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Everything posted by Schwieger

  1. The commander of the Pordish vessel currently stationary over Colony Natynozh (the Chorzhalb Zhyssian type dreadnought VRZ Glistening Peaks) sends a message to their new orbital "neighbours:" Welcome to orbit. Congratulations on the successful establishment of this new orbital station.
  2. Colony Natynozh has implicated its desire to aid fellow denizens of the cold. A small task force is prepared. It includes the rift cruisers VRZ Gale Splendid, VRZ Turbulent Hail, and a Grazhniarzhnüt type bulk carrier. A message is sent: We will be slowly making our way towards Russia through international airspace. We are requesting clearance for entry. The High Hunter's Navy has gathered supplies and goods for the people of Russia.
  3. The Pordish colonial government has elected to observe the situation for the time being. Admiral nam-Kalzhak is briefed on the situation, but nothing is said publicy on the matter and no other actions are taken.
  4. The Pords naturally condemn the attack and release an official statement saying that, Colony Natynozh is willing to provide material aid to our friends on the mainland in their most dire time of need.
  5. Reverence The meeting room is not all that unlike the grand meeting hall of the Palatial Villa in the capital of High Tnem-Fragg. In the center of the room stands a tall wooden table with thickly carved legs; the legs themselves resemble totem poles and are adorned with carvings of various animals and representations of the Winter-Bringer, Jlokhemit, and his brethren - Amaruq, Polynya, Rekazhnar, Voznayte, Reknu, and others. Around the table are the various chairs for the guests and the High Hunters, while above the table a large chandelier hangs. It pours a dim blue glow over the chamber. At the far end of the chamber, relative to the massive doors that act as entryways, is a raised platform upon which the various seats for Hunter Elders are placed. Most of them are empty save for one or two. Behind them the entire back wall is obscured by a sheet of cascading water, while the other walls are hidden behind numerous trident-standards and the varied flags of the myriad Houses. High Hunter Nykat returns B'alam's greeting; And Chadengrazhni to you, Grand Heir of Tonina Kinich B'alam, he says with a bow. It is truly an honour that you have come to meet with us here in our humble colony. Take these pelts - he motions off to the side to a Pord holding a collection of pelts - and be reminded of our mutual hunting prowess. He motions to a number of Pords standing off to the side once again. We would like to welcome each and every delegation for making it here today, he says. The colour guard advance to present the Czar of Chernigov with a wooden box; inside is a Yamsai'an short sword with an ivory handle; the Princess of Bordeaux is offered a similar gift. These two swords were forged deep in the cold depths of the glaciers of the Yamsai'an capital. They will serve as representation of the bond between this universe and our own. He turns to the Mri: Our eldest allies - it is good to see your presence even out here. The colour guard moves to present Ariel with a spear. The blade on this spear was fashioned from metals that once were part of Myei syn'Rall's flagship, the Ishii dreadnought All My Sins Made Manifest. He motions to more Pords off to the side; a number advance and carry with them vast platters of food: cured meats, raw meats, boiled meats, various other meats... Vegetables (mostly steamed), and large jugs of eggnog and other similar beverages. Let us begin this summit with food to celebrate this momentous occasion, the High Hunter calls to the gathered.
  6. While it's on my mind..: Franz -Josef Land isn't on this map - are they unclaimed?
  7. OOC: For the purposes of avoiding cluttering the thread with announcements of intent to attend the summit I noted in my initial post that everyone who wants to attend is pretty much free to post about their folks arriving. We can work from here though IC: Palatial Villa: nam-Kalzhak glances at the list of guests who have indicated their intention to attend the summit. He nods as he goes down the list one by one to double check their number; between each name he looks up to the table to see the various name plaques have been prepared for the arriving delegates and leaders. We will need to contact Häzhel with the details about this summit after it is through, the High Hunter mentions to his VRZ companion. Naturally, the Admiral replies. He too is double-checking things, but they are of a different nature; he moves his hand quickly over his datapad as information is exchanged between workers elsewhere in the city, the construction crews in the System Natynozh and here. Most of the construction appears to be going rather smoothly, but considering the freshness of everything, he can't but help be apprehensive. After all, they are far from Nalydya Prime and the infrastructure of the home verse.
  8. The recently formed High Hunter Council of the burgeoning Nalydian colonies - represented by High Hunter Kanyzh Nykat - has released a statement to the USB: Nalydya will gladly host a meeting between the President of the United States of Belveria and High Hunter Council of the Colony Natynozh, and we look forward to being able to conduct business with you in the future.
  9. IC: Nalydian Empire High Orbit Above New Yamsai, Iceland Jlokhemit Natynozhskaya type Dreadnought, VRZ Spear of Amaruq Are you sure, Admiral? High Hunter Kanyzh Nykat questions. There isn't much of a reason to keep them here, nam-Kalzhak assures him. He had ordered the bulk of his division to port in the newly claimed system dubbed Natynozh. All of the massive battlewagons and the majority of smaller rift cruisers and runners had left to dock there, and with the rapid establishment of proper facilities, it nam-Kalzhak was of the opinion they would cause much less of a disturbance there than if they remained in the orbital of Orbis. It had seemed cramped when they were anchored above the Pordish holdings, and with the locals largely not possessed of advanced spacefaring capabilities themselves, nam-Kalzhak thought them out of place as well. I will keep one Chorzhalb Zhyssian type here at these facilities. That should suffice. High Hunter Nykat nods slowly. Alright. I will respect that, he agrees. He glances down at his watch to note the time and then looks back up at nam-Kalzhak. We should get going, he says. you do recall today's summit, don't you? Now it is nam-Kalzhak's turn to nod. Tasi, I do recall the summit, he affirms. Invitations had been sent out to the various nations present on Orbis inviting them to the city of New Yamsai for a summit to discuss various things. High Hunter Nykat was concerned mostly with discussing the Pordish arrival and the state of politics on-world, but with the news that both the Franks and the Mri have arrived as well, he can't but hope the summit will be a little less dry and uninteresting as he anticipates it being. Too many formalities oft bore him, but neither the Mri nor the Franks care all too much about formalities. Naturally there will be all of the standard accompaniments of a summit, but having a little extra excitement never did hurt. Nykat motions to the door. The two exit the door and head down the hallway. They are soon arrived at an expressway and enter it; moments later they arrive in the shuttle bay (having come from the bridge... A location hundreds of kilometers away) and come to a small transport. They board and soon begin to pull away from the gargantuan warship. Once clear of the vessel nam-Kalzhak contacts the bridge-crew: We are clear of the ship. You are good to take her out of system, he says. Tasinehdao, nam-Kalzhak, we are making steam for Natynozh. The Spear of Amaruq pulls away from the planet and begins to speed away; a veritable cloud of smaller attendant craft buzz about her form as she lumbers through the fabric. Once past the moon she engages her rift drives and massive rends in reality are torn as access to the sickly realm is gained. The attendant ships similarly gain their own entry into the rift, and within moments the Nalydian armada, save for a single Chorzhalb Zhyssian type dreadnought, is gone. nam-Kalzhak's transport powers its way down through the air column. It glows red-hot with the fires of re-entry and it is only though the miracles of technology that her small form is kept from being turned into a burnt crisp. It circles above the city of New Yamsai, eyeing a place to land. The pilot finds one - a small replica of the magnificent Fabricport of Grazhni Yamsai. The pilot contacts ground control and it is then not long before the small craft lands at the spaceport. The two Pords exit and make their way to the main thoroughfare through the growing city, a wide eight lane boulevard crafted from ice bricks and flanked by short and wide structures built atop similar stone step-pyramid bases (perhaps four or five steps total, depending on building size), each one of which stands proudly in the center of a wide plaza that keeps the buildings from actually bordering the road. They come to the Palatial Villa - a large walled complex with blue-clad Pords wielding tridents patrolling along the walls and battlements - and move through the courtyards and ascend up the stairs into the building proper. They are the first to arrive and take their seats at the primary meeting table...
  10. The Winter-Bringer has brought his magnificent splendour. May our relations be good and filled with progress. Nalydian reply: And though that verse no longer is, the friendship between our people has not waned. We look forward to establishing a presence here with the children of Atkane. The Mri message is brought forward to the attention of the commander of Kalzhak's Division, Admiral Talchok nam-Kalzhak. He makes his reply: Welcome. It is good to see friends in the distant and far-flung reaches of the myriad multiverses.
  11. The Pords have noted the missile test as there was an impact relatively close to Nalydian claims. No official public commentary on the matter is released.
  12. Nalydian Empire PW-1 Universe; Orbis System: Two Yamsi Natynozh type rift cruisers appeared over Orbis not too long ago heralding the arrival of Imperial Nalydya. Soon after their appearance, nam-Kalzhak's Division - a 430 warship strong formation part of the Nalydian 1st Fleet Arbiters of Winter operating under the command of Admiral Klovnazh Kazhanye - arrived in-universe as well, exiting rift well above the planet and setting its sights on Iceland. For the better part of a day, the Pords are very hard at work, establishing all that they will need to operate out of Iceland. Shuttles and smaller haulers zoom to and from looming Kenzhelengrazhni and Grazhniarzhnüt type transports sitting in orbit while blue-clad members of the ZJR work planetside assembling all of the myriad parts of the structures brought to Orbis.
  13. It's a colony of my main RP nation Imperial Nalydya/Pordlandia. It's based over on NationStates, but recently has begun to expand to another 'verse for the first time in quite a while, as detailed in my intro RP here.
  14. Official nation name: The PW-1 Colonies of Grazhni Pordlandia and Imperial Nalydya Population (P&W numbers): 1,000 GDP per capita (P&W numbers): Unknown Population density (sq. km): 50/sq km Form of Government: Stratocracy Politics & War Wikia link (leave blank if you don't have one): Closest I have - http://empireofnalydya.weebly.com/ Describe your Nation IC: We are a colony of Grazhni Pordlandia and have come to spread Pordishness to another realm Describe yourself in OOC terms: Colony of a nation based on another RP application. Have you read, and do you agree to abide with, the rules? (Yes/No): Yes. (You must not have a history of continuous rule breaks in the national affairs subforum!) Where on the map do you want to be located? (Using real-world geography/nations, or a self-provided map): Iceland, I suppose as it appears to be well below the 50 province limit. Nation flag link (if you have a specific one you want to be used): https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/pordlandia__501599.jpg
  15. Call on the Lazy-Leaden Stepping Hours... Somewhere in the Rift; VRZ Magnanimous Gale; Yamsi Natynozh type Rift Cruiser: Navigator - location check. The captain, a young Pord by the name of Grazhük Kalanok, questions his navigator. We still have not breached the multiversal fabric. We are still relative to NS-1, but we are nearing the boundaries of the PW-1 multiverse. We should be making contact here within a minute. Good, the captain replies. He eyes the displays and nods - but not all too visibly; none of the others on the bridge notice. The minute passes by without issue. The lead rift cruiser, a small five kilometer long Yamsi Natynozh type vessel with tall funnels and dozens upon dozens of blister-like turret protrusions, is first to breach the multiversal wall. Moments later the other ships in the formation, also long-distance rift cruisers, follow suit. They are three in total and comprise the entirely of the first Nalydian expedition to this new realm. Following the consolidation of the UMS within the NS-1 multiversal system, High Hunter Hanüch Kornat was more than eager to expand Nalydian influence elsewhere. More than a few hundred years have passed since the ill-fated expedition to the ZB-1 universe (and even more than that since the exodus from (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways)-1); most of what had happened then has long since disappeared from the public memory. Kornat Hanüch spent great time and effort investigating the collapse of the ZB-1 universe - very little information regarding its destruction was actually documented and he was forced to piece together the series of events through logs taken by long distance rift stations observing the realm. What he found was not all to surprising: it made sense that most of Nalydya's claims were summarily consolidated to within the NS-1 universe. It seemed to be the only realm in which the nation had any hope of surviving. Until now. We have breached the multiversal barrier, nam-Kalanok, the chief navigator indicates. The captain nods. Sensors - give us a long-distance Natyl and Mylchar sweep of this reality. Locate relative close galaxies and see if there are indications of intelligent life or other spacefaring civilizations. From there, zero in on their locations and see if we can find some worlds relative to them that will provide us with a good staging ground. Tasi! the sensors officer replies, Tasinehdao! the orders are echoed. Within moments the powerful and massively FTL scanning arrays on the Pordish warships go to work, permeating through the myriad layers of space and time, and within moments the results of their scans are returned. We have located a number of civilizations within this universe, captain, the sensors officer confirms. But we are unsure of their technological levels. There appear to be at least a few other spacefaring nations, but it seems that this realm is nowhere near as heavily populated as we had initially anticipated. The captain shrugs. Make steam for the nearest heavily populated region, he says. In a dimly-lit and uninhabited star system, the three rift cruisers emerge from the terrible realm. They arrive in the orbitals of a plant circling at a great distance from the parent star and release a number of large structures; these massive buildings crash down on the world below and automated construction begins to take place - all of the inner workings of a planetary economy and infrastructure begin to take shape on the dimly lit orb of a planet, and it is then claimed in the name of the Alabaster Kingdom. One cruiser remains to tend to construction and expansion; the other two sink back into the rift and begin to set course for the location of where it seemed the signs of intelligent life are located. They quickly arrive at a planet which upon cursory inspection appears to bear at least some resemblance to a world many Pords are all too familiar with: Earth. But this one, it seems... Different, somehow. Comms, prepare to message this world, the captain says. Tasi, the communications officer affirms. A massive trident symbol appears in the sky and through the multiversal translator the Nalydian of Kalanok is converted into a number of different languages - English, Russian, Galactic Basic, Klingon - (just to name a few but many more as well). He speaks clearly and slowly: "Greetings people of PW-1. I am Captain Grazhük Kalanok, commander of the VRZ Magnanimous Gale, a rift cruiser operating within the jurisdiction of Imperial Nalydya's Muliversal Outreach program. We have recently happened upon your multiversal system and are extending our hand in friendship. May Jlokhemit watch over us all and Rekazhnar guide our bows through calm and clear waters."
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