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Exar Kun -George

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Posts posted by Exar Kun -George

  1. 1 hour ago, JaxTeller said:


    Did @MinesomeMChit a nerve, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, someone piss in your politicos or  somthing? Your trying to clap back at a statment that is technically true and looking like a !@#$ doing it. 


    13 hours ago, JaxTeller said:

    To be fair, if you understood the rules of FA you probably wouldn't be on attempt number 30 of running an AA

    Let me fix that

    To be fair, if you understood the rules of FA you probably woulnt be a !@#$ on the OWF for absolutely no reason. 

    • Like 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, Prefonteen said:

    Are there any other terms or definitions you want to sling with to sound like you have an idea of what you are talking about, friend?




    I think we both know the terminology/definition is slightly different irl and here, however I do appreciate you taking your time to research this in such detail so I will keep this short for you! When speaking of hegemonic powers in Orbis as a whole, in my experience most people are referring to a bloc or group of alliances that are unbeatable. As I've said before the numbers are pretty clear in this case and if you wish ill happy provide them to you, HollyRo$e can not be taken down even with a joint game wide response.  You attempting to use this power offensively is quite irrelevant. However I still fail to see the point about arguing over trivial matters like the definition of what your bloc is.



  3. 2 hours ago, WarriorSoul said:

    The line that it’s some longstanding treaty between HW/Celestial is about as disingenuous as it gets, and you and everyone else pretending it’s anything more than a matter of convenience and pragmatism with a clearly-defined expiration that will likely go into effect in a matter of weeks is the only joke here.


    But go on, get your outrage upvotes. It’s the only thing the talking heads in this wasteland are good for.

    I never said it is longstanding, what it does open up is precedent and a dangerous one at that. What stops you two from doing this every time a fight may not be convenient, other than your word? Your side acting like this is no big deal is the true disingenuous part of all of this. 


    52 minutes ago, Prefonteen said:


    Pre Friend, 

    Id love to see this in a reverse situation, I am almost certain you would be ringing a different tune, the fact of the mater is the numbers do NOT lie. Your current MDP lineup makes it highly unlikely and near impossible to take you down even with the entirety of the game attempting to do so. Your claims of it being temporary is really irrelevant at best, a global power house that can not be beaten is a hegemonic power. I'm not using this term in a political sense, I am using it in its exact definition, its not my issue if you choose to ignore fact and keep grandstanding, that's your choice, however most people are not buying it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Cooper_ said:

    And there you have it folks, we've gone full circle to claims of hegemony.  The nefarious plan to not lose build slots for a few weeks is going to break minispheres!  

    I apologize if we did someone the disservice of not letting them get a free, unearned win on a demilitarized foe.  You come in here yapping about hegemony.  Please, what a joke.

    Spheres interacting with each other, especially former rivals (i.e. "dynamism"), is exactly how it was imaged.  Politics was meant to be interesting and new and changing versus the slog of bipolarity.  This is interesting and new and changing.  

    Your post and attempt to downplay is a joke and changes nothing. Look at the numbers, even with every other spheres in the game, fighting your new super blob still likleyresults in a loss.  So yes you actually nail the definition perfectly. 


    This isnt diverse, this is pathetic and cowardly. Basicly the entire game has denounced the move at this point. I'm not sure how you guys think defending this action is a good idea 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Cooper_ said:

     Bitter rivals putting enmities aside to secure a political advantage is exactly how we envisioned the minispheres meta to be!

    HA! This may be how you or the top 3 alliances who combined forces *envisioned* it but I promise you a hegemonic power was definitely not everyone's elses goal or vision 

    • Upvote 2
  6. Firstly Sval,

    We met early on and you were always a chill down to earth guy, you built a extremely tight knit community and I enjoyed talking to you guys regularly. It's unfortunate we eventually found ourselves as enamies on multiple occasions, I wish you well on your future ventures and moving on with life. 


    8 hours ago, Bendigeidfran said:


    I don't know what to tell you here, welcome to the internet were some people are toxic. However painting the entire community in this brush is not fair representative of the game. In fact i have met some of the nicest, most down to earth, caring, respectable people here. I'm not sure how often you ventured out of owr servers but if you did you may have figured this out.  I find way more people that are genuinely nice and welcoming than I find that are toxic and off putting.


    If you want to quit the game so be it but please don't trash the community you know so little about on the way out 


    This community overall is amazing, I'm sorry you did not take the time to experance this

    • Upvote 1
  7. Er 

    Ok, the easiest way to explain this is, under the current game this would just be sheepy nerfing anyone who has ever been in a loosing war. The approval metric is just broken and awful. 




    • Upvote 5
  8. This is a interesting idea but would likely be more work than its worth, as Sheepy would need to rework all the logic behind allies and your own alliance spying members / allies members. I understand that credits may seem weird, however you can purchase them with game money and then redeem them during war to get you out of sticky situations, I have found this to be helpful in the past and generally keep 10 credits on me. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Kabu said:

    I'm outs



    I'm not sure if you remember years ago when we use to talk in VC quite often, you were a chill lad and it was a pleasure to play this game with you. Sorry to hear you are moving on but I do wish you the best in you adventures. Im happy to see your loyalty to OWR lasted until the end. 


    Until you return or the next game


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