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European Land Grab! Triskel on the Move.

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The assault ship slipped through the clouds like a ghost, the hulls reflective panels had been activated allowing the beast to travel relative in secrecy. Alongside the assault ship moved two of the newly constructed Star Destroyers. As they appeared over the city of  Bucharest,the cloaks were dropped and the ships sat above the city in all their glory for the locals to feast their eyes upon and for the local government to tremble in fear at.


After a short period drop ships and other various landers were seen leaving the assault ship and destroyers, all of which were heading towards the surface, some carried infantry while others carried the Empire’s fear instilling siege weapons. Like God’s wrath itself, the Imperial forces descended upon the city with plague like effectiveness.


1st Shock Trooper Corps


The lighters flickered in the dropship, inside a squad of Stormtroopers, each preparing in their own way for the combat operations ahead. The squad consisted of nine Stormtroopers, each were marked with the blood red stripes of the shock trooper corps, each trooper was battle hardened and one of the Empire’s toughest soldiers had to offer.

Anita sat looking down into the inside of her helmet, itself the inner part of the helmet was empty, after many months of use she had stripped it down to be lighter and more to her style of combat. She watched her fellow troopers move about the drop, some cleaned their weapons while others sat silently with their helmets on. This would be their second large combat mission as a shock trooper regiment. Shock troopers were expected to fight harder than regular troopers and be more capable in completing their objectives. She had served two years as a regular grunt before being selected to become a shock trooper and it felt good to become the warrior she thought herself to be.


Sat opposite Anita was Naxus, he had been a shock trooper for the past five years and it could be seen in his armour, blaster marks and dents were etched into every piece of the chest plate and body. He sat silent with his helmet on, though likely it was he was actually listening to communications chatter from the different units being deployed.

Naxus had been the squad leader for the past five months before the last one had been killed in action while charging head first into a rebel stronghold. Now he was in command one of the Empire’s elite shock trooper squads. It was a huge step up from being a rank and file trooper, more responsibility, more power and of course, more pay. Though this would be his first major battle in command of the men and women around him.


To the rear of the drop was Tex, leaning against the cockpit door he cradled the standard issue rotary blaster over his shoulder like it was nothing, though the weapon to most would have been felt to be heavy. Tex was the squad’s heavy weapons specialist, if the squad needed to blast their way through someone or something, he would be their man.


Anita hadn’t had the time to talk to the rest of her squad since most of them were newbies, new shock troopers rarely had much to say, they were used to commanders listening to every bit of chatter that the normal Stormtrooper would utter, which Anita found to be anal and intrusive at best but she didn’t have to deal with that anymore.


 Suddenly over the comms the dropships pilot spoke “Prepare for rapid deployment, landing in 10 secondsâ€.


Without too much thought, Anita found herself behind the Naxus on the ramp as its rapidly lowered and day light poured in like a wave. As the ramp hit the concrete ground, the sound of combat rocked the air, in front of the dropship an AT-AT had been deployed and was moving up what would have been a busy street. Several loud explosions shook the street as tank rounds impacted on the shield which surrounded the walker. The head of the walker moved and tracked until it located a formation of three tanks far up the street, advancing towards the Triskeli forces, several short blasts from the walker's main weapons and the tanks were smoking wrecks, their crews scrambling from their flaming coffins, those who did bail quickly succumbing to their wounds, their bodies burning in the street.


Anita nearly felt the impacts before they actually happened, small arms fire slammed into shielding which protected her. Her heads up display highlighted infantry moving up, they moved with speed and as one, using the smoke from the destroyed tanks to cover up advance, though it did little to hide from them the Triskeli squad's sensor arrays. Raising her DLT-19 rifle she lined up her first shot with one of the moving figures as its stopped to fire at them, squeezing the trigger and breathing out, she felt the recoil of the heavy weapon as a stream of hot plasma screamed through the air and made impact with her target.Intensely watching, she took note as the figure of the young man slouched debris and stopped moving, the HUD stopped targeting him as the lay dying in the street. Taking a few seconds she moved onto the next target and repeated the process until all the attackers were eliminated it. It was not her job to feel for those who endangered her squad, that would be the jobs of the medics who arrived later to collect DNA for use of cloning.


“Area clear, move up and support the walker, we are to head to the parliament building† Naxus squawked over the battle network.


Quickly she jogged up to join the rest of her squad, for now the path was clear. Overhead the sky was full of Triskeli fighters dueling with local air forces. The locals didn't stand much of a chance against the Triskeli starships, their use of shields, speed and jamming made them rely on their cannons,which by themselves couldn't damage the ARC fighters which were roaming above the city like scavengers, picking off targets as they went.


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The air was thick was smoke as the squad advanced into the large pedestrianized plaza, Anita was on point as moved. The walker that they had been escorting earlier had been diverted to a different part of the city where fighting had intensified, though themselves they had seen little combat since they had first touched down.


“The locals don’t seem to have the balls to put up a worthy fight†Tex scoffed as he levels his rotary blaster at the horizon.


“The local pond life is so inept. Nearly takes the honour out of victory. Nearly†joked Naxus. He had now taken point in the formation as they walked. In the distance, there was the sound of heavy gun fire but as soon as it had appeared it had stopped again. Overhead, the sound of Romanian fighter jets had stopped completely and had been replaced with the constant humming of Triskeli Gunships which roamed the city, looking for targets.


Anita’s heads up display locked onto a group of slow moving targets moving through the smoke and fog. The target was moving too slowly to the local defence forces so it had to be something else, as the target neared the smoke seemed to vanish and what appeared was a long column of civilians, covered in dirt, blood and dust they looked like an arm of the undead swarming through the city.


As her HUD marked each individual target she noted a woman carrying what she thought to be a bundle of clothes but clothes don’t give away faint heart beats. Using her the display she noted that the child in fact had been hit by a blaster. Her heart pounded in her chest and before she could really register what she was doing she had barked down the battle net “Medic! I need a medic now!â€.

It only took a few seconds for the young medic to appear from the rear of the formation “Who’s been hit!†the medic roared as he opened his operating kid which consisted of items from nanite jel to bacta.


Anita pointed towards the mother and the child who was cowering in fear at the Stormtroopers and holding her child tighter in her arms. In one swift movement, Anita had removed her helmet to show the woman she wasn’t just an armoured henchwoman of the Triskeli. It took a few minutes but the woman allowed the medics to tend to her child for what they could in the middle of a battlefield.


Feeling the burning eyes of Naxus as he stared at her she placed her helmet back on her head and was instantly met with a tirade about removing her helmet in a combat zone and how she wasn’t a humanitarian but a soldier.

Edited by TheGrandTriskelionEmpire
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The squad sat lurking in the shell of a two-story building, in front of them was the capital building for the city. Fighting around the capital building had been intense as the local defenders had dug themselves into the surrounding for one last stand against their foe, what use that would be against the onslaught which would be coming their way. Behind a line of buildings, the Imperial forces lined up their assault vehicles for one last charge of the day, spirits had been high through the day as the Imperial forces had completely and utterly shattered both the body and mind of the local forces without taking many casualties to heavier weapons.


Anita watched as Imperial walker after Imperial walker joined the battle formation, all different sizes, though equally terrifying in their power. Also, joining the attack was a squadron of Juggernauts which would likely be used to smash through the enemy lines at high speed to cause maximum damage and confusion in amongst enemy lines.


Naxus appeared from one of the room, he had been gone for several hours to attend a meeting between commanding officers to flesh out the plan for the attack on the capital building. It was clear that his squad would be on the front of the assault as per their job as shock troopers.


“Listen up, we have orders from command, our job will be to be in the first wave of attackers going towards the capital building. We will be riding aboard one of the juggernauts, as soon as our jug has breached the inner wall of the capital building our ramp will drop and from there we are to clear out all emplaced positions around the perimeter.


The snag to our mission is that all while clearing the enemy from their positions, the bulk of our forces will begin the larger assault, so there will fire incoming from our side and the enemy will also…be shooting at us†Naxus spoke with a clear and concise voice with a hint of comedy to break the tension towards the end.


With no responding to Naxus he barked “Right Bravo, gather your gear and mount up on the Juggernautâ€.


Imperial Command, Star Destroyer, ‘Devastator’


Apollyon stood on the bridge of the destroyer, from there he was able to observe the entire invasion, beneath him the city burned as Imperial forces sacked the city. The fear and pain of the suffering could be felt through the force and those feelings sustained Apollyon’s power.


Surrounding Apollyon were several generals and Admirals who were conducting both the air and land attacks on the planet. Apollyon had never understood why Elizabeth had ordered him to this shithole of a galaxy, the local life was so primitive it was likely they would all fail genetic stock tests.


“Commander, I’d like a report on the assault†hissed Apollyon without looking away from the city.


“My lord, the final assault is about to take place on the capital building, I’ve had all assault units surround the capital to make ensure that no defenders make it out alive†reported the lowly general who was likely to be fresh out of academy.


“Very well, Commander. I will lead the assault myself†Apollyon replied as he walked away from the bridge, following behind him two advanced recon troopers.

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