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Han Young Gi

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Posts posted by Han Young Gi

  1. After leaving the world of Orbis unnoticed, The Empire decided to settle down again in Orbis, and getting involved once again in political matters of Orbis. 

    The Emperor and his entire family left Orbis and his empire two months ago as he had important and classified missions in another dimension. The Empire was left and led by a temporary-emperor Oh Sang Kyun. Under the leadership of temporary-Emperor Oh, the empire ran Isolationism, a foreign policy which prohibit any contacts with most outside countries, in order to remain as an empire and safe from any foreign interferences (conflicts). 

    The Empire remains isolated and shrank the territory into a small, isolated country in Asia, until this day.

    Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Nihon (23/10/2045)

    It was a normal sunny day in Kyoto, and the temporary-Emperor Oh was picking apples from apple trees in the Imperial Garden. 

    The city of Kyoto looks homogenic--in terms of no foreigners at all, since an isolationism policy is running.

    Later, an Imperial staff ran across the garden and was looking after Emperor Oh. 

    Soon, he found Emperor Oh in the garden, and tried to talk. They talked seriously and the Emperor Oh surprised a bit, soon they walked together to the outside of the Imperial Palace.

    Imperial Bureau, Kyoto, Nihon (23/10/2045)

    The two have arrived in the Imperial Bureau building, and entered a room with hundreds projectors on the wall.

    A large screen on the floor showed a notification, saying there is an incoming call from Emperor Han in the other side of the world.

    Soon the projectors showed a hologram image of Emperor Han, he looked the same, with only difference that now he has a beard. 

    The two (Imperial staff and the temporary emperor) vowed respectfully to the Emperor. The Emperor soon informed that he's going back to the Empire in seconds, and he'll land inside the bureau building.

    The two nodded and turned their back, facing the door.

    Soon a bright light flashed and the Emperor and his family appeared. After the Emperor arrived, they decided to go back to the palace and preparing for the enthronement of the emperor.

    Imperial Palace, Kyoto, Nihon (25/10/2045)

    The Emperor held the enthronement in the morning, with no audience, as he didn't invite the people to watch him throned again. But instead, a bunch of government and imperial staffs are watching the enthronement.

    As the enthronement was done, he ordered the press to made a news about his second enthronement and a new territory of the empire to the world.


    Official nation name: The Empire of Nihon

    Population (P&W numbers): 


    GDP per capita (P&W numbers): 


    Population density (sq. km): 100.70 people/sq. mi
    Form of Government: Absolute Monarchy

    Politics & War Wikia link (leave blank if you don't have one): 

    Describe your Nation IC: An empire, built on the purpose of uniting the people with eastern ethnic ties.
    Describe yourself in OOC terms: A korea-obsessed guy 

    Have you read, and do you agree to abide with, the rules? (Yes/No): Yes
    (You must not have a history of continuous rule breaks in the national affairs subforum!)

    Where on the map do you want to be located? (Using real-world geography/nations, or a self-provided map): 


    Nation flag link (if you have a specific one you want to be used):


    (Map-wise, you're limited to a maximum of 50 provinces. If you go higher than that, I'll personally adjust it down until it's at 50, or ask you to re-do your own example until it fits within the 50 province limit. Note that expansion is allowed, but at a maximum of four provinces per month as to be as realistic as possible. This rule applies to nations under 50 provinces as well. Nations are permitted to own colonies, but at a maximum of 5 with no more than 20 provinces each. Provinces are unable to be moved from one location to another. Gifted land is also capped at four provinces per month. Land gained by a nation as a result of war can be more than this.)

    (You are required to post at least once a month (no more than a month after your last post) in the national affairs subforum to remain active. This means creating your own topic, not just commenting on someone else's posts. Inactive nations will be removed from the map.)



  3. The Nihonese Empire made its first migration program today, September 7. The Empire states, "our current place is only a temporary settlement. our actual place is in the east, as our ancestor have told us before. in order to do so, the emperor have prepared an armada of passenger and cargo aircrafts. any of you are given rights to pack your stuffs before the end of this month. the first batch of immigrants have gone and built a permanent settlement in our new territory. each batches are limited to only 5000 families "

    As all citizens are registered in the national database server, there's no queue for having a seat in the aircrafts. Citizens who are already prepared could go immediately, after they've filled out a form and gettin' their ID card scanned in the immigration centre.

    Just like other civilizations in the past, abandoned buildings are everywhere. However, the government have decided to bulldoze those abandoned buildings to the ground, and they made sure to leave no trace and plant a tree in every single building blocks.

    The second batch of the migration program have started from today until the end of the month. The first aircrafts have left the airport this morning, and is expected to back at night.

  4. *Its been a while since Nihon is out, so i decided to make a post to stay on the map*


    The Leader of Nihon, Emperor Han, was sitting in the middle of the Imperial Palace's garden, with his eyes closed,sitting cross-legged, and his hands were put on his knees. It was such a beautiful morning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the rivers are flowing..

    It was 8 AM and he's been in this state since 6. The garden looked empty, although some guards were walking around the garden as they were doing their jobs. Then, the garden door was opened, and it's Empress Yewon, walked out from the door, crossing the small bridge and stopped as soon as she approached the Emperor.

    She slowly touched Han's shoulder while saying, "honey, breakfast is ready". The Emperor slowly opened his eyes, and said "thank you. i'll catch up as soon as i'm done with this". The Empress smiled, and walked away from him, and entered the palace. 

    Emperor Han, closed his eyes again, and took a small rock below his foot, and threw it to the pond, caused the water to ripple a bit. As soon as the ripple reached the edge of the pond, he slowly opened his eyes, and stood, ending his zen meditation. He looked to the pond, and said "...someone's been out". Soon he turned his back and walked inside to get a breakfast with his family.

    After he ended the breakfast, he walked to his office. He sat in a chair and called all the nobles through hologram call. Five minutes later, all the nobles appeared on the hologram screen and waited for the Emperor to start speaking.

    "so..hello, everyone. sorry if i'm bothering you in this very peaceful morning, but i have a great message. to be exact, a great chance. 'that' has been out from our desired place", he said.

    "..for real, your majesty?" , asked Takada, the noble of the north.

    "yes. of course, why would i lie to you anyway?" said the Emperor.

    "our 'desired' place? do you mean.. the far east side of this continent?", asked Sakumo, the noble of the south.

    "yes, you're exactly right"

    "this is our chance, your majesty. we can't wait anymore. in case 'it' will be back, we should hurry", said Nara, the noble of the west.

    "yes. sure. Takada, inform the ministry and the senate, and order them to build a colony in that area. Nara, spread the news to the world, tell the world we are 'expanding for scientific reasons', and Sakumo, you're in charge of the military, in case 'it' will be back"

    The nobles soon turned off their call and proceed to do their job. While the nobles are busy with their jobs, the Emperor turned his chair to the window and he looked to the sky through the window, and grinned.




    It's evening in Shin Tokyo, almost 10 PM. The city is getting empty as everyone have closed their door, except for some clubs, and the Imperial Senate Dome. A light shined brightly from the main hall, indicating someone's still having some work there; or maybe just a janitor scared of the dark--and there's the Emperor with some Nobles talking peacefully with a cup of coffee in a small table.

    "you know, i'm sick with all these colonies over the earth" said Takada Kenta, one of the Noble.

    "we were not supposed to be an empire and having colonies anyway..but you guys insisted.." said the Emperor, looking at three nobles sitting next to him.

    "that's because we're aware of our true history and culture, we asked you to make an empire and be imperialistic by having colonies here and there" , they said.

    "really? i mean, if we want to have colonies, we don't have to claim all that lands as it's just wasting our resources and money.. all these small islands are just bothersome" said Takada Kenta.

    "hmm..i see your point. but these small islands are basically a place for our military base! we could watch and help our allies by sending our forces from there" said one of the Nobles.

    The Emperor slammed his fist on the table, and got a bit angry, "but that makes us the same as America. building bases everywhere, deploying soldiers for no reason.. what are we? a bloodthirsty coountry? always interfere in other country's problems? proxy war? helping our allies? are you sure? they are much more stronger than us, and the last time we offered them a help, they've already won the war?

    it's just the opposite of our ideology. we are supposed to have a peaceful relations with other countries, not war" , he said.

    "aight, calm down. he's right. i agree with him. let's just..taking our colonies back to the mainland", said Takada Kenta.

    "okay, alright then.. i'm not sure but somewhat i agree with what you said. but let's not taking back our colonies in the Philippines and Taiwan, those lands are.." 

    "stop. okay, let's take our colonies back in corsica and cordoba. are you guys agree?" , asked the Emperor.

    The other nobles nodded and they stood up, and walked out of the room, together.


    • Upvote 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Erin Brockovich said:

    Too long? Really? No, you want to make it where you can have tech researched, developed, and mass produced in a day, which is not ok in any sense. My stance on tech will stay, as it should be RPed out how you gained that technology, how you manufactured out after final tastings and etc. 


    I'm going to exempt tech that you have already included in your nation. Future tech must follow the guidelines I set out.  

    okay, so.. all technologies i have should be RPed? well..that'll spent a lot of threads in the NatRP

    by the way, you said a research and development in a day is not possible, so each of the events must be posted in a different day?

    if i researched this day, can i make the development or mass production RP of the technological-thing on the next day?

  7.                                              khr.png                                                   




    (Sunday, 2/07) The Empire made a new expansion for its territory, due to scientific needs. An imperial meeting was held this morning, in the Senate Dome (renamed from Council Hall), with the Emperor being the speaker.

    The Emperor Han Young Gi made a new expansion to the north after he had seen the new discovery of "living metal" and several mysterious creatures in the northern island of Nihon, Kimizu island. The Kimizu military base had guarded their own place before backup forces came. The creatures attacked the military base and fortunately, only a few soldiers got wounded with minor injuries. The creatures were captured and contained inside a specially-made cell by backup forces.

    The living metal, however, was found underground approx. 40km from the Kimizu military base, in a cave. As the metal was harmless, the backup forces successfully contained a small sample found near the entrance. Further research is being held by the National Scientific Research Department, as of today, they found the metal is alive and can be programmed, although no attempt was did.

    "as we are thirsty of science and technology, and we seek an advancement in technology for humanity, i have decided to claim the northern island, and probably--svalbard island too. as for other territories, such as philippines, i'll claim another one to make a new colony, and establish a new transmigration program as our mainland is already crowded with humans, and i need to balance the amount of untouched forests with human civilisations"

    The Imperial Senate had also agreed the expansion proposal made by the Emperor, yesterday. The Senate even showed a big interest to these new discoveries.


  8. Actually, i don't really care, but by having a timeline means i need to completely change my nation and no more freedom on making an interesting out-of-the-box stories since we have to stick to the main timeline. 

    Since i followed Cheonsa's timeline, i don't think there's any illogical things happened there. Everything outside of the real world is illogical, and a lot of people had made this kind of stories, that's just the profit of being creative and having a great imagination. 

    Maybe it seems illogical to see vampires being muslims, usa was defeated by an asian nation, etc.. But it's all a made up story, so it's logical. It would be illogical if you compare the RP world with real-world. It's RP! Anyone can do anything they want, as long as they stick to the rule.

    Being a hero or a villain in each story is just.. normal. Because it's their story, and you can't say "change the story. i don't want you to be a hero in your own story" bcs that's ridiculous. 

    And the NatRP has no exact rule about timelines or tech tiers, so nations can make any story in any timeline they want..

    But yeah, if the members here want to make an exact timeline, some nations need to "restart" their nation and declare themself again, i guess.

    • Upvote 1
  9. khr.png





    (Kyoto, 23/06) The previously owned by Nova Scotia area, the region near the arctic of Orbis, is going to be used after no clear information from the empire for two weeks. The empire seems to remain silent after all this time, therefore, they finally speak up along with the senate, for the future of this new area.


    Yesterday, The Emperor of Nihon in the Imperial Senate Building, said that this new area would be in use for good purposes, such as a conservation centre, or a military base. However, as he only mentioned those two, it is still unclear whether the Emperor will make use of this area as a centre of human population like other areas in the pacific, or as a beneficial area for the empire.


    Nevertheless, The Emperor spoke again in the Imperial Palace, this morning, "it is clear that the new area will be used for conservation centre, especially for our beloved Kirin. and of course, the legislation have been approved by the Senate and the nobles of Nihon"


    This made sure that the new area would be used for a conservation centre. Moreover, he also said there'll be a new military base built in this new area. However, it'll be built not on the purpose of war against the neighbouring countries, although the Empire is in a bad relation with them. It'll serve as a training centre and factories. The area used will be only 40% from the total area of 1,007,700 km. The rest, as he said, will remain untouched. The Hayabusa Dropship will serve as main transport to this area.


    • Animal name: Kirin/Qilin
    • Brief description: A large (as large as a giraffe) , powerful, sentient hooved chimerical dragon, with fish-like scales, and a deer-like appearance. Its legs are similar with giraffe's. There are three different species, what differentiate them is the shape of their horn and their tail. 
    • Population/Conservation Status: Extinct in the wild, few found alive, underground, in  â–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆ by ZBHK (animal conservation department). Surviving Kirins are now being taken care by the HFB (mythical creature/object research department) along with ZBHK  in â–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆâ–ˆ, Kamchatka Prefecture. Classified as Safe by the HFB.
    • Legality of killing: Any kind of threats (including killing) against this creature is illegal and those who violated the rule will be punished.
    • Other laws regarding them: They are considered as "special", means they have the right to fly anywhere or do anything inside the territory of Nihon. And have the rights to participate in the council (through special procedures), but they're being kept in captivity in order to not to extinct. 
    • How are they relevant to your nation? Kirin has been known as the "Eastern Unicorn" due to its existence in various east asian cultures. Also, Kirin symbolises prosperity and serenity, and bring good chances to happen in life.
    • Any other facts: Despite their fierce appearance, they're actually known to be gentle creatures. 
    • Picture:


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