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General Debate Rules - [READ BEFORE POSTING]


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General Debate Forum Rules


2. Hate Messages -  Any post or image that is - in the judgment of a moderator or administrator - a slur against any person for race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, gender or disability will result in disciplinary action.
3. Flame-baiting - Posts or images that are specifically intended to provoke emotional responses or personal attacks from other posters, rather than civil discussion, will be considered flame-baiting and will result in disciplinary actions.
4. Inciting Violence - Any post that expresses a direct, indirect, or veiled threat to anyone - whether it be another member, some other individual, or a group in general - or an incitement to violence will be dealt with severely, including but not limited to a permanent forum ban.
5. Proper Posting Etiquette.
When creating a thread

  • Thread titles should be a brief description of the thread topic. Moderation has the right to alter thread titles that do not follow this rule.
  • Topics should contain the subject you want to discuss backed by facts to support that discussion subject.
  • Whether a thread has sufficiently set a basis for respectful debate on the thread topic will be at the discretion of the moderators.
  • This is not a spam forum. We have one of those. If your "debate" toes the line of a spam it will be moved.
  • Opening posts should be long enough to develop a positive discussion.

When replying to a post

  • Personal attacks against any player will result in a warn.
  • Personal attacks extend not only to individual posters, but to groups as well. (For example, calling all Republicans idiots is the same as calling every Republican on the board an idiot, and will not be tolerated)
  • Posts that are intended to disrupt a discussion rather than actually contribute to it will be considered trolling/derailing and will result in disciplinary actions

It is important to understand that these rules for this forum will be strictly enforced.

  • Upvote 3

It was a pleasure serving this community - Stay Frosty!

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