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Posts posted by fliesnow

  1. On the tanks screen, if you current tank force is higher than your improvement cap (ie, factories destroyed in battles), it assumes a negative number in the build spot. By comparison, the soldiers screen shows a 0 when the force is higher than the cap. Presumably one is in error.



    Due to lack of damages and/or lack of forces to begin with, I cannot test Navy/Air force for the same bug.


    One of my main concerns and reasons for wanting to limit the API to daily requests is that people are using the API to check trade prices super frequently and jump on accidental trades, in many cases before the player who posted the trade has the chance to realize their mistake and cancel it. I've gotten many complaints about this, and how people are "botting" and it's unfair because they don't know how to set up scripts to get that advantage.



    I must confess that much of this is my fault, at least if the jump was recent. A previous version (in the form of a plugin) was distributed on the forum with a far superior version having recently been distributed it within BK via greasyfork. It has always been my intention to distribute it to anyone who is interested, but finals season has slowed that down somewhat......


    If you decide to restrict it to VIP, that seems reasonable on the surface. It will, however, give VIP subscribers a significant advantage in the Resource Brokering field. That is my only concern with the idea.


    Also, if I understand the game rules correctly, it is only actually "Botting" if the script itself is making the trade. In this case, all the information is publicly available and these players are just able to access it more quickly. 


    Sometime within the next few days I will post the aide visibly on these forums. For now, here is where it can be found if anyone reading this is interested: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24872-fliesnow-s-politics-and-war-aide

  3. This doesn't really help in either situation. Once damaged after a war, all of your cities will have a slightly different infra level and require a different amount of infra to be purchased. Also, most of the time when upgrading cities normally you will be doing it one city at a time because that is when you have the cash available.


    It's not a terrible idea, but the one or two chances where it might be useful (semi-active player logging in once a week to buy&sell) is not worth the effort on the part of the developers or the confusion for players trying to learn it. 

  4. Hello Orbis!


    I am a new player, but in my first week I found myself doing the same calculations over and over again.

    How much are these resources worth? What is the buy to sell ratio of this resource? What are the resources I am generating worth?


    So I developed a Firefox plugin that automatically calculates these values!


    No more accessing 20 pages of trade to find the value of all the resources!

    No more excel spreadsheets to sum up their worth!


    Report all bugs in a PM to me.

    Request new features in this thread.

    Post all Flattery to this thread.


    NOTE 1:




    NOTE 2:






    New Feature: Revenue Table Enhancement:

    Shows the value of the resources you are producing in the "Revenue" table:




    Old Feature: Analyze:

    Scrape you inventory and calculate the total value of all your resources:





    Old Feature: Trade:

    Access the P&W resource API, and display the current prices of all the resources in the game and your potential profit for buying and selling.





    Version 1.2.1 is available here:



    If you wish to encourage development, donations (ie: trades) are accepted here:


    I am a new nation, so even small sums are appreciated!

    Thank you for supporting development!



    Drag the file onto the "Add-ons" tab in Firefox to install. Confirm that you want to install it, and that should be it! No need to remove the old one!


    Planned Features:

    -Ability to remove resources from the Analyze total (ie: I don't want to sell my munitions, remove that from the total)




    Q: Where is the Chrome Version?
    A: Google has a number of hoops that need to be jumped through to validate plugins. I may support it if this project grows, but not now.


    Q: Can you add X feature?

    A: Maybe! Post your idea in a reply to this thread, and we'll see!


    Q: Can you add X feature that violates the rules of P&W?

    A: *Casually reports User*


    Change Log:

    Version 1.2.1:

    - Fixed a bug where cash would show up divided by 1000 if over 1 Million


    Version 1.2.0:

    - Added Revenue Table Enhancement

    - Added Commas and Dollar Signs


    Version 1.1.0:

    - Added Trade Function


    Version 1.0.0:

    - Added injection script to allow scree-scraping

    - Added Analyze function

    • Upvote 5
  5. I will start off by agreeing that the system is necessary and should not be removed.


    To quote the message that pops up when violating the rule:


    Because you are a new nation, you cannot buy resources at prices outside of +15%/-15% the average market price for the resource. This is to prevent new nations from being created to immediately trade away all of their money.


    When attempting to broker resources, the current price for resources being "bought" is often outside the 15% range of average (Aluminum is currently being bought for about  -18% of average). This makes it hard for a new player to play the resource market.


    My request is that system be modified to allow new players to buy and sell at market levels.


    A few ideas about how this system could be modified:


    Increase the range by a little. 20-25% should have enough breadth to cover the range of the market. This should resolve the problem, but makes attempting to exploit it a little more profitable.



    Limit prices to 15% OR the lowest sell/highest buy price, whichever is more distant from the average. This should allow new users to buy/sell at the current fair market price, but would require more programming effort. So long as enough other checks are included (highest buy is ignored if above average, lowest sell is ignored if below average), this should much less exploitable than #1.


    I apologize if this suggestion has been brought up before, I read through the first ~7 pages and didn't see it.



  6. I have been in BK for about a week now, and so far I have met:


    An generous banker.

    A slightly stingier banker.

    A demon who is obsessed with the stingier banker.

    A helpful HR dog.

    A continually high dog.

    A robot with only three modes: Serious, Sarcastic, Silly



    And I have seen:

    Bribes Grants for the first 8 cities.

    The single most professional meta-game grant system I have ever seen.

    An organized instruction system whose only difficultly is contacting the right officer.

    An extremely simple Military Policy that nobody can seem to follow.

    A Code Geass fan club.

    A Code Geass hate club.

    A higher concentration of Dank Memes that I though could exist in our universe.


    Aren't you just a little bit curious now?

    • Upvote 2
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