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Posts posted by chrishinton426

  1. It's spelled "Mannax" 


    Like the two headed lady dragon featuring an extra "N" in the middle.  


    Other than that, I concur as my signature implies.


    I know you as nate....sooo my bad


    Could you tldr which treaties you are actually canceling?


    Paperless. We will have no treaties in paper.

  2. Just a word of advice, it's better to not join a war than to join it and tap out after just a few days.  It looks way worse.  The first alliance out, keeps that reputation for a very long time.


    But that's your call and best of luck to you, sincerely.

    The circumstances going on in real life began the night of the blitz from what im aware, so they were very unforeseen circumstances.

  3. Where are all the signatures? :P Anyway congrats on the peace :)

    I dont think anyone actually read it. RL stuff popped up, and i kind of rushed around to get them peace as quickly as possible so that frostsword could go focus on them.


    Good fight order, good luck. Hope everything goes well.

  4. Yes, but most of Orbis doesn't consider ODP's real, just something to either upgrade later, or to stop a war between the alliances(see Rose and Pantheon).

    You're supposed to back your MDP's no matter what really, but I won't tell you how to run your alliance. I think it's something different and I like different.

    MDPs usually dont leave their allies in the dark. We were the only ally they didnt trust to tell of the pre-empt...so maybe thats where the trouble begins, rather than our declaration on rose.
    • Upvote 2
  5. Second time you didn't follow up on an MDP in favor of one particular group. It's pretty blatant.

    The first time we were two weeks old i think? Most of our members were still rebuilding from the nukes alpha piled on them....?


    This time, n.p.o was not attacked, so i dont think it can be considered the second time.

    • Upvote 2
  6. It's unfortunate. I thought Valkyrie was going to be a self-ran alliance. Turns out they're just another Chola.

    Okay james. We are allied to both sides of the world. One side tells us they are expecting a hit from our allies, allies. So we prepare to help the side that tells us of an attack. The next day, it goes the opposite way. We have three choices, 1. Activate our optional agression pact with n.p.o, thus betraying to of our allies. While they are odps, they are still allies. 2. We could sit out, ignore guardian and ts, sit and watch a world war, which we would benefit from of course, but then the entirety of orbis will frown on us, one side because we didnt fight for n.p.o, and the other side because we didnt come in to help our allies in need. 3. We could activate help guardian, who was the only ally of ours who was hit in the initial declaration


    In the end its a lose, lose, lose situation for us, and we as the top three made the desicion knowing this. In no way did t$, trick us, bribe us, convince us to come in. This was a valkyrie desicion.


    As for the chola coming in after the order of the storms, to my knowledge there has been no contact since they attacked us with any of syndisphere, maybe young, but i know we certainly werent planning to sk for help in this war. It looked way to fun to ask for help.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Glad ODPs mean more to you than the MD ones, better upgrade Guardian quickly though.

    Yeah how dare we. Big meanies, trying to stop you guys doing what you want.


    thank you for your input keegoz. you see, we were actually arming up originally to defend new pacific order when they told us they were expecting an attack from bk and mensa, which we told new pacific order if they were attacked, that we would come to help them. Because, you know that would have been activating our mutual DEFENSE pact. However, everything changed when new pacific order went on the offensive, and coerced with other alliances to have our other ally going on the defensive. which is why we activated our defensive treaty with guardian.


    edit: spelling

  8. All I could really do while reading this thread was smh.


    Yes sure half the alliance were also part of the government when you attack Roz Wei for what reason? Fine claim innocence but here is a fact; I know a large amount of members stole resources then ran to your alliance but even though as stated by Luke that the resources were returned it doesn't change the fact that they stole. As for the threats fine throw them around I dont have time to go to war with your alliance nor do I want war. If push comes to shove however I wont be as crude to throw the first punch nor will i turn my back to you. 


    But the only thing I will acknowledge is that little bolded section. In no way did any one who left Phoenix steal ANY resources before coming to Valkyrie. When I had heard that members who came over had stole money/resources from Phoenix, I personally went and looked through every former Phoenix members bank transactions, and the only thing that any of the members had received from Phoenix bank in the three months prior to the formation of Valkyrie was an 11 million dollar city grant ten days before the D.o.E, that was given to a member who had no part in the forming of the alliance. Whether or not he was aware of Valkyrie at the point of receiving the money, I have no idea, and I honestly don't care. I told Jumin when I messaged him that if when we looked into it, and any of our members had "stolen" money, that we would obviously work something out with them to repay them. I wont get into details about the rest, but I will say that when Jumin approached us, he was asking for 3-5 times that amount. We refused, and paid the 11 million as we said we would. Case closed. Be smart, know what you're talking about before contributing to the conversation.


    Edit: I rarely say anything on the forums anymore, so I hate you for trying to slander our alliance name, and making me talk.

  9. Why is t$ trying to choke up the alliance treaties? It just makes t$ looks like a complete -removed for filter evasion-. Just saying, if you don't like it, tough luck but it is real that t$ is choking up by having everyone to ally with them. So that they can cherry pick an alliance and call it win for the day. I wouldn't be very surprised about that as for it is known that t$ is probably the most corrupted alliance out there.

    Regardless, congratulations.

    Quite a few members of what is formerly known as TKP are a part of Valkyrie. TKP has always maintained a good relationship with tS, so why is it any sort of surprise that they signed a treaty?


    Regardless, look forward to our friendship with tS.

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