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Posts posted by Khandov

  1. We're Knights of the Vacation Mode


    We're beiged whene'er we're able


    We do routines and shitpost scenes with hubris impeccable!
    We dine well here with Camelot
    We eat junks of guinea pigs and weebsalot!

    We're Knights of the Vacation Mode
    Our posting is, cringable!
    But this time now, We're facing a war
    That is quite unwinnable
    We're Templar Mad with Afrika Korps
    We sing to the tune of Scarfalooot!

    In war, we're tough, and able!
    Quite Grey, and quite beigable!

    Between our wars, we delet all military
    And impersonate Pantheon!
    It's a busy life in TKR

    "I have to spam the forums a loooot!"


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  2. 16 hours ago, DivineCoffeeBinge said:

    I mean 40K is pretty fash my dude

    Sorry to be the one to break it to you

    That, is a conclusion you draw when your know of the 40k lore is limited to "purge the unclean" catchphrases.

    The truth is, 40k is a case in point for a catchphrase "Diversity is strength".

  3. 32 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    The world is your oyster. 

    Oysters are delicious.

    33 minutes ago, Syrachime said:

    So...Coalition B wants a flat out surrender before presenting terms and feels it's a waste of time to do so otherwise in addition to Buorhann surrendering control of TGH to Tiberius as Viceroy.  That's what has us stalled out in perpetual war, got it. LOL. XD

    Yeah, we'd also like 2 number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, 2 number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.

    Since you'll count any meme peace term as real shit anyway.

  4. And what a wonderful time to fund them, the war. Where we haven't have too many options of raising cash outside baseball.

    28 minutes ago, Kastor said:

    I'd be pushing this if I was in your position too. You should want this war to drag on. You benefit. BK doesn't. Which is why this topic is for BK-aligned people, not NPO bots. :P

    >npo bots

    I'm NPO Terminator. I'll be back.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Kastor said:

    This isn't an argument

    Correct, it's an observation.

    3 minutes ago, Kastor said:

    I would say the opposite, if you believe that you're winning, wouldn't you impose terms, therefore wouldn't you bring them to the table with you? When Paris surrendered, Hitler came to them, he was literally in France. When Japan surrendered, the US went to Japan. You don't go to the winner, the winner comes to you and offers you terms.

    WW1 ended with an inverse opposite. Which is why Hitler wanted to ratify surrender of France in Paris. Can't say the precedent you cite is that omnipresent, or relevant.

    As for talk about NPO growing at expense of BK, that's another humbug. I myself haven't sat on max commerce or infra above 1k/1.2k for months now. Now, I'm not sure how one defines >growth anno 2019, but it's pretty weird to associate full military improv buildup and 420$ gdp per capita with >growth.

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  6. “Oh, hi Azariah. Are you all right?” – A voice that was everywhere, yet nowhere, invaded Azariah’s mind. A sensation that fulfilled all purpose of auditory one, but wasn’t quite that, and never went through his ears.

    “What are you... No, I’m goddamn far from all right. My… charge, is about to die.” - he heard himself without moving lips, coarse and torrid.

    “You know what I am. I’ve been here on and off, your entire life. I’m the shard, an extension, of the power that be. Not the kind you’d expect when the state usurps that title, but one of the true, divine, ruinous, powers that be.”

    He knew. Whenever he tried and failed to genuinely pray, he felt this. The powers that be. Sometimes depicted by obscure board games he knew of. Mere mention of them was suppressed by the Church.

    “And you know what I can do about all this. The trinket Eliphea has… is my holy symbol. I’ll have it intercede and save her life…

    “…If? If death has one denied, it clamors to make up for it.”

    “Let me worry about death. The price you pay for Eliphea’s life to be extended is simple. Grant me access to my soul, and go to war.”

    One more look at Eliphea’s face did it. She had to live: Damn Azariah’s soul and life.

    Thought as much. Now… say the words.

    Terror struck Azariah’s nerves as he completely realized what was about to happen, and what was the truth about the world all along. He knew the Church’s teachings about afterlife that’s of mercy. He thought them full of it. And now not only was there afterlife, but he was about to give his own, to a thing he scarcely knew any facts about. Only rumors.

    “Say the words.”

    He said the words.

    Time flew faster than ever. The creature fulfilled its promise: The trinket interceded and, against all odds of physics, deflected the bullet. Meanwhile, Azariah’s face, his sight, everything about it, went blood-red. He tried to stop it, but impulse to preserve Eliphea overwhelmed him. With strength that couldn’t be his own, he rushed at he gunman. One grab at his arm, and he heard the sickly crack of the bones. Ten strikes at his face that, in his perspective, might as well not have been his, and said face was reduced to a monstrous mush of flesh and bone. Then, the rage stopped, and Azariah’s body was his again. Nerves pulverized, his sole remaining instinct was to grab Eliphea by the arm, rushing to safety.

    7 hours later

    “Worthless fools! This was the last time we will allow this, understand?!” - Cardinal Sica thumped his table, eyes wrathfully directed at the lay worker before him. Well, lay worker. Lay "operative". Though made to disband the Inquisition 200 years ago, the Church has maintained its spiritual successor in various degrees of secret, ever since the incidents regarding supernatural events deemed malicious, escalated. It looks like their initiative to utilize untrained personnel, resulted in headline-hitting raid on an antiques store, with one fatality on the attacker's side.

    “Good news is, if this could be traced to us, we’d already be in trouble.” - said the operative, collected, calm, and with what must have been a > 100$ haircut. If he was trying to calm down his superior, it wasn't working.

    “Good news is, go screw yourself. Better yet, from now on, every action conducted on grounds of cultist suspicion, is to be green-lit and directed by our own agents."

    “Cardinal, the fact that we give Regulators autonomy gives us a little more coverage than if we bonded them to our own personnel.”

    “That’s another thing, we’re shutting this whole Regulator kerfuffle down. We’re going to instead let our actual guys hold retinues to help them in a way that guarantees discretion. The only reason we can get the government to turn the blind eye towards our work is when it’s subtle. Or well, was subtle.”

    “You started out in what wasn’t that different from them.”

    “I’m an exception. And if our guys can find more, they can pull them over to their retinues. Either way, I don’t want to hear about Regulators ever again. Even the name wasn’t as original as I was told anyway.”

    “Said the guy who’d have our whole work be called ‘inquisition’”

    “That’s generic, not unoriginal… Change the subject already. What’s the aftermath of this antiquarian assault disaster?”

    “We’ve got one casualty on our side. Broken arm, and completely pulverized face. Weirdly enough, police source claims they can’t get any fingerprints or DNA out of it. At all. Anyway, we’ll proceed to off the culprits of that attack, before they endanger us again. Not exactly a work of a human rights champion, but, we can do that.”

    “What was human rights again?”

    “I’ll tell you later, it’s hilarious.”


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  7. "Are we going to shop for precursors today?"
    "No need, Eliphea. It's not the precursors that we need, it's the customers. The war has geared our own production into the military and blocked the shipments from abroad. I thought it would mean more clientele for what we do, but either it's not late enough, or lots of people had the same idea." It was probably the latter, as the government wasn't big into stockpiling consumer goods.
    "You're going to make appliances out of scrap for a living, moving onward?" - Eliphea asked. It's like she thought the inverse of what everyone else did. When you thought how to survive a month, she thought about prosperity for years to come. When you were fixed deep in thought, she was fixed on what's right in front of you.

    Azariah looked at Eliphea's tender face, her rough auburn hair, her ocean-blue eyes. Eyes like an ocean, a face that could melt you into one.
    "I'm going to provide for you. As a man does. As your mother did. At peace, I'll turn to tasks of peace, at war, to whatever it takes. It's simple. I suffer whenever you do. I smile whenever you do. As a family."
    Family, they were not. Even so, Eliphea smiled and turned her head slightly to the left. A much more harrowing sight was to her right.
    A man, no older than Azariah, in a cliche mask, turned the warm encounter into a sorry case of Scream franchise scene. The only exception was he had a gun, rather than a knife.

    "You... hold it right here!" - he said, trembling.
    "What are... okay, I'm here. Just.. don't hurt her, okay? I've almost nothing on me, but don't you hurt her! What are you anyway." - Azariah's fight or flight instinct was flipping all over itself. Surrender to apparent robbery. Protect Eliphea. Money was fleeting, and never in abundance anyway, unlike her. Protect Eliphea... all else was secondary.
    "We're... Regulators... we saw you two walk with the sign... and that we cannot allow!" - he muttered, on the brink of going to the bathroom all over himself. Behind them, gunshots and panicked crowds sang their deathly orchestra. "Friends of yours?" - Azariah asked.
    "We really have nothing to surrender... no food, no real money... but we have this! It should be worth quite a bit!" - Eliphea stuttered, holding the large trinket before her as if to hand it over to the scared gunman, his iron sights on her. Big mistake.
    "NO!" - the gunman screamed, and Azariah's sight went white.

    That's all he heard. In radiance, he closed his eyes. Was he no more? No, no, no, this could not be. He had to live for Eliphea... but she had to live too! If she was shot, if she was really shot by this lunatic, if...
    Azariah feared to open his eyes. For one dreary minute, he could not face whatever the truth of it all was. The mere notion... Eliphea... He'd prefer to cower in terror, even as perhaps she needed his help.
    And only when his mind realized that his eyes went wide open. The hue of the world was purple. Time seemed to have stopped. Bewildered expression of Eliphea, the screaming face of a gunman, brass casing in the air, all in perfect stasis, embroiled in a purple hue. The stars of the sky were now among them.

    And, the worst of it all. The lead bullet, frozen on its unforgiving trajectory. Azariah didn't need to check. If time resumed now, it would land right between Eliphea's eyes. Was there a way out of the present, frozen in motion? Should there be, if the future is so unbearable?
    Perhaps one could go back to the past, avoid this as a premonition.
    Alas, this isn't a story about going back or looking ahead.

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  8. "Yeah, how dare they try to loot you in the middle of a raid? Don't they know you're busy trying to loot them? How rude!"

    -Darth Bane, paraphrased.

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  9. Why is the sky so bright today?

    "Azari... how long will this war go?"

    The sky was bright. Glassy skyscrapers of the both sides of the streets did not made things better. Eliphea's outfit was brighter still: An all-white dress of elaborate finishing, one that you'd expect to see at high-end event rather than at high school. Her voice was pitched, more so than most girls of her age, yet ever clam.

    "Until the enemy is dust and bone"

    No one quite believed that. It was what everyone said, yet what no one believed. As Azariah spoke that, anyone could deduce he was no exception. When the official outlets reminded the citizens that they were at war, many replied "we were always at war". Those who were left behind, Azariah included, either were far away from the war, or were relocated to countryside. Those who were conscripted and set off... were doing what the nation esteemed the most.

    "What if we're made dust and bone instead?"

    Eliphea may have been senior high schooler, but she spoke like a child and ofttimes thought as one. Always taking the most straightforward line of thinking. When others are lost in their own thought, desires and agendas, Eliphea never had any of this to cloud her judgement.

    Yet to have perception of what matters, is to always live in lesser or greater shadow of fear.

    "Even then, I'll be there for you."

    For a year, Azariah avoided the draft, on the grounds that he was the only legal caretaker left for Eliphea. Community centers were already over capacity, both of their parents were drafted, his friends also vanished one by one. Azariah never believed himself cut out for war, so at worst, he'd be sent to logistics, or procurement, he'd think. Azariah knew someday his time would come as well, it always does. But Eliphea, living in community center, certainly one abroad? He could not see her deal with this any well, not if how she took moving here in the first place, three years ago, was any indication.

    In fact, he could not see her at all.

    "Eliphea?" - Azariah let out, growing exponentially uneasy with every second passing. To his left, a street packed with cars and trams passing by. To his right, an equally uncaring stream of pedestrians. The city lived as if there was no war, yet Azariah's heart behaved as if it was about to arrive.

    "Azari, look! What a lovely trinket! Can I have this?"

    There she was. At the antiquariat just beyond the pedestrian mass, enamored with a weird, somewhat large trinket. It was like three lines, intertwined with each other at center point, resting upon a surface of brass.

    Judging by the size, it was probably meant to be hanged in a room.

    "You know we're practically broke, no?" - Azariah retorted.

    "Ouuuuh.." Eliphea may have sounded like a child sometimes, but she was far from fussy, and merely made a pleading face.

    The last time she made that face in such a emotionally strong manner, was three years ago. She got a giant round plush mascot out of that. She never slept without it since.
    This time, it won her a trinket.


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