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Posts posted by Hansarius

  1. Hey whatever floats your boat Hans, but you should probably get your Head of Foreign Affairs under control instead of him running around attempting to instigate fights and calling people enemies who have nothing to do with the war. Instead of saying things like "oh you can't take anything he says seriously" how about doing something logical about a problem.



    What I see underlord doing is calling out tEST & TSG for not declaring in support of their ally.
    Had the tables been turned and UPN decided not come to the defense of EoS, I am convinced UPN would be the ones who'd be getting called out and you know it.

    My guess is that it's truly how UPN feels. As you suggested, they were discussing and planning how things would play out (much like TAC was). You guys expected certain things to happen (much like TAC did). So why is it that TSG an TEst shouldn't consider you guys enemies (much like you did to TAC)?


    Oh, right... cause it's just Underlordgc. It's just UPN. It's just hypocrisy.

    I wouldn't blame them if they considered us enemies, we are at war with their ally after all.

    But I can hardly see how it makes us hypocritical for expecting them to enter the war and planning therafter. The opposite would have made us arrogant and foolish.





    You should put a muzzle on your government officials who don't know how to do their job, unless FA has now been defined as drawing lines in sands and attempting to bait people into battle.


    Yes, Underlord has been more provocative in this thread than I would have prefered.

    But I don't believe in muzzling people for being opinionated and provocative, even for ministers , it might be how you do it in your alliance, but in UPN we allow people free thought and free speech. Might go so far and call it an inalienable right even.

  2. No. What he is saying that measures were planned in case TSG and TEst had entered the conflict in support of their ally, TAC. And that we therefor expected a war with them.



    The reason UPN & DEIC did not enter the conflict earlier than we did is because we did not feel ready to do so. UPN and DEIC were not as militarized as EoS and needed an extra couple of days to get out of our econ builds and into war builds.

    We would all have struck at the same time but EoS attacked ahead of schedual when they saw TAC gearing up. UPN & DEIC however waited until we were good and ready.

    had TEst and TSG struck EoS before we took to the field, then yes, we'd probably be fighting them to right now.

    But we have no intentions of entering any conflict with them or anyone else for that matter.

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  3. Our reasoning for going to war is that we feel the TAC logs show that they felt tC was a problem that needed dealing with, and that the only reason they hadn't attacked us already was because they didn't think they had the capabilities yet.


    So rather than wait for them to build up a military and or a coalition to come after us in a war where they would hold the upper hand, we decided to attack them first.


    I can understand why many would regard that as a war of aggression on our part.

    But I hold to that our objectives in this war are defensive in nature and that self-preservation is our goal. 

  4. I would love to see the statistics of EoS vs. TAC before UPN/DEIC entered.  Those are more interesting than the obvious.


    You can get a feeling for it looking at these stats taken from the wars declared the 2 days before UPN & DEIC came in



    But of course, it should be taken with a grain of salt because many of these wars didn't end until after we entered, and it doesn't include the wars started the same day but before UPN & DEIC declared.


    The thing that impresses me the most is that there's roughly 180 wars declared between them in those 2 first days

  5. In no particular order.


    Fallout 1&2

    Zelda: A link to the past

    Zelda: Occarina of Time.

    Civilization II & V

    Monkey Island 1, 2, 3

    Dragon Age 1

    X:COM UFO Defense & Terror From the Deep


    and I'm having high hopes for Civilization: Beyond Earth

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