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Posts posted by Zhen

  1. On 6/22/2017 at 11:01 PM, Sketchy said:

    Zeon is a protectorate (of Spectrum)

    As much as I have wished this to be true, Zeon is only a protectorate of Ragnarok as per Dio's request (and veto in Spectrum). Resplendent however is protected by all of Spectrum, but Zeon was not granted this.

  2. Yep it totally will :v



    I already said this to you, but I just need to state this because....Honestly, this is why someone needs to fact check you or at the very least proofread anything you do:


    Under Catsby's leadership, Vault 111 lost 3,796 score, whereas today they only lost 842 score. Technically this is just adding fire to those involved/supporting the coup, since it can be stated the 3,796 score loss was not only cause for a coup, but also a reason for the coup. All this chart does is create more ammo against you. Sure, the score drop from May 3rd to May 4th is smaller in comparison to the drop today, but it nonetheless gives more credence to those who did this coup against you.



    Honestly, for the sake of the regular members of Vault 111, please keep all issues both parties have in a closed off private chat/channel, rather than attempting to tarnish one side on the public forums. Especially you Catsby. This would be a great time to promote yourself as the 'rightful overseer' to Vault 111 or whatever you wish to deem yourself that will help garner support both in Vault 111 and among other people. Vault 111's membership deserves good leadership after all. 

    • Upvote 5
  3. I think you guys should have waited with the announcement until you actually have set up the new government and showed at least a partial show of continuity of the government and stability



    Agreed. This is essentially telling us what Zeebrus and Catsby had over at https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20228-catsby-wanted-this/so it's a bit redundant.



    Even though there is internal struggles going on, Zeon wishes all current and former members of Vault 111 well, and that any disagreements now or in the future be resolved peacefully.




    Edit: It's*

    • Upvote 2
  4. And Principality of Zeon, it'll be a bloc that I'll call: "The Facist Regime"

    Just because we went to war with you, doesn't mean we are fascists. We stated before the reason Zeon went to war was because of your extortion and bullying of GPC. If anything, AE was acting in a fascist manner, and we responded due to AE's actions.


    Next time you wish to slander, bring your A game. Until then, stay in school. You need as much education as you can get.

  5. Well now I no longer care. Bye bye Orbis. Good luck to Vault 111 and I'm sorry to all guys who got really mad at me.



    Congratulations Catsby, thanks to your actions as leader of an alliance, you made more people remove themselves from the game. 


    To add insult to injury, you even liked this post. I'm sure after this, you'll go back over and hit that 'Unlike' button, but don't worry buddy, I made sure to screen that for you. http://i.imgur.com/Fp6jOwJ.png

  6. I like your flag

    Only improvement possible would be adding a little Bill Cosby face in the middle!!

    Trust me, I know, having a flag with a menacing face staring down the enemy keeps away some pretty no bueno doods



    That.... nice but I'm not going to do that.

    Though it would be awesome to see, Catho wishes not to have the Great Cosby on his flag. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. GSPlTzJ.png



    The Agreed Mandate between The Principality of Zeon and Animal Empire (Peace)






    Mandate One: Objectives Cleared (Peace)

    The Principality of Zeon (hereby known as Zeon) and Animal Empire agree to cessation of atmospheric and space hostilities. 

    Mandate Two: Stay In Your Biosphere (Non-Aggression)

    Animal Empire recognizes they are unfit for life in space, or really anywhere outside of their domain. Zeon contends that they are suited for life in the Colonies. Neither party shall be in each other’s settlements.



    Mandate Three: Escape Velocity (Cancellation of the Agreed Mandate)

    If at any time either party would like to eject from the Agreement, a notice of one week Earthnoid Time must be explicitly given.


    • Upvote 2
  8. Our issue came when Animal Empire attacked Golden Phoenix Coalition. Yes, they were new, and yes, they did accept someone without proper vetting. Mistakes happen at this level and this is a good way to learn them. I will gladly state that the person that stole 4 or 15 million from Animal Empire deserved to be attacked and raided until either the nation repays what is owed, has an alliance/another nation cover the cost, or is removed from the game.


    However, Animal Empire’s constant attack on Golden Phoenix after the person was both removed and deleted, lead Zeon to believe that Animal Empire was then becoming a bully to a fellow micro alliance, and did not wish for Golden Phoenix to grow, but rather wanted to show their force against a smaller alliance. Being an alliance that highly values independence and prosperity among its members in a peaceful manner, Zeon agreed to front the money at no cost to Golden Phoenix Coalition, in return for them to peacefully resolve all conflicts. 


    Should Animal Empire state they are for the peace, stability, and prosperity of new alliances and nations to grow, follow through on this agreement, and halt their violation of other alliances will for independence, Zeon will gladly consider a peace agreement with Animal Empire at no cost to them.



    Tl;dr: Reading is fundamental

    • Upvote 1
  9. Hey your funny. Let's see what happenes if I steal 15 million from you and say I pay it back in 100 days.

    That's basically what happened and if you think catsby was extorting for money. Then why would he get a micro to pay 15 million to him when he has a number 1 member producing 80% the income of the alliance.


    P.s we can fund up to 5 cities if our members ask for it




    It was 4m, not 15. You extorted MC by either making him merge, or pay 15m, which was well over the 4m your leader said was taken.

  10. Hopefully never; this deadly war was the war to end all wars!


    Perhaps. Though this wasn't so much a war as it was a form of extortion by Catsby to get money because GPC wouldn't merge. He's been pestering everyone between ranks 50-60 to merge lol.


    It shows AE needs the money, since it doesn't look like they can really fund the five they claim.

  11. I hate those nukes "striker"...making yourself look like a dick, but talk big and try to engulf an elephant.

    PS: Do you get encounter the another nuclear friend of his? => U are lucky

    I gave you the policy well in advance as well. You were also whining well before that about surrendering yet still were throwing missiles and doing spy attacks. So the decision to nuke you not only came from me, but from my alliance government as well. We thought it would give you enough to whine about for months to come (And we were right).


    Carry on Arthur. Carry on.

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