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Small Quality of Life Improvements

The Mad Titan

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When doing battle sims the options should stay the same and not refresh each time.making the options the same if your trying to find an average over a big sample is aids sometimes.

In wars after you do a certain type of attack there should be a button to go Back and have the same type of attack and same options

being able to select cities to bulk import, default should select all but let’s say half you cities have 30 slots the other half is 29 due to war or something. If you bulk import the 30 slot build it won’t change the 29s if you bulk import 29 you have to manually add one to each 30 slot. 


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Instead of removing decimals from infra I suggest to change how to buy infra from "add X number of infra" to "reach X level of infra" so if you have to buy from 524.16 to 1000 you don't have to put 475.84 but you just have to put 1000

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2 minutes ago, Micchan said:

Instead of removing decimals from infra I suggest to change how to buy infra from "add X number of infra" to "reach X level of infra" so if you have to buy from 524.16 to 1000 you don't have to put 475.84 but you just have to put 1000

This works too solves the same problem


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Change the objectives tab to "casino" once all the objectives have been completed?

Ability to sort Alliance Member list by "Last Online"?

Ability to sort Alliance Applicant list by "Last Online"?


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inb4 new spy operation “Plane Hijack”

This is the 21000th post in this subform and I'm fine with it.


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1) Add the "Back a Page" and "Forward a Page" arrows that are already at the top of all list pages to bottom of all list pages as well (nations, alliances, trades, etc.)

2) Remove alliance descriptions from all alliances pages except Information (e.g. don't load custom images or text for alliance control panels, banks, member lists, etc.)

3) Remove fields from alliance info pages that aren't changed from their default values (e.g. if an alliance's forum link points to https://politicsandwar.com/forums/ )

4) Add a PW wiki page field to alliance info pages

5) Turn the current color bloc names in the Color Trade Bloc Leaderboard into links to each color bloc voting page

6) Turn the number of nations column in the Color Trade Bloc Leaderboard into a series of links to all nations on each color (e.g. the number of nations on olive should link here)

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3 minutes ago, Edward I said:

2) Remove alliance descriptions from all alliances pages except Information (e.g. don't load custom images or text for alliance control panels, banks, member lists, etc.

4) Add a PW wiki page field to alliance info pages

5) Turn the current color bloc names in the Color Trade Bloc Leaderboard into links to each color bloc voting page

I love these three!

inb4 new spy operation “Plane Hijack”

This is the 21000th post in this subform and I'm fine with it.


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