CT. millions just refused to register. the state fearing what would happen if they chose to enforce it have chosen to ingore the now criminals. if you ban mags the mags won't disapear, if they ban guns the guns won't vanish. I and millions and millions of others will refuse to comply. we won't register them, we won't get a license for a right(will we next get 1st amdendment licenses?) we won't turn them in, we won't buy gun insurance(unless it insures the guns from lost)


    thats the bottom line. we have half who wants no guns the other half wants guns. I sometimeswonder if we would not be better off as two nations given how half the nation disagrees witht he other half on so many matters.


    I take the live and let live. ie let others do what they want and do what you want. don't force others to live like you or bow to your ideas .

    I don't like smoking or weed, i think both should be legal. I don't like motorcyles they are dangerous, I don't think they should be banned. though they aren't protected by the consitiuition. guns are. so when you are ok with creating licenses for freedom of speech, where you have 10 levels. 1 one is limtied to his house, level 2 can talk at work, 3 general public, 4 forums relating to his hobbies 5. facebook..... and so on.

    but everyone would be like no thats a voilation of our rights. you can't do that. you can't make us have a id to vote, you can't make us have a license to avoid unwarrented searchs.


    all rights are equally protected not just the ones you like.


    freedom is risky, freedom isn't free, and freedom can be deadly but to live without freedom is no life at all.

  2. http://www.glockstore.com/glock-factory-handguns


    I think the fact that guns cost a few hundred-a few thousand dollars punishes poor people, not a license that would most likely cost a couple bucks. Nobody's going to go "Damn, I was going to buy this gun that costs 500$ but I don't know if I can afford that 20$ licence.


    guns can cost as low as $50


    a very popular gun the hipoints cost around 120-160


    if you knew about guns you would know the whole guns are expensive is false. they can be a scar 17 cost 3,500. I don't buy scar 17s.


    and my dl cost $60. also I bought my guns years ago when I could afford to save for them, now I can't which is why I haven't bought any in years. ohters can inherit guns or be gifted them.


    glocks are pricy, but compare them to sigs or others and you see they are more in the moderate pricing. s&w makes similar guns for 50 dollars les. then there are other brands that copy the design somewhat and sell for 200.  alot of the price of glocks is for the brand. glocks probably cost 150 to make. they give them away for free to cops and charge more to civilians to cover the cost.

  3. to all thos saying make a gun license. there is no amendment in the bill of rights that garentees you the right to drive a car or transporation. the is one that protects our right to own guns. the supreme court ruled that it is a individual right.


    all the things you talk about do is make gun ownsership a thing for the wealthy only. you punish the poor who live in bad areas, the people who need guns to defend themselves. you punsih the people who had guns passed down to them .


    in my state you don't have to report a car stolen. just as I don't have to report any of my other property stolen. you do so to get it back.


    how is a 15 any different then a ruger mini 14 or a 10/22. yet one you call a assualt weapon(made up term) and the others not. despite that they are all simi auto rifles that take magazines.  a man in a tower with a bolt action gun can kill more poeple.


    all these new ideas for regulations are are feel good things that do nothing. just as a sign that says gun free sone makes you feel good, but does nothing to stop a guy walking in and shooting. but you feel safe until it happens.


    like the silly sign down the road that says tsanmue safe zone, caus the road that goes along the beach went up 2 feet, yeah the giant wave sure will look at that sign and stop.


    none of these things will happen thankfully to people who stand up and fight for what is right. I will never understand this irrational fear of guns so many people have.


    "guns are bad"

    why are they bad

    "cause..... guns are bad"

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