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Posts posted by Kurse

  1. Though there are obviously issues with world hunger and poverty around the world unfortunately it is sort of hard to intervein with, without making the problem worse. It is an honorable thing wanting to help others, wanting to give to those who need food and shelter, the thought is nice, it has good intent. One likely feels good when giving to charities to help those in poor living conditions in other countries. However, with these donations comes a price, our donations to other countries our even our assistance of other countries by our military can negatively affect another countries economy. One of the biggest needs of the impoverished is food, which the US contributes a fair share to already. One potential problem is that if foreign nations are bringing in free foods then manufactorers and farmers could have less buisness. If a family has two options, option 1 to get food items for little to no price from a government/foreign aid organization or option 2 spend money that they may not even have at a local market where local foods are sold they will most often choose option 1. This makes it harder for nations to grow their economy and by proxy grow their government in tax revenue, overall slowing the growth of a nation and ensuring more generations go through the same poverty. I believe this is much more prevelent in the textile industry. For example, here in America there is an organization called "good will", if you don't know its similar to a thrift store except they get their goods via donation by people who donate their used goods at their locations, they are all over the United States. They sell the donated books, toys, cookware, appliances, board games, and clothing of all sorts at their locations for cheap prices that are more affordable for the impoverished of America for the most part, as 3,300 of their 4,245 locations (as of 2021) are in the US or Canada, however there are also locations in places like Italy, Finland, Venezuela, Thailand, ex. The clothes that get donated to these stores that are either unsold, unrecycled for use in new textile production, or simply aren't put on the shelves are often sent overseas, often to thirdworld countries where they are put into second-hand garnment trade and are traded very cheaply affecting these countries income from textile production as well. There are many other organizations all accross the western world that does the samething good will does. I am not saying we should stop government aid entirely but simply saying that aid helps for a short time but it doesn't help much long term. At any point a foreign aid organization could leave a community for somewhere else, leaving a community that was dependent on them for food and water, possibly even shelter or textiles and they would be worse off then before. If we leave these countries to make their own buisnesses, produce their own foods, manufactor their own goods and textiles then they are more likely to grow by themselves and have less hunger and poverty and more technology and abundent resources for survival. Perhaps a thing could be said about donating to schools in third world countries as I believe the most important investment in a country and for the overall health of humanity is a stable good education however it may be best out of the private citizens willing pocket, we also still need some investment in some of our schools in poorer communities in the US as well too, as there is an education gap between wealthy and impoverished communities. I believe helping those poorer than you is honorable still. Anyway, thats my two cents on the matter. 

  2. 21 hours ago, Jacob Knox said:

    I would say your flaw is thinking Orbis started at Year 0. Some of the older nations have an achievement titled "Singularity," celebrating when the game date and real life date met on June 25th, 2017. If you do the math, you'll see that 1 turn = 1 Orbis day.


    I don't know definitively what year/date Orbis' calendar started on, but I hope this provides some answers/help.

    This helps thanks, also thanks for reply in General Section as well, I wonder what year the simulation itself was started at because if it was started at 2014 when it was released then you would assume the release date would be when the real life date and the simulated date intersect, irregardless this was helpful I appreciate it.

  3. So recently I've been trying to figure out how much P&W simulated time is in a turn (2 hours), because I am trying to figure out how long an alliance war has been going on in simulated time, however this has proven more difficult then I expected, there is another entry on this website with a similar question and someone responded with "A week is 14 hours, A month is 56-62 hours (2-3 days)...a year is 730-732 hours (30-31 days)". However, it is 2083 in Simulated Politics and War time as I type this. Poltics and War's official aniversary is on August 14th, (2014). This means that assuming Poltics and war started at year 0 it would be around year 100, since its been just over 100 months so idk if that could be right.

    Shortened version: Does anyone know how long a turn (2 hours) is in simulated P&W time?

    P.S. this is a repost, I accidentally posted in general forum.

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  4. So recently I've been trying to figure out how much P&W simulated time is in a turn (2 hours), because I am trying to figure out how long an alliance war has been going on in simulated time, however this has proven more difficult then I expected, there is another entry on this website with a similar question and someone responded with "A week is 14 hours, A month is 56-62 hours (2-3 days)...a year is 730-732 hours (30-31 days)". However, it is 2083 in Simulated Politics and War time as I type this. Poltics and War's official aniversary is on August 14th, (2014). This means that assuming Poltics and war started at year 0 it would be around year 100, since its been just over 100 months so idk if that could be right.

    Shortened version: Does anyone know how long a turn (2 hours) is in simulated P&W time?

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