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Fox Fire

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Everything posted by Fox Fire

  1. You should note that Moreau is mostly a shitposter and a terrible RP partner.
  2. I don't think him trolling you in an RP thread counts as taking control of your nation. Because he's not......
  3. I'm not trying to sound like an !@#$ here, but this is quite obviously inspired by politics. Let's take a look at the OP: "...what Arrgh has been taking advantage of..." "...now with Arrgh highlighting how much of an issue..." "...it is possible to stop what Arrgh is doing..." "...link shows an arrgh city with 40 improvements..." "...As I said Arrgh members will be adamantly against this change..." "...My alliance reached a peace deal with Arrgh, so this suggestion is not political..." "...now is because Arrgh is highlighting how skewed..." Right.... Well I mean despite your claims, you sure went out of your way to make a suggestion post that is indeed, completely centered on the actions of Arrgh. It is a post specifically designed to hurt their play style, not anyone elses. You said "Arrgh" 7 times in your post without mentioning any other alliance, with the exception of the brief mention of your own. Sorry, but I'm not buying the cool aid here, buddy.
  4. What a load of bullshit. DPRK doesn't want a peace treaty. They want the Korean peninsula, just like the South. According to the lead negotiator in the DPRK nuclear negotiations, North Korea intends to have permanent nukes. Also, no nation anywhere is interested in seeing North Korea collapse. There would be no benefit to anyone if that happened. North Korea is a hellhole of exploitation where only those who choose not to think live good lives and the average person spends their days farming dirt and playing KGB hide and seek for a chance to watch a DVD movie. But yeah man, South Korea, one of the most advanced nations on earth, is so much more terrible. I mean, why would anyone want modern living standards? A person living on the street in S Korea is probably better off than a person living in a house in N Korea. But I see your argument here. Nothing screams a great nation quite like 15 years hard labor for touching a cheap ass banner.
  5. 1. Actually, I implied that it's a fundamental problem. 2. I'm not. I have nothing to gain or lose either way. I have a whopping 10 population. 3. I'm not the one making suggestions to advance my in game political situation.
  6. It's more national affairs. It's not really an alliance announcement nor is it really an alliance affair. It's really just a single nation going off about his own experiences an alliance.
  7. I think the problem with this game is obvious and fundamental. (That terrible game that is totally irrelevant and I shouldn't be bringing it up anyways) has the same issue in a different way. However it's posts like this, ideas specifically inspired by in game politics that are the absolute worst ideas and why this game can never be "fixed". In fact, I think this game has been progressively going downhill from a mechanic standpoint because nothing is ever consistent and a new problem is created anytime anyone fights a war. To sum all up, you're all a bunch of cry babies, really.
  8. With an attitude like that, I'm surprised he ever had allies at all....
  9. lol. TBF, most Satanists are atheists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanism
  10. And you're a bigot. Most of my friends and family are Christian but that doesn't mean I won't criticize other philosiphies. I equally welcome any critique of my own. Such discussions can easily offend people, but I think its productive.
  11. None of this was done in the name of any religious ideal. Unlike religious wars. Look it up. You're the only one lying dude.
  12. Its not a lie. Its very commonly known that rape victims are most often punished in Saudi Arabia for example. Why would I report a rape when I know ill literally just be beaten for doing so?
  13. Rape happens all the time in muslim nations. Only the victim is punished so the extreme majority of rapes are never heard of because of completely absurd womanizing policies.
  14. We should kill religious people for endangering society.....
  15. Here is my non muslim view of the prophet: He was a controlling, violent pedophile. Of course that wasn't abnormal in his day.
  16. Yeah, Arabic is a cool language but this isn't a miracle by any means.
  17. Isn't there a reason this was once a thing and now is not?
  18. It's generally more fun to watch kids smash their toys together than to take them away.
  19. Also, all qualities exist within the singularity. God must be qualitative in order to hold moral values. Unfortunately, his existence must also be beyond qualitative concept in order to exist outside of a singularity. Do you even know what Qualitative means?
  20. The universe is zero energy and due to energy conservation, that energy was always there with the exception of quantum fluctuation which equally suggests an infinite limit to existence. My argument can be further elaborated by black hole cosmology and fractal cosmology or a multifractal system, the idea that existence is a fractal. Something like a Mandelbrot with no beginning or end: ^This is how i would visualize existence if such a perception were possible in the human mind. This is about as close as one gets to seeing what existence is in it's entirety looks like.
  21. Guys, this is a game on the internet, not an adult shopping network that's going to get sued for selling sex toys to kids. Besides, how many people, especially kids, do you think even read the terms of use? I find this to be pretty pointless. The internet is full of offensive things. You can't swing a dead cat on the internet without hitting porn. But sure. I mean if means that much...
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