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Posts posted by Oppilan

  1. Ogaden, tell me, how did you reduce your score? Just by reducing infrastructure (or) reducing military (or) both (or) something else? Just curious, this info will not affect the war between us anyway, so you can tell me if you are willing to.


    I never noticed your nation before so it is not possible for me to guess anything.

  2. "I turned my back on society when society turned it's back on me.

    I'll be an enemy of this world until the day I !@#$ die.

    I am of the mind and the opinion that if something doesn't accept you...

    You do everything in your power to !@#$ destroy it." - Blood for Blood, 1998

    Do I have to memorize this poem? I guess its part of the curriculum Arrgh is teaching me ;)

  3. Some youths decided it would be an excellent idea to move in on our various enterprises.  Arrgh is always willing to educate the young, so we are going to help the Crime Syndicate learn through the school of hard knocks.

    I hope we can learn some lesson from the great teachers of Arrgh! school.


    And in his honour, I named my next city "Ogaden City". Long live Ogaden's glory and his group of circus clowns :P

  4. You're setting hypothetical restrictions on hypothetical brackets using metrics you have devised for a hypothetical scenario.


    Cool story bro.

    lol :D May be hypothetical, but everything here is hypothetical till Sheepy thinks its a good idea.



    Most players are casuals and likely aren't on more than an hour over the course of several days

    Ok then how about number of log-ins in a day or any way of measuring the activity, you name it.


    If the problem is potential abuse by taxing inactive nations, we can just add a logic to differentiate active nations from inactive nations.

  5. This is the exact reason brackets are BAD. You'd just put your inactive people in a 100% bracket for a couple weeks and milk them dry while not really having any obligation to defend as they'll just lose some infra you can easily rebuild with literally all of their money.

    You missed the point. 100% tax is not possible if the nation is inactive. Tax bracket, if based on a nation's online time, would require that nation to be online for more than 'x' hours per day. On the other hand, if they are based on income, you cannot set 100% tax on smaller nations, smaller nation would automatically mean lower tax rate.

  6. That's why it's called vacation mode. I'm not checking in here if I'm off on a cruise, honeymoon, opium den tour, etc.

    In case you don't activate vacation mode when you are on cruise, by the time you get back your nation would be filled with cash. For this reason, I think setting up tax brackets based on nations income or setting up tax brackets based on nation's online time is better.

  7. Actually, now that we have vacation mode, you could tie the two together. Anyone who doesn't log in for X days is removed from their alliance, unless they are in vacation mode. Obviously you set that number high, 30 days or something.

    But what if someone does not want to activate vacation mode while they are away? Removing them from an alliance increases their chance of getting raided.


    And why would anyone avoid vacation mode? because it is fixed for certain number of days (cannot use the nation before the day ends) and we don't get the revenue after every turns.

  8. It is a great idea for a growing alliance. May be we can set up some restrictions for higher tax, like the activity level. We can go for higher tax only if the nation satisfies certain online time, which the inactive nations cannot.


    it can be beneficial for bigger alliances, they can raise the tax of their already developed nations and lower the tax of smaller nations, an incentive to promote their growth.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Name: Suicide Bombing

    Target: Random City/ Civilian Population/ possible building

    Effect: Kills random number of citizens, causes crime rate to increase 10% in the city attacked, possibly destroys a building (ie. Market/Mall/ect.) Effect lasts for 7 days.

    Not all RL nations employs Suicide bombing, I think we can set a revenue limit above which nation cannot perform this task. This attack should be really cheap and can cause crime to go up (slightly) in the attacking nation too, since only nations with very less education/financial background can perform this task.

  10. The idea behind that one was in-character, meaning citizens that drive gas-guzzling trucks, etc. would now ride a bus, metro, or other form of public transport.


    I wasn't sure exactly how much pollution to suggest removing - I didn't want to reduce a tiny amount and essentially just make it into a national recycling center rehash. I eventually ended up just aiming high to see how that went. 

    I like all other projects except National Transportation. May be sheepy can add pollution (dependent on population), which can be reduced with this project.

  11. What's the potential mechanical impact of listing a religion? I can see none that won't simply create further issues.

    Adding a mechanical impact for religions would certainly poison the game. If a game mechanic behind religion is really desired, why not we give same benefits for all the religions (and may be a religious civic, which gives different benefits) and an entirely different benefit for Free Religion, something like Sid's Civilization series?


    The simple fact is that if you really care about people knowing your religion, you can place it in your nation bio.

    We can do the same for currency too, why create another option for it?


    My opinion is, lets have pros and cons for currencies and religion/free-religion, just RP is boring without proper game mechanic.

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    Public Service: National Transportation

    Small description: Provides free transportation to your citizens, reducing the need for pollution-producing vehicles but increasing power needs

    Project effect: Reduces pollution by 150 in each city, but cities require 20% more resources to maintain power.



    Right now do we have pollution from vehicles? How can this project reduce 150 pollution points in each city?

  13. such as Lenin, they robbed banks. Stalin robbed banks for years to support himself and the communist movement in Tsarist Russia. If you're not willing to break the law, you're never going to get ahead - the laws were made by the people who already have money, and they are designed to keep you down.


    That should make you raid other wealthy nations for your own purpose, not to work as a hitman for more wealthy nations. Arrgh is more like a raiders for hire, they do it for other alliance members. Stalin robbed the bank for his own ideology, no one paid him to rob the banks. He would never join a group of pirates who will rob a bank after getting paid by bosses. :P



    Socialism requires worker ownership of the means of production; the Nordic countries are better classified as welfare states, or social democratic states.

    Sorry about the wrong information.




    And speaking of Xenodolf, did your alliance follow socialism in this game? :P And according to you how can an alliance be socialist in-game? I would say by sharing resources evenly, refunding a portion of tax amount to low score nations and developing together.

  14. I think its fine as a roleplay element and should be left alone. More important things to worry about than overcomplicating stuff

    You can use it for role play. Right now I feel there is a bias agaist nations which are not heavily militarized (Militarized nations just imports resources from other nations, without producing anything), we have classic trade embargo, but not everyone will be willing to embargo a raider. Even with a solid embargo, I can just send my money to a third party and then get the products from them. But in this case, we give more power to economically strong nations.



    I seriously don't get the point of this suggestion, so only a nation with that project can print currencies, but you generally need them to... export and import? What do you get from a currency that has greater value? Like what's the difference between that and the current money.


    Are you suggesting that we introduce a wholly new kind of tradeable resources into the market that each nation can introduce one of their own as long as they have bought a project?

    These currencies will be used along with the general currency. So those nations without a currency of their own can use general currency.


    What do you get from a currency that has greater value? Economic strength is the answer.


    In real world, people do trade currencies, nations stockpile/print currencies and control the liquidity/inflation, so trading money is not bad. I don't think every nation with more than 5000 infrastructure would print money, because this works the best only if one nation from an alliance (or even from a bloc) prints money and others buy from that nation. This way, when an alliance wants to embargo, the embargo is more efficient.


    May be alliances can attract other nations if their currency value is significantly higher, because the printing nation can choose which nation gets their currency.



    either a sovereign currency or a collective one, where there is some source of the currency (eg a central bank).

    May be this idea of currencies work better if it can be built for one alliance, rather than for each nations. Like if they have several currencies within the alliance, the leader can choose an official currency.


    The currencies would rise and fall in respect to each other. Likewise the price of resources would fluctuate as well, so for a currency that is decreasing in value, the prices of goods would increase, whereas another nation that uses a different currency, one that's increasing in value, would see prices of resources decrease. The mechanics would also depend on if currency values were pegged to a standard "game currency" and rose and fell in relation to it.

    Yeah exactly. But I don't think it is possible to replace the original game currency at this point. Even now, the ratio of value of resources to the value of money rise and fall, but it is common for all. if we have different currencies, then for an alliance which doesn't produce anything but imports everything or may be that alliance imports heavily due to war will have a falling currencies, unless another alliances can help them.

  15. With the recent addition of currency, I think it will be better if we can add some features to it.


    (1) Exchange notes can be printed by a project. For example, printing 50 Euros require $50 (existing game currency).


    (2) The value of exchange notes can be determined by the exports and imports nations do using that particular type of exchange note. Initially it can be 1:1 with the already existing currency.


    (3) Exchange notes can be bought and sold between nations.


    So if a nation (or a group of nations) doesn't produce anything, but rely on imports, the value of the currency they use will be lowered. If they export actively, the value will increase.


    It is not necessary for each nations to create their own currency, they can buy it from those nations which can print them. When currencies are bought, their demand increases and so does their value. More the notes other nations buy from a printing nation and more they use it in market, the influence of that currency is increased.


    The above feature makes embargoes more effective, since a nation which produces currency can prevent an enemy nation from using them and if they are successful in dominating the market, their embargo gets more powerful. It also makes market/financial control more challenging and necessary. Currency wars are also very interesting, in addition to the already existing Politics and War.


    Please comment suggestions if any.


    EDIT: Based on the discussion I think we can have common currency for an alliance, rather than for individual nations.

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