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Posts posted by Edwardidk

  1. 52 minutes ago, Valkorion Baratheon said:

    The most iconic pieces of art tend to stem from periods of growth and even human despair. da Vinci and the Mona Lisa (growth). van Gogh, who suffered from chronic depression, and The Starry Night (despair). One such pumpkin truly embodies the second requirement for great art. Arch's pumpkin. His is a piece of art born of the despair that comes from eons of darkness by a regime of pure oppression. And thus, I present to you, "TKR Sucks." 

    Join the cause. Vote for Arch's pumpkin today. May Khorne wish you luck on the battlefield for this is an extension of The Great War

    You may be onto something here. Memes used to be simple. Relatable. Worth a chuckle. Then they evolved. New formats, new tag lines, new content that was then turned into a new meme. Then memes became increasingly meta and self reflective. They parodied themselves and the users who both made them and consumed them. They built off of one another. They grew. They morphed into something entirely novel. This progressed to the point where even that wasn't enough. They had to become something more than themselves. They became surreal. They became deep fried and nuked. Each flavor building off of the last and transforming into a nearly intangible, unknown entity.

    Art progressed in a similar fashion. Started off simple, I'm talking cave drawing simple. Then some pottery and some small abstract sculptures. Subjects everyone could relate to and understand. Then, as technology allowed for the creation of cultures and societies, art began to reflect that change and it evolved along with it. By the Ancient Greeks and Romans, art had become a more advanced version of the Stone and Bronze Age arts. Better drawings, paintings, and the addition of mosaics. Sculptures eventually shifted from stylistic expression to naturalistic representation. Still accessible to everyone, yet more nuanced and complex.

    After the fall of Rome art stagnated and didn't change very much for nearly a millennium. Early Christian art dominated for the most part, consisting of murals and frescos and simple statues. All of which were based on the Ancient styles. Romanesque and Gothic art also built upon these precedents. This all changed when the Renaissance attacked.

    A cultural explosion changed the art world forever; arguably starting with the Italian artist, Giotto. He began using techniques like foreshortening and linear perspective so that the material world could be represented as it appeared to us. A callback to the naturalistic stylings of the Greeks. Almost like a reference to the days of yore. A celebration of how art used to be, but with the explosion of new techniques and technologies, the art grew increasingly diverse. New and improved frescoes, meticulously crafted sculptures, architectural marvels and the inclusion of new materials in these works. Instead of tempera, oil was introduced along with new styles of depicting light and shadow through sfumato and chiaroscuro. These techniques and stylistic changes, while impressive, were simply an advancement of pre established art. The Renaissance paved the way for the explosion and diversification of dozens of art movements that followed.

    From prehistoric art to the end of the Renaissance, art was mostly about the same subjects and used similar techniques to accomplish the goal of producing a work of art. Yes, the technical proficiency exponentially improved but considering the centuries in between, few true advancements were made.

    Compare this to memes. They were so simple at first and really were nothing more. Then they got better. More technical. More circumstantial. More media to create them with. But memes could last years or many months before dying off. As time went on, the longevity of a meme shortened. This is paralleled in the art world.

    After the Renaissance the Baroque period started. Then the Neo-Classicism, Romantic, Realism, and Impressionism movements not long after. Still utilizing the same technical process but the reasoning behind the movements changed. No longer was it about simply depicting the world around us, it was about prompting the viewer to consider new thoughts and ideas. Urging them to look past the image and think deeper about meaning and context. Pushing the boundaries of what art could be. The Baroque to Impressionism era spanned roughly 300 years. Compare that to the thousands of years between archaic art and the Renaissance. It was a huge explosion of self expression. Finally, in the mid to late 19th century starting with Post-Impressionism, Modern art emerged. This movement focused on self-consciousness, self-reference, introspection, existentialism, and even nihilism. I'm talking Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Abstract Expressionism, and Surrealism to name the most well known.

    These styles changed what art could be. They were no longer about depicting life as is, or layering a painting with hidden motifs for only the privileged to understand, they were in and of themselves absurd. Abstract shapes, aggressive lines and colors, nonsensical dreamscapes. But it didn't stop there.

    Post-modernism. Pushing art to the limit of its potential. Pop art, Conceptual art, Minimalism, Fluxus, Installation art, Lowbrow art, Performance art, Digital art, Earth art. These movements are about skepticism, irony, rejecting grand narratives and reason and instead embracing the idea that knowledge and truth are the result of social, historical, and political discourse and subsequently are a subjective, social construct. It's irreverent and self-referential. It's avant-garde pushed to 11. But what's next? Post-postmodernism? Metamodernism? Hypermodernity? Who knows? Only time will tell. This is where memes are headed. They started off slow but have picked up so much momentum they're evolving at an exponential pace. They used to hang around for a couple years at most. Then it turned to months. Then maybe only one month. Suddenly it was a week tops. While some particularly great memes do still stick around much like the masterpieces of art in the past, new memes are created every day, every few hours. New movements of memes are being created all the time. Anti-memes. Dank memes. Abstract memes. Wholesome memes. Surreal memes. Deep fried memes. Nuked memes. Even black hole memes, time travel, and dimensional memes are now a reality. What's going to happen next? A return to the classics? A new format so brilliant it steals all our hearts and then starts a whole new movement? I'm excited for the future of memes.

    And then, comes this. Words cannot describe the beauty of this art form. The sharp edges in the design, the intricate orangeness of the pumpkin blends together which each letter to invoke emotion deep into our hearts. So staggeringly striking, so full of emotion, that the carving ingrains itself into your mind all day and enters your dreams, each angle striking fear and chaos into the soul.

    TL;DR tkr suxRelated image

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  2. To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand the true valuation of hummus, the food, drink, and our only sustenance in the future. Only the smartest and most technologically advanced memers know the means to extract it from the foreign hummus mines, while most normies struggle as they attempt to grow hummus in their backyards. It's hilarious to see these sheeple using such an inefficient method of extraction while giving away all of their hummus secrets to the general public to see. Only the most elite members of society know that mining hummus is the only safe method of hummus farming where they can not only keep their secret methods and techniques, but also eventually become rich by investing in the future, more formally known as hummus.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Johnny Costello said:

    I'm arguing my own point.  As I've stated.  It's not ok to harrass people.  If someone does it they should be removed from the community.  Yet I've been fought against that by multiple people like I've claimed the sky is red or some off the wall claim.. I personally don't care if the claim is true or false.  My concern is that it shouldn't happen.. From A to B or B to A.  I don't get how people aren't understanding that 

    Thanks for the clarification! The reason that people are jumping on you is because you didn't really make that clear. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that harassment is definitely not OK. I think there was a lot of confusion about what your point was. :P

  4. 3 hours ago, Sylvia said:

    The OP has free speech rights just like everyone else.  Plenty of people express opinions about plenty of topics that I've read without clear "proof."

    But the OP is talking about implementing a basically "hit list" of who to perma-war based on their expressions and usage of freedom of speech. Isn't that kind of ironic?

    39 minutes ago, Dubayoo said:


    Facts Opinions Values.png

    I am actually intrigued by this diagram. Could you explain to me what you mean by this?

  5. 16 hours ago, Johnny Costello said:

    Playing the victim.  Gosh you see my Facebook messages when I post this stuff.  Sadly this is taking that same path.  Yet that's not the issue.  I put yet another example and got called a "victim" 

    I legit still don't understand what you mean by this. Can you explain in a way that's easier to understand?

    16 hours ago, Johnny Costello said:

    B.  Proof isn't needed to agree with a cause.  It's not longer if it's true. It's that we as a community should not let it become true.  Also confused on how standing up for women not getting sexually assaulted isn't standing uo for the cause of equality.  That's like saying I hate fast food.  While eating McDonald's.  It's a contradiction thus untrue.  

    Yes, proof isn't needed to agree with a cause... however, proof is needed to propose a change. What I've taken from the OP's post is that the OP is trying to propose a change to end sexism in PnW. If you are standing up for the cause, I stand corrected. I'm not trying to attack you directly, I'm just stating things for the sake of discussion.

    16 hours ago, Johnny Costello said:

    Person A.  "Gun violence is bad"

    Me.  "I agree" 

    End.  Of.  Story.  

    But is this what's really happening in this thread? You're still ignoring the underlining argument of that post.

  6. 2 hours ago, Johnny Costello said:

    I didn't make the claim.  So it makes 0 sense that I should prove it.  I only agreed with the cause.  But thanks for pointing your finger at me.  Not like standing up for equal rights causes a multitude of players to constantly act like you said the claims.. When someone says "sexism is bad" and you agree it's kinda pathetic to get treated like a murder suspect..... 

    Don't quite understand what your point is here...


    You're not standing up for equal rights. By agreeing with what the OP was posting, you are effectively saying that sexism is a problem in PnW, and there needs to be immediate action taken. Throughout this post, I'm just asking for anyone to back up their claims with some sort of evidence. I have neither targeted you or "treated you like a murder suspect", so stop playing the victim.

  7. 21 hours ago, Johnny Costello said:

    Well me ow.  Who shoved a lead pipe up your ass. How about asking a woman who made the claim.  It's legit that easy.  Don't be lazy then !@#$ to everyone else.  !@#$ 

    The fact that you, someone who is claiming that sexism exists, either 1. can't be bothered to take 5 seconds of your life to copy paste something, or 2. can't find it because it's not as rampant as you say it is. Again, you're not answering JP's point about the lack of evidence...

    21 hours ago, Johnny Costello said:

    I'm going to cite a book against this, Ethnic America by Thomas Sowell, a book with hundreds of sources written by an expert, against your ad-cluttered website that has next to no citations and which has some random unqualified journalist as an author.

    "...it is as misleading in the economic area as in other areas to think of [American ethnic groups] as "minorities" who fall below some "majority", or national average, in socioeconomic terms. A number of ethnic groups exceed the national average in socioeconomic status. Many factors are responsible for these economic differences among the various groups. Age is a major factor that is often overlooked..."

    The book then continues to describe how education, culture, and fertility also contribute to the skewed statistics.

    13 hours ago, Lightning said:

    Tell me this, how many females are alliance leaders? If it isn't 50% then women are being chased away from those roles and out of the game by the toxic masculinity that has been present in this game for too long. I say no more, I stand with the OP and say no to toxic masculinity.

    Ignoring the fact that most gamers tend to be males regardless of gaming due to the toxic communities usually attributed. This game seems to actually have a higher percentage of females in leadership positions than other games.

    12 hours ago, Syrano said:

    1) Notice that virtually all females on here are not on your side, and surely not *every* woman is evil feminazi only interested in complaining

    There have been females on our side... you just haven't noticed them.

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