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Posts posted by Katerina

  1. Actually, we negotiated for the gov positions when Carter asked me through other communication channels. We saw potential to help lead a respected community and went for it. Plus, we had a lot of friends in government and people who we respected.


    But, as for the people who say we won't be able to recruit. Well, you are at the very least too negative. We will recruit, we will grow, and we will press on. We're FIRE! And we are here to stay.


    "Respected community" Yet you knew Titan had a bad reputation and the majority of people would have taken pleasure in rolling us. If that is not the case then why was the name changed? 


    "lot of friends in government" The only people in government at the time was Carter, Printer, and Rampage if I remember correctly they had history with you in another alliance. 


    "Negotiated for the gov position" Then I stand corrected Rampage didn't bribe you, you had a motive.


    Although I cannot dispute whether or not  you have respect or can recruit. If I can recall no one ever stated you could not recruit; yet they stated it would be a slower process. I may be negative but I am expressing I haven't seen anything tangible for the alliance. Of course I have seen cosmetic changes, but I am waiting for the structural.


    We don't have a forum. You could easily go to forumotion.com and set up something functional. However I believe there is an aesthetic focus, and for someone busy like Rampage that is impractical. 

  2. To be fair there is a difference between "name" and in game "position". Henry is considered to have a very bad reputation so more or less anybody is seen as an improvement in regards to "name" value. So on that end it is correct. 


    Oh of course that is why I suggested to Henry that we get someone to appear to run Titan so we can make treaties and he can run indirectly so he doesn't lose power.


    Then we got Rampage which benefited relations with Rose and the Cobalt situation. However Rampage really does know quite a bit so it turned out better than expected. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. He also couldn't lead his way out of a paper bag. Henry has a silver tongue, if not he would be dead already, but to attribute all of titan to that tongue would be overstating. If you think that the numerical shifts of titan/FIRE are more important that the internal ones, then I can guess where FIRE will end up. I do have hope for you all though, solid heads may prevail.


    With the member shift you can assume loyalty wasn't there. It wasn't about member loss so much as rapid member loss.


    However I do hope the individual members can be built up, but like I have stated I haven't seen anything yet. Therefore I can't comment on that. The alliance has kind of been stuck in an undeveloped state with Rampage busy. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. who ran Titans name into the ground, Henry.



    This is humorous because Henry got the alliance to the #17 position. Under new leadership we have shifted back to #19. However we have swayed all the way back to the #21 because we are steadily losing members.  If it wasn't for the merge with Mandalore, and those members being higher tear the alliance would have taken quite a blow in terms of position.


    So in regards to poor management I guess I could agree with you, although I have yet to see anything on your behalf due to you being busy. However Henry does know how to recruit people, he knows what people want. In this regard you are not much different because you bribed the Mandalore gov with gov positions in a further developed alliance.  



    you don't change or prove anything with a name change. People will still remain who they are and so will the alliance. 


    ^ So I agree... 

    • Upvote 5
  5. I guess. Jroc disbanded it before it even really got started. Which peeves me so much.

    Wasn't it only established for a week or two? 


    Was there any internal issues? Arrgh mess yall up? or was the promise of a gov position in a further developed alliance too good to pass up especially with Kastor gone? 


    Best wishes, I hope United Alliance of Nation States serves you well.~ 



    If you fail to meet a demand, then something is going to happen.


    Grealind, you stated the above on the Titan forum so perhaps "out of context" I may explain a concept I'd like you to think about. Disregard it if you see fit by all means.



    I once had a guild and I had problems with motivating individuals working toward the betterment of the guild even though it was of decent size.  However there were individuals who assisted, and others that said they would but had their own agenda in mind. (They did later leave, there were signs it would take place I just didn't want to believe it could happen, we did quite a bit together) There were times I demanded people to partake in a task, however not too long after my advisers informed me that it is not how matters are handled. I had to reach out to others for help, those of a larger guild, to partake in what my guild's interests were. I didn't want to do that. I had my own agenda in mind out of spite for what I saw others guilds doing. I didn't want to be associated with that.


    So when I saw your embassy request, since you are approximately the same size, I thought it could be a great relationship because it is balanced. I said I had a lot of respect for you and how you run your alliance. I still do, I realize you have high standards and ethics, but at the same time when is it time to admit you made a mistake? In the past 24 hours I saw a tarnishing of your reputation as you claimed a victory before it was certain. The demands you made valid or not were made with haste, perhaps the poaching situation set off unresolved feelings you have for Kastor/Henry. 


    What many people have been trying to allude to is the fault of that member should not be the responsibility of the alliance. You even stated yourself that it was a widely accepted practice to poach. Wether money is owed is not the question. It is asking yourself if the member left, not poached, would they still owe money? If you state yes, would it then not be possible to form an arrangement where just that member is held accountable for the "debt"? 


    The reason I have concern is the money being sent to Cobalt is money I payed in taxes, my allies payed in taxes. Many of us never involved with Cobalt personally.As an alliance we are not a direct democracy such as yourself. We don't get to vote on every member like your alliance, therefore no one but Henry had a say in accepting Danger, but we are the ones that will be pillaged. 


    So when I tell you demands are not the answer, is it? 


    Many may encourage you to war, but it is not their alliance. You have to remember everyone likes a show. If you care so much for what those individuals think then demands are the answer. But will they stand by you after the fact? You need to be able to stand on your own to be the aggressor but as I stated we are balanced. Both alliances will need support.


    If your goal on the other hand is embassies then demands aren't the answer. It will tarnish your reputation as it has tarnished Titan's. 


    The decision has already been made, but once the NAP is over and you once again have a choice I ask you to consider this. You will be receiving 20 million, despite popular opinion, is it worth it to go any further? Or will you bully, as Titan has in its history, out of greed? Will you make the demand? 


    Despotism: Despotism is the political idea that The Evenstar Empire is founded upon. As Emperor, I have the legal right to rule as I please and whatever I say goes. In practice, though, I'm fairly benevolent: Pay your tribute and come to each other's aid when it comes to raiders and we're fine.





    Also, my protectorates aren't protectorates because I wanted something to do, or because I wanted to be a white knight. It's a contractual deal. They pay me to protect them. It's worked out nicely I do believe.


    I found it ironic that you would use benevolent to describe yourself because of the two definitions one of them is being charitable and not looking for profit. However I will assume you are referring to having good intent toward other alliances and your members.



    Tributism: Tributism is an economic system that I can confidently say is unique to The Evenstar Empire. Basically, members are given a certain resource and a certain number, and they pay that resource to that number. For example, I may ask XX_420momsmasher_XX to give 20 food, or I might ask DerpBurp to give 50 steel. What tribute you give is based upon what continent a member is located on and what improvements a nation might have. I can't expect a nation in Europe is give uranium, nor a nation with no iron mines to give steel. Tributism also takes the place of taxes: The tax rate for both income and resources is zero.


    On the up side I like where this policy is headed. However you may want to consider how you will raise revenue for the alliance to pay for your member's aid. I don't believe selling resources or taking money from nations upon request is a good method.You want a tax rate so nations don't feel targeted. Although you may make money from protectorates I doubt it will be enough. 


    I wish you the best all the same. Good luck to your alliance.

    • Upvote 1
  8. One nation is a big difference because when you only have 6 nations, keeping your nations is a big thing. Also, to answer your question, member is unimportant in the sense that members have no real job.


    *facepalm* you missed the point. I was alluding to members being important, and being the ones to participate in wars (even though you say they have no job which I consider incorrect.) and truly creating the point of an alliance. Therefore by you stating it the way you did it contradicts the reason for the post. It was the irony I was trying to point out. 

  9. I was wondering why you didn't kick him out if he was such a threat, but then I read:

    I only have 6 people in the alliance. Unlike larger alliances, one nation is a big difference.


    Also, S.M. Intelligence really doesn't do anything... yet. And once it does, he'll probably go to some unimportant thing... like member.


    but then i thought. If a member was so unimportant how could that one nation make a difference.... so I concluded he wasn't a threat and this thread has no purpose.

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