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Posts posted by Aristide

  1. The Khanda in the Stone Accords

    Cornerstone and The Chola, henceforth referred to as ‘The Swords’, enter into this agreement of Mutual Defense and or Optional Aggression Pact which is non-chaining.
    Article I
    Both Swords agree to defend each other in the event when one is subject to an aggressive attack.
    Article II
    Both Swords are encouraged to assist one another in an aggressive attack, but it is not imperative to do so.
    Article III
    In the event that one of the Swords is attacked as a result of an activation of another treaty, the Mutual Defense then becomes optional.
    Article IV
    Should either Sword decide relations are not working out and wish to cancel this treaty, a 72-hour notice must be given, during which this treaty will remain active.  After 72 hours, the treaty is then nullified.

    Signed for The Chola,
    Pablo/AerysTargaryen, Triumvirate
    Arkiri Arch, Triumvirate
    Conroy, Triumvirate
    Foreign Affairs Department,
    Empress wolf
    Hunter Lexus

    Signed for Cornerstone,
    Aristide, Grand Pilus
    Beowulf, Post Pilus
    Wall, Legatus Princeps
    Rache, Adelphotes Princeps
    Zigbigadorlou, Quaestor Princeps
    Piast, Praesidium Princeps
    Restius, Acta Scientiae Princeps
    Knights’ Roundtable

    Faith in the Skies

    The Brotherhood of Clouds and Cornerstone, henceforth referred to ‘The Skies’, hereby enter into this agreement of Optional Defense Pact.
    Article I
    Both Skies agree to not engage in any aggressive actions towards each other nor disrespect the other. If any problem arose, the Skies agree to resolve the problem in private.
    Article II
    If either Sky gets attacked, the other Sky has the option to defend them for this undue aggression and vice versa. It is, of course, highly encouraged for the other Sky to protect the other.

    Article III
    If either Sky gets weary of the other, they can choose to cancel this pact, but must give a 72 hour notice beforehand.  During these 72 hours, this pact is still active.

    Signed for the Brotherhood of Clouds,
    Josh Freer, Emperor
    Bezzers, Viceroy
    Utz, Minister of Military Affairs
    Bezzers, Minister of Internal Affairs
    Kirito, Minister of Judicial Affairs
    Josh Freer, Minister of Economic Affairs
    Anthony Crane, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Signed for Cornerstone,
    Robert P. Holmes III, Grand Pilus
    Zigbigadorlou, Post Pilus
    Aristide, Legatus Princeps
    Rache, Adelphotes Princeps
    Novarus/Brimstone, Quaestor Princeps
    Piast, Praesidium Princeps
    Restius, Acta Scientiae Princeps
    Senatorius, IncursitoPrinceps
    Knights' Roundtable

    The GlowStone Accords

    Cornerstone and The Light Federation, hereby referred to “GlowStoneâ€, enter this treaty for Mutual Protection and Cooperation, as well as a Mutual Benefit for both alliances

    Article I
    Both Cornerstone and The Light Federation have concurred to respect one another’s core ascendency, essentially recognizing that this association is for the mutual benefit of both alliances.
    Cornerstone reserves the full right to utilize oversight upon The Light Federation’s military magnitude, usage and all diplomatic means for the purpose of protection of The Light Federation from undue aggression. Cornerstone commits itself to developing The Light Federation’s function to full sovereignty and attempt at all times to work within established procedures within The Light Federation.

    Article II
    Cornerstone and The Light Federation agree to reciprocate public respect and will adhere to resolving any differences or misunderstandings in private. Communication shall take place in a private Discord and IRC Channel with all active members of Government between Cornerstone and The Light Federation.

    Article III
    Cornerstone and The Light Federation agree to disclose information that threatens the safety of themselves or the other. Both Alliances are encouraged to reveal technological and monetary assistance with the other if requested. Cornerstone is granted full rights to oversight of all funds granted for military or growth if monetary assistance is accepted.

    Article IV
    Should either alliance come under attack, the other will provide military assistance. Should this military assistance be requested due to a third party treaty honoring, it becomes optional.
    Cornerstone without exemption unless specified in this document commits to the total defense of The Light Federation against undue aggression.
    Cornerstone reserves the right to levy the partial or full military capacity of The Light Federation if deemed necessary for the defense of both or either alliance.

    Article V
    Should either Party wish to terminate this agreement, it may be terminated at any time with prior notification from the other Party, followed by 72 hours. After 72 hours has passed, the treaty is then nullified.

    Signed for The Light Federation,
    Red - Triumvir of Internal Affairs
    Alataq - Triumvir of Military Affairs
    MrBooty - Triumvir of Foreign Affairs

    Signed for Cornerstone,
    Robert P. Holmes III, Grand Pilus
    Zigbigadorlou, Post Pilus
    Aristide, Legatus Princeps
    Rache, Adelphotes Princeps
    Novarus/Brimstone, Quaestor Princeps
    Piast, Praesidium Princeps
    Restius, Acta Scientiae Princeps
    Senatorius, Incursito Princeps
    Knights’ Roundtable



    tl;dr - Cornerstone signs an MDoAP with tCh, an ODP with BoC, and a protectorate treaty with TLF


    To be frank, I don't blame the people who went all the way down here for the tl;dr, I wouldn't even read this.

    Note - Cornerstone signed the treaty with tCh before our elections so that's why there's different Grand Pilus'

    Sorry, couldn't make it dank
    Another Note - I gave up trying to center the damn titles, just wouldn't work


    tl;dr - Sympathy for people who only read tl;drs, gov mix, sorrow for no dankness, and giving up on centering.

    • Upvote 6
  2. Due to recent events and personal reasons, Cornerstone hereby cancels its MDoAP treaty with United Purple Nations.  This treaty is still active for 72 hours and after that, the treaty is officially cancelled.


    Signed for Cornerstone

    Archon, Restius

    Vice Archon, Senatorius

    Head of Defense, Robert P. Holmes III

    Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Aristide

    Secretary of Internal Affairs, Novarus

    Secretary of Tech, Refugio Boatnaparte

    • Upvote 3
  3. The Cornerstone and United Purple Nations Agreement

    Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact between Cornerstone and the United Purple Nations


    Article I

    The alliances Cornerstone and United Purple Nations, henceforth referred to as ‘The Parties’, agree for a Mutual Defense Pact and Optional Aggression between each other.


    Article II

    The Parties agree to mutual respect meaning their members (including themselves) will regard each member of each other’s alliance as equal and one.  If any issue(s) arise(s) (i.e. bullying, disrespecting, etc.), that issue will be resolved privately.  Respect is something earned, not bought.


    Article III

    The Parties agree to share information that is or could be a threat to each other’s security to ensure safety from any aggressing alliances.  They also are encouraged to assist monetarily if requested.


    Article IV

    The Parties also agree to defend each other from any aggressor by assisting militarily.  If one of the Parties are being requested to honor another treaty that requires military assistance, it is optional to accept but highly recommended to review the status of the required assistance.  The Parties also agree to aggress a third party if one of the Parties request but it is optional to aggress.


    Article V

    If any Party would want to terminate this treaty, that Party has to give a 72 hours or three day notice and after those 72 hours notice or three days, this treaty is rendered void.


    Signed for Cornerstone,

    Archon, Restius

    Vice Archon, Senatorius

    Foreign Secretary, Aristide

    Interior Secretary, Novarus

    Signed for the United Purple Nations,

    Primarch: Hansarius

    Equerry/Chief Librarian: Saru

    Equerry: Ole

    Warsmith: Bambino

    Master of the Forge: Aenir

    Reclusiarch: Victor Truchev

    Chooser of the Slain: Emmad

    Lord Inquisitor: Purple Rain

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