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Infrastructure rebuild cost


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Aside from being a CN mechanic, one of the better ones if I might add. Imagine that they did something right with their *dead* game. All the lol's

Make infra cheaper to build, or in other words add "peak" infrastructure to the game.

But on a serious note plenty of people have suggested this as well as myself and I feel that if Alex wants to make the game better and discourage pixel hugging this is the best way. An example would be if I bought 2k infra on a city and it gets destroyed to a low of 100 you can rebuild it back to 2k for 50% of the cost. Where it normal costs like $14m it'll cost $7m this of course is without the urbanization projects & policy. The only downside I see is pixel huggers will cry and giant behemoth whales will have a huge advantage but It's worth it.

I'm curious what the rest of you think about this. 

Edited by Crispy General
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Goomy: *Hot Goomy is 5 miles away from you and looking to have some fun*

Guilo: O.O Click bait is sooooooo tempting

Aoi Toori: Well its Goomy, who wouldn't?


If Dillon A McCann is Ted Cruz then doesn't that make him the zodiac killer? Rip zodiac #EndofZodiac

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32 minutes ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

I thought they implemented this a while ago, to make it cheaper to replace infra.

I'm not saying you're wrong, however infra is still quite expensive.

Goomy: *Hot Goomy is 5 miles away from you and looking to have some fun*

Guilo: O.O Click bait is sooooooo tempting

Aoi Toori: Well its Goomy, who wouldn't?


If Dillon A McCann is Ted Cruz then doesn't that make him the zodiac killer? Rip zodiac #EndofZodiac

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21 minutes ago, Sweeeeet Ronny D said:

is certainly possible i am wrong, its possible that we have talked about it so much i just assumed it was done.

Who has been talking about it?

Hey Krampus, the signature edit is under account settings. Actually, here's the link.


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14 hours ago, Rin said:

No, that's what land and cities are for. War is cheap enough as it is.

And yet practically no one wants to go to war.

Goomy: *Hot Goomy is 5 miles away from you and looking to have some fun*

Guilo: O.O Click bait is sooooooo tempting

Aoi Toori: Well its Goomy, who wouldn't?


If Dillon A McCann is Ted Cruz then doesn't that make him the zodiac killer? Rip zodiac #EndofZodiac

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2 hours ago, Crispy General said:

And yet practically no one wants to go to war.

I, personally, agree with your suggestion.

But there are alot of people that want to go to war and just dont care, because war is fun and funding our infra is our AA Econ's job 😂

  • Upvote 1

Hammer Councillor of The Lost Mines
Diety Emeritus of The Immortals, Patres Conscripti (President Emeritus) of the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, Lieutenant Emeritus of Black Skies, Imperator Emeritus of the Valyrian Freehold, Imperator Emeritus of the Divine Phoenix, Prefect Emeritus of Carthago, Regent Emeritus of the New Polar Order, Coal Duke (Imperator Emeritus) of The Coal Mines


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4 hours ago, Crispy General said:

And yet practically no one wants to go to war.

That has little to do with infra costs. In the past, we've had plenty of wars where there would be little to no growth in between. Wars would hit as soon as someone rebuilds. They used to say there was no point building past 1800 infra because you couldn't get ROI before the next war.

These days we can add multiple cities between wars. I think it's more that NAPs kill momentum.

The reason we have NAPs is because wars are long and tiresome. The reason that wars are so long is because it takes so many rounds to inflict decent damage.

I'd love a suggestion which reduces war lengths, but I don't think this is it. More people buying to 4000 infra just means more people to nuke.

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Guest Zephyr

Maybe this should be unlocked with a project, something like Materials Recycling Programme. Given that the savings are significant, it could be a fairly expensive one. Should a similar rebuild discount be applied to improvements?

I suspect the effect of this change would simply be that the rebuild savings get poured into building one's next city and thus slightly speeds up general nation development.

I calculated rebuild costs and savings from 700 to 2500 infrastructure (with and without Urbanisation, CCE and AEC) to look at exactly how much money we're talking about:

Cities Infra Rebuild Costs Infra Rebuild Savings
Infra start to end: 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500
Cost modifiers:   URB, CCE, AEC   URB, CCE, AEC   URB, CCE, AEC   URB, CCE, AEC
Rebuild discount: 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00%
1 $30,533,500.00 $25,953,475.00 $15,266,750.00 $12,976,737.50 $0.00 $4,580,025.00 $15,266,750.00 $17,556,762.50
2 $61,067,000.00 $51,906,950.00 $30,533,500.00 $25,953,475.00 $0.00 $9,160,050.00 $30,533,500.00 $35,113,525.00
3 $91,600,500.00 $77,860,425.00 $45,800,250.00 $38,930,212.50 $0.00 $13,740,075.00 $45,800,250.00 $52,670,287.50
4 $122,134,000.00 $103,813,900.00 $61,067,000.00 $51,906,950.00 $0.00 $18,320,100.00 $61,067,000.00 $70,227,050.00
5 $152,667,500.00 $129,767,375.00 $76,333,750.00 $64,883,687.50 $0.00 $22,900,125.00 $76,333,750.00 $87,783,812.50
6 $183,201,000.00 $155,720,850.00 $91,600,500.00 $77,860,425.00 $0.00 $27,480,150.00 $91,600,500.00 $105,340,575.00
7 $213,734,500.00 $181,674,325.00 $106,867,250.00 $90,837,162.50 $0.00 $32,060,175.00 $106,867,250.00 $122,897,337.50
8 $244,268,000.00 $207,627,800.00 $122,134,000.00 $103,813,900.00 $0.00 $36,640,200.00 $122,134,000.00 $140,454,100.00
9 $274,801,500.00 $233,581,275.00 $137,400,750.00 $116,790,637.50 $0.00 $41,220,225.00 $137,400,750.00 $158,010,862.50
10 $305,335,000.00 $259,534,750.00 $152,667,500.00 $129,767,375.00 $0.00 $45,800,250.00 $152,667,500.00 $175,567,625.00
11 $335,868,500.00 $285,488,225.00 $167,934,250.00 $142,744,112.50 $0.00 $50,380,275.00 $167,934,250.00 $193,124,387.50
12 $366,402,000.00 $311,441,700.00 $183,201,000.00 $155,720,850.00 $0.00 $54,960,300.00 $183,201,000.00 $210,681,150.00
13 $396,935,500.00 $337,395,175.00 $198,467,750.00 $168,697,587.50 $0.00 $59,540,325.00 $198,467,750.00 $228,237,912.50
14 $427,469,000.00 $363,348,650.00 $213,734,500.00 $181,674,325.00 $0.00 $64,120,350.00 $213,734,500.00 $245,794,675.00
15 $458,002,500.00 $389,302,125.00 $229,001,250.00 $194,651,062.50 $0.00 $68,700,375.00 $229,001,250.00 $263,351,437.50
16 $488,536,000.00 $415,255,600.00 $244,268,000.00 $207,627,800.00 $0.00 $73,280,400.00 $244,268,000.00 $280,908,200.00
17 $519,069,500.00 $441,209,075.00 $259,534,750.00 $220,604,537.50 $0.00 $77,860,425.00 $259,534,750.00 $298,464,962.50
18 $549,603,000.00 $467,162,550.00 $274,801,500.00 $233,581,275.00 $0.00 $82,440,450.00 $274,801,500.00 $316,021,725.00
19 $580,136,500.00 $493,116,025.00 $290,068,250.00 $246,558,012.50 $0.00 $87,020,475.00 $290,068,250.00 $333,578,487.50
20 $610,670,000.00 $519,069,500.00 $305,335,000.00 $259,534,750.00 $0.00 $91,600,500.00 $305,335,000.00 $351,135,250.00
21 $641,203,500.00 $545,022,975.00 $320,601,750.00 $272,511,487.50 $0.00 $96,180,525.00 $320,601,750.00 $368,692,012.50
22 $671,737,000.00 $570,976,450.00 $335,868,500.00 $285,488,225.00 $0.00 $100,760,550.00 $335,868,500.00 $386,248,775.00
23 $702,270,500.00 $596,929,925.00 $351,135,250.00 $298,464,962.50 $0.00 $105,340,575.00 $351,135,250.00 $403,805,537.50
24 $732,804,000.00 $622,883,400.00 $366,402,000.00 $311,441,700.00 $0.00 $109,920,600.00 $366,402,000.00 $421,362,300.00
25 $763,337,500.00 $648,836,875.00 $381,668,750.00 $324,418,437.50 $0.00 $114,500,625.00 $381,668,750.00 $438,919,062.50
26 $793,871,000.00 $674,790,350.00 $396,935,500.00 $337,395,175.00 $0.00 $119,080,650.00 $396,935,500.00 $456,475,825.00
27 $824,404,500.00 $700,743,825.00 $412,202,250.00 $350,371,912.50 $0.00 $123,660,675.00 $412,202,250.00 $474,032,587.50
28 $854,938,000.00 $726,697,300.00 $427,469,000.00 $363,348,650.00 $0.00 $128,240,700.00 $427,469,000.00 $491,589,350.00
29 $885,471,500.00 $752,650,775.00 $442,735,750.00 $376,325,387.50 $0.00 $132,820,725.00 $442,735,750.00 $509,146,112.50
30 $916,005,000.00 $778,604,250.00 $458,002,500.00 $389,302,125.00 $0.00 $137,400,750.00 $458,002,500.00 $526,702,875.00
31 $946,538,500.00 $804,557,725.00 $473,269,250.00 $402,278,862.50 $0.00 $141,980,775.00 $473,269,250.00 $544,259,637.50
32 $977,072,000.00 $830,511,200.00 $488,536,000.00 $415,255,600.00 $0.00 $146,560,800.00 $488,536,000.00 $561,816,400.00
33 $1,007,605,500.00 $856,464,675.00 $503,802,750.00 $428,232,337.50 $0.00 $151,140,825.00 $503,802,750.00 $579,373,162.50
34 $1,038,139,000.00 $882,418,150.00 $519,069,500.00 $441,209,075.00 $0.00 $155,720,850.00 $519,069,500.00 $596,929,925.00
35 $1,068,672,500.00 $908,371,625.00 $534,336,250.00 $454,185,812.50 $0.00 $160,300,875.00 $534,336,250.00 $614,486,687.50
36 $1,099,206,000.00 $934,325,100.00 $549,603,000.00 $467,162,550.00 $0.00 $164,880,900.00 $549,603,000.00 $632,043,450.00
37 $1,129,739,500.00 $960,278,575.00 $564,869,750.00 $480,139,287.50 $0.00 $169,460,925.00 $564,869,750.00 $649,600,212.50
38 $1,160,273,000.00 $986,232,050.00 $580,136,500.00 $493,116,025.00 $0.00 $174,040,950.00 $580,136,500.00 $667,156,975.00
39 $1,190,806,500.00 $1,012,185,525.00 $595,403,250.00 $506,092,762.50 $0.00 $178,620,975.00 $595,403,250.00 $684,713,737.50
40 $1,221,340,000.00 $1,038,139,000.00 $610,670,000.00 $519,069,500.00 $0.00 $183,201,000.00 $610,670,000.00 $702,270,500.00
41 $1,251,873,500.00 $1,064,092,475.00 $625,936,750.00 $532,046,237.50 $0.00 $187,781,025.00 $625,936,750.00 $719,827,262.50
42 $1,282,407,000.00 $1,090,045,950.00 $641,203,500.00 $545,022,975.00 $0.00 $192,361,050.00 $641,203,500.00 $737,384,025.00
43 $1,312,940,500.00 $1,115,999,425.00 $656,470,250.00 $557,999,712.50 $0.00 $196,941,075.00 $656,470,250.00 $754,940,787.50
44 $1,343,474,000.00 $1,141,952,900.00 $671,737,000.00 $570,976,450.00 $0.00 $201,521,100.00 $671,737,000.00 $772,497,550.00
45 $1,374,007,500.00 $1,167,906,375.00 $687,003,750.00 $583,953,187.50 $0.00 $206,101,125.00 $687,003,750.00 $790,054,312.50
46 $1,404,541,000.00 $1,193,859,850.00 $702,270,500.00 $596,929,925.00 $0.00 $210,681,150.00 $702,270,500.00 $807,611,075.00
47 $1,435,074,500.00 $1,219,813,325.00 $717,537,250.00 $609,906,662.50 $0.00 $215,261,175.00 $717,537,250.00 $825,167,837.50
48 $1,465,608,000.00 $1,245,766,800.00 $732,804,000.00 $622,883,400.00 $0.00 $219,841,200.00 $732,804,000.00 $842,724,600.00
49 $1,496,141,500.00 $1,271,720,275.00 $748,070,750.00 $635,860,137.50 $0.00 $224,421,225.00 $748,070,750.00 $860,281,362.50
50 $1,526,675,000.00 $1,297,673,750.00 $763,337,500.00 $648,836,875.00 $0.00 $229,001,250.00 $763,337,500.00 $877,838,125.00
51 $1,557,208,500.00 $1,323,627,225.00 $778,604,250.00 $661,813,612.50 $0.00 $233,581,275.00 $778,604,250.00 $895,394,887.50
52 $1,587,742,000.00 $1,349,580,700.00 $793,871,000.00 $674,790,350.00 $0.00 $238,161,300.00 $793,871,000.00 $912,951,650.00
53 $1,618,275,500.00 $1,375,534,175.00 $809,137,750.00 $687,767,087.50 $0.00 $242,741,325.00 $809,137,750.00 $930,508,412.50
54 $1,648,809,000.00 $1,401,487,650.00 $824,404,500.00 $700,743,825.00 $0.00 $247,321,350.00 $824,404,500.00 $948,065,175.00
55 $1,679,342,500.00 $1,427,441,125.00 $839,671,250.00 $713,720,562.50 $0.00 $251,901,375.00 $839,671,250.00 $965,621,937.50





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  • A 30 city nation without Urbanisation, CCE and AEC saves $458,002,500.00 with just the 50% rebuild discount.
  • A 30 city nation with Urbanisation, CCE and AEC saves $526,702,875.00. So Urbanisation, CCE and AEC save them another $68,700,375.00, or a 15% savings increase.

My reaction is that this is too much, and maybe it should be something lower like a 25% infra rebuild discount.

Edited by Zephyr
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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I absolutely agree with making infrastructure cheaper since it's terribly expensive as for something that can be destroyed and wiped daily.
Also you could reduce the cost of building nukes or missiles for as much percentage as you reduce the infrastructure costs or something to balance those.

Edited by SixSadistic66
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Guest Zephyr

Here's that table again, but with a 25% infra rebuild discount instead of 50%. I think a less extreme infra rebuild discount such as 25% is more reasonable considering how Urbanisation, Centre for Civil Engineering, and Advanced Engineering Corps stack up against it (otherwise it begins to really devalue the benefit and investment in these).

Cities Infra Rebuild Costs Infra Rebuild Savings
Infra start to end: 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500 700 to 2500
Cost modifiers:   URB, CCE, AEC   URB, CCE, AEC   URB, CCE, AEC   URB, CCE, AEC
Rebuild discount: 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 25.00%
1 $30,533,500.00 $25,953,475.00 $22,900,125.00 $19,465,106.25 $0.00 $4,580,025.00 $7,633,375.00 $11,068,393.75
2 $61,067,000.00 $51,906,950.00 $45,800,250.00 $38,930,212.50 $0.00 $9,160,050.00 $15,266,750.00 $22,136,787.50
3 $91,600,500.00 $77,860,425.00 $68,700,375.00 $58,395,318.75 $0.00 $13,740,075.00 $22,900,125.00 $33,205,181.25
4 $122,134,000.00 $103,813,900.00 $91,600,500.00 $77,860,425.00 $0.00 $18,320,100.00 $30,533,500.00 $44,273,575.00
5 $152,667,500.00 $129,767,375.00 $114,500,625.00 $97,325,531.25 $0.00 $22,900,125.00 $38,166,875.00 $55,341,968.75
6 $183,201,000.00 $155,720,850.00 $137,400,750.00 $116,790,637.50 $0.00 $27,480,150.00 $45,800,250.00 $66,410,362.50
7 $213,734,500.00 $181,674,325.00 $160,300,875.00 $136,255,743.75 $0.00 $32,060,175.00 $53,433,625.00 $77,478,756.25
8 $244,268,000.00 $207,627,800.00 $183,201,000.00 $155,720,850.00 $0.00 $36,640,200.00 $61,067,000.00 $88,547,150.00
9 $274,801,500.00 $233,581,275.00 $206,101,125.00 $175,185,956.25 $0.00 $41,220,225.00 $68,700,375.00 $99,615,543.75
10 $305,335,000.00 $259,534,750.00 $229,001,250.00 $194,651,062.50 $0.00 $45,800,250.00 $76,333,750.00 $110,683,937.50
11 $335,868,500.00 $285,488,225.00 $251,901,375.00 $214,116,168.75 $0.00 $50,380,275.00 $83,967,125.00 $121,752,331.25
12 $366,402,000.00 $311,441,700.00 $274,801,500.00 $233,581,275.00 $0.00 $54,960,300.00 $91,600,500.00 $132,820,725.00
13 $396,935,500.00 $337,395,175.00 $297,701,625.00 $253,046,381.25 $0.00 $59,540,325.00 $99,233,875.00 $143,889,118.75
14 $427,469,000.00 $363,348,650.00 $320,601,750.00 $272,511,487.50 $0.00 $64,120,350.00 $106,867,250.00 $154,957,512.50
15 $458,002,500.00 $389,302,125.00 $343,501,875.00 $291,976,593.75 $0.00 $68,700,375.00 $114,500,625.00 $166,025,906.25
16 $488,536,000.00 $415,255,600.00 $366,402,000.00 $311,441,700.00 $0.00 $73,280,400.00 $122,134,000.00 $177,094,300.00
17 $519,069,500.00 $441,209,075.00 $389,302,125.00 $330,906,806.25 $0.00 $77,860,425.00 $129,767,375.00 $188,162,693.75
18 $549,603,000.00 $467,162,550.00 $412,202,250.00 $350,371,912.50 $0.00 $82,440,450.00 $137,400,750.00 $199,231,087.50
19 $580,136,500.00 $493,116,025.00 $435,102,375.00 $369,837,018.75 $0.00 $87,020,475.00 $145,034,125.00 $210,299,481.25
20 $610,670,000.00 $519,069,500.00 $458,002,500.00 $389,302,125.00 $0.00 $91,600,500.00 $152,667,500.00 $221,367,875.00
21 $641,203,500.00 $545,022,975.00 $480,902,625.00 $408,767,231.25 $0.00 $96,180,525.00 $160,300,875.00 $232,436,268.75
22 $671,737,000.00 $570,976,450.00 $503,802,750.00 $428,232,337.50 $0.00 $100,760,550.00 $167,934,250.00 $243,504,662.50
23 $702,270,500.00 $596,929,925.00 $526,702,875.00 $447,697,443.75 $0.00 $105,340,575.00 $175,567,625.00 $254,573,056.25
24 $732,804,000.00 $622,883,400.00 $549,603,000.00 $467,162,550.00 $0.00 $109,920,600.00 $183,201,000.00 $265,641,450.00
25 $763,337,500.00 $648,836,875.00 $572,503,125.00 $486,627,656.25 $0.00 $114,500,625.00 $190,834,375.00 $276,709,843.75
26 $793,871,000.00 $674,790,350.00 $595,403,250.00 $506,092,762.50 $0.00 $119,080,650.00 $198,467,750.00 $287,778,237.50
27 $824,404,500.00 $700,743,825.00 $618,303,375.00 $525,557,868.75 $0.00 $123,660,675.00 $206,101,125.00 $298,846,631.25
28 $854,938,000.00 $726,697,300.00 $641,203,500.00 $545,022,975.00 $0.00 $128,240,700.00 $213,734,500.00 $309,915,025.00
29 $885,471,500.00 $752,650,775.00 $664,103,625.00 $564,488,081.25 $0.00 $132,820,725.00 $221,367,875.00 $320,983,418.75
30 $916,005,000.00 $778,604,250.00 $687,003,750.00 $583,953,187.50 $0.00 $137,400,750.00 $229,001,250.00 $332,051,812.50
31 $946,538,500.00 $804,557,725.00 $709,903,875.00 $603,418,293.75 $0.00 $141,980,775.00 $236,634,625.00 $343,120,206.25
32 $977,072,000.00 $830,511,200.00 $732,804,000.00 $622,883,400.00 $0.00 $146,560,800.00 $244,268,000.00 $354,188,600.00
33 $1,007,605,500.00 $856,464,675.00 $755,704,125.00 $642,348,506.25 $0.00 $151,140,825.00 $251,901,375.00 $365,256,993.75
34 $1,038,139,000.00 $882,418,150.00 $778,604,250.00 $661,813,612.50 $0.00 $155,720,850.00 $259,534,750.00 $376,325,387.50
35 $1,068,672,500.00 $908,371,625.00 $801,504,375.00 $681,278,718.75 $0.00 $160,300,875.00 $267,168,125.00 $387,393,781.25
36 $1,099,206,000.00 $934,325,100.00 $824,404,500.00 $700,743,825.00 $0.00 $164,880,900.00 $274,801,500.00 $398,462,175.00
37 $1,129,739,500.00 $960,278,575.00 $847,304,625.00 $720,208,931.25 $0.00 $169,460,925.00 $282,434,875.00 $409,530,568.75
38 $1,160,273,000.00 $986,232,050.00 $870,204,750.00 $739,674,037.50 $0.00 $174,040,950.00 $290,068,250.00 $420,598,962.50
39 $1,190,806,500.00 $1,012,185,525.00 $893,104,875.00 $759,139,143.75 $0.00 $178,620,975.00 $297,701,625.00 $431,667,356.25
40 $1,221,340,000.00 $1,038,139,000.00 $916,005,000.00 $778,604,250.00 $0.00 $183,201,000.00 $305,335,000.00 $442,735,750.00
41 $1,251,873,500.00 $1,064,092,475.00 $938,905,125.00 $798,069,356.25 $0.00 $187,781,025.00 $312,968,375.00 $453,804,143.75
42 $1,282,407,000.00 $1,090,045,950.00 $961,805,250.00 $817,534,462.50 $0.00 $192,361,050.00 $320,601,750.00 $464,872,537.50
43 $1,312,940,500.00 $1,115,999,425.00 $984,705,375.00 $836,999,568.75 $0.00 $196,941,075.00 $328,235,125.00 $475,940,931.25
44 $1,343,474,000.00 $1,141,952,900.00 $1,007,605,500.00 $856,464,675.00 $0.00 $201,521,100.00 $335,868,500.00 $487,009,325.00
45 $1,374,007,500.00 $1,167,906,375.00 $1,030,505,625.00 $875,929,781.25 $0.00 $206,101,125.00 $343,501,875.00 $498,077,718.75
46 $1,404,541,000.00 $1,193,859,850.00 $1,053,405,750.00 $895,394,887.50 $0.00 $210,681,150.00 $351,135,250.00 $509,146,112.50
47 $1,435,074,500.00 $1,219,813,325.00 $1,076,305,875.00 $914,859,993.75 $0.00 $215,261,175.00 $358,768,625.00 $520,214,506.25
48 $1,465,608,000.00 $1,245,766,800.00 $1,099,206,000.00 $934,325,100.00 $0.00 $219,841,200.00 $366,402,000.00 $531,282,900.00
49 $1,496,141,500.00 $1,271,720,275.00 $1,122,106,125.00 $953,790,206.25 $0.00 $224,421,225.00 $374,035,375.00 $542,351,293.75
50 $1,526,675,000.00 $1,297,673,750.00 $1,145,006,250.00 $973,255,312.50 $0.00 $229,001,250.00 $381,668,750.00 $553,419,687.50
51 $1,557,208,500.00 $1,323,627,225.00 $1,167,906,375.00 $992,720,418.75 $0.00 $233,581,275.00 $389,302,125.00 $564,488,081.25
52 $1,587,742,000.00 $1,349,580,700.00 $1,190,806,500.00 $1,012,185,525.00 $0.00 $238,161,300.00 $396,935,500.00 $575,556,475.00
53 $1,618,275,500.00 $1,375,534,175.00 $1,213,706,625.00 $1,031,650,631.25 $0.00 $242,741,325.00 $404,568,875.00 $586,624,868.75
54 $1,648,809,000.00 $1,401,487,650.00 $1,236,606,750.00 $1,051,115,737.50 $0.00 $247,321,350.00 $412,202,250.00 $597,693,262.50
55 $1,679,342,500.00 $1,427,441,125.00 $1,259,506,875.00 $1,070,580,843.75 $0.00 $251,901,375.00 $419,835,625.00 $608,761,656.25





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