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Everything posted by Sketchy

  1. Yep, that checks out.
  2. I accept your apology, and I am thankful you have seen the error of your ways. I am impressed by your humility, coming forward and admitting to such inexperience is a true sign of your fortitude and character. I sincerely hope TKR will deign to give you another shot at high government in the future so you can complete your training, you deserve it.
  3. I am a firm believer in helping to train the next generation of TKR leaders so they too can come and gaslight me on the forums. Yes yes, I know, very saintly of me, contain your praise, it truly is a thankless job, but we all must do our part.
  4. Not trying to hurt your feelings bud. But considering you are struggling to follow the thread, and think our argument is that TKR tried to join this nap(?), you should perhaps let your government handle this.
  5. Bro you a regular member you don't know shit lmfao Go sit in a corner with Who Me and play some baseball
  6. "Rescued" ODOO set terms and conditions on us for their entry that were undoubtedly beneficial to themselves. Their entry was self interest, a prid quo pro. By that point in the war, we had already taken all the damage we were going to take. Peace negotiations with SAIL and us would have taken place and been finished well before the extended war would have, had parties remained in the coalition instead of peacing out. We could have taken a long NAP and sat and allowed for things to play out without us. It would have been more beneficial for us to do so. We opted to make a deal that would prolong the conflict we had already been fighting for 2 months (preceding 2 months of fighting others) in order to make a move that would benefit all parties, That would have committed us to at least 5 months of straight war. The assertion that we were rescued from anything is laughable. I'm not going to expand on what your terms were, despite the various wild claims being made here, but the fact is, you guys had a deal on the table that worked for you, and that is why you helped. And then you walked away from the deal. And very abruptly. We all know how much of a mess that was. As far as us being "angry" goes, I hadn't really intended to get involved in this discussion much. But certain claims were made here that required addressing, and I think it's interesting you guys have chosen to single us out, given everyone else who signed onto the nap, including alliances you claim to have good relations with, and, all in all, we owe you the least here besides perhaps Eclipse. TKR immediately planned to attack us as soon as the Fortuna war in which we fought together was over. And they did, bringing in Syndicate. That put us under a NAP cycle, the same one that prompted their entry into our war later on. TKR made a deal that, as I said earlier, was beneficial to them, in order to bring themselves in, and then when things got too hairy for them, struck a different deal behind our backs, and attempted to exclude us from the process, which would have inevitably left us in the same war they are purported to have rescued us from lmfao. These are all claims I can easily support with evidence, if I have to. Despite all this, we have not gone after or targeted you directly, this entire time. We could have easily sought revenge on TKR/ODOO for your previous attacks on us, we could have easily sought to align with people attempting to hit you this cycle, and, with this nap in place, we could easily align with the current coalition against you. Instead, we have, more than once, attempted to work with you, and find mutual common ground and cut deals with you that would work to our mutual benefit. But past behaviour is a pretty good indicator for future behaviour, and TKR has proven time and time again, that collaboration with you ends poorly for us. Perhaps you'd prefer me to sit alongside you, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and pretend like I wasn't one of the alliances who signed onto the NAP? Given who you guys have chosen as the target of your ire here, it feels to me that you'd rather hear comfortable lies than brutal honesty.
  7. He's not confused, he's just doing a bad @Eumirbagoimpression 🤣
  8. TKR smell bad Adrienne has poo on head Benfro stink of fish
  9. IDK bro, the prospect of being abandoned by your coalition partners isn't exactly an amazing deal. Why didn't TKR keep fighting? Seems I could just make the same argument to you. Lmfao.
  10. Cute spin. You guys are the ones who forced the peace in the first place in one day war. We didn't want to peace at all. We wanted to keep fighting. Now you are trying to pretend that was instigated by us, because as usual, TKR plays the blame game, and this is exactly why we didn't want to work with you. You betray the coalitions you work with, over and over, shifting blame to others to hide your own shit. We had just come off fighting 4 months straight, and you forced us into the room to make peace after one day. We would have fought on. You cut a deal with t$ and leveraged it to get us all to peace out. Attempting to pin the nap on us because, when faced with a decision we didn't want, we pushed for something that would benefit us more as a consolation prize, is rich. Now you are shocked and amazed that we dared not to work with you, when you are still out here lying and obfuscating information in order to shift responsibility from yourselves. This NAP happened because of you, because you weren't content to fight Eclipse in a 1v1 on your own terms, and we knew, that when face to face with that prospect in a months time, you would have signed the other deal on the table and left us to be screwed. Because that is what you did last war, and that is the pattern of behaviour you've established for 2 cycles in a row, you screw over your coalition partners.
  11. It's only a bad NAP when it doesn't include TKR. I'm sure @BigMorf would be singing a different tune if the Syndicate/Eclipse/ODOO nap that he supported got through.
  12. Alternatively, you can all play Roberts Bingo with me!
  13. Quitting Caffeine was the best worst decision (or worst best decision) I've ever made so I envy you.
  14. TKR members probably need to sleep at some point. 🤣
  15. And just like that, the forums are active again.
  16. Lime has a bunch of training alliances on it. As soon as the changes are implemented those alliances will move those aa's onto their own color. The point of the proposal is to encourage multiple types of paths to a higher bonus, so obviously it's going to rescale how the colors currently are. Naturally a change in the way the color bonus is being calculated is going to result in a change in how some colors have their numbers work. What's your core issue with the proposal?
  17. I think that just further benefits whale tier. The act of switching in most cases is going to change the bonus.
  18. Alright here is my proposed revision of the color bonus. Step 1: Eliminate all people not in an alliance from counting towards the color bonus. Eliminate all people city 10 and below from counting towards the color bonus. (Can still benefit from the color bonus). Step 2: Adjust the Turn Bonus formula from: Turn Bonus = (Average Daily Monetary Net Revenue / Nations) To this: Turn Bonus = ( (Average Daily Monetary Net Revenue * 0.75) / Nations) Step 3: Instead of raising the cap to 150k, change the cap to the following formula. Currently this is around ~111k with the above changes. New Turn Bonus Cap = (Total Aggregate DNR/Total Nations) Step 4: Create a second bonus with the following formula: Recruit Bonus = (Total Nations <c11 on Color/(Total Nations <c11/5)) * New Turn Bonus Cap Step 5: Add the revised Turn Bonus to the new Recruit Bonus. This is your final Color Turn Bonus. What this accomplishes: Removes the need to bully nanos off of colors. Gives nanos free reign to choose any color and receive it's bonus without impact. Remove the need for training alliances that don't benefit from the main alliances bonus. Creates value for lower tier nations and nanos for larger nations and alliances, giving them slightly more power. Larger alliances can court smaller alliances to increase their recruitment bonus. Allows for multiple approaches to gain increased bonus without changing the system to benefit one style of play over another. Create a cap that automatically scales over time as the game grows or shrinks, and pins the recruitment bonus to a value that adjusts to the ebb and flow of player count. The Numbers
  19. Global War 30 had more to do with our issues with Aurora than Syndicate. Syndicate just made it about themselves for whatever reason. Keegoz even when barely active lives rent free in their heads. It's become comical at this point honestly.
  20. If only Camelot could emulate TKR.
  21. If you capped alliance numbers, alliances would just make multiple alliances. Wouldn't do much. There's not much to be gained by limiting player's freedom of movement. As always, the solution remains to make the game more engaging and less draining for new players.
  22. I believe that is what happens when people leave an alliance to join a different alliance. Honestly I figure you all of people would know about that.
  23. I see the quality of RON reporting hasn't improved. This seems like the sort of thing you could probably find out yourself, with the bot, that exists on your own server.
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