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    The Darkin Empire
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  • Discord Name: Arch

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  1. I appealed to the larger demographic of people playing the game. More people like memes than art on this game. Thats not getting robbed, your just salty your vote lost. I haven’t seen Samwise complain about it. Not saying they might not be upset. But at least they are graceful in defeat. Chaos Wins so does archy
  2. It wasn’t meant as an insult and I’m sorry if you took it as one. I do not want to argue. This was all done is the spirit of Halloween and was meant to be a fun activity. But some people do seem upset about the outcome. So i wanted to say what i thought on the matter.
  3. I can see your upset, understandably so. Your vote didnt win and you dont understand my pumpkin. But everything was in the spirit of competition. As i said i am alright with and think there should be a prize increase of second place as Sam did have a good pumpkin.
  4. The lack of effort was an artistic choice. It got a laugh out of people. People from thier side of the war even voted for me (“Dude you so got my vote. I totaly love the lack of effort and it says the most. Great job”) my pumpkin did what it was supposed to do. I can imagine why people would be upset with the results, but thats voting. I dont agree with Ripper with giving Sam the full first place prize. But if Alex wanted to increase the second place prize to 20 credits i wouldnt see a problem with it. Samewise had the best craftmanship But mine got the best reaction
  5. Its Quality vs a message that people agree with. TKR does indeed suck.
  6. Vote Arch. May chaos consume your enemies and may Khorne favor your battles.
  7. Can u add a rule you need to have a paper with your nation id in the photo as well? Just so you can verify people actually did it
  8. Image Type: Nation Flag Link: http://image.ibb.co/bv8OhJ/AA_flag.jpg Nation ID: 61315
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