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Shakyr last won the day on October 25 2020

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  • Member Title
    The Snowman

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    The Other Side of the Hill
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    The Lost Isles
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Community Answers

  1. I've been asking for years, to the point where I gave up. So I'm happy that someone else is posting about it. Sheepy actually posted in this one, yet nothing has been done in the past year and a half. This one has links to my previous topics.
  2. Additionally, anyone in Beige should not be able to conduct espionage operations.
  3. Something I coded for myself, because I regularly ran out of raw resources, but I thought might be useful. Basically each resource has a Good, Ok, Bad threshold (or is disabled) and is coloured appropriately. At a glance I tell what resources I need to buy now and what I might need to buy soon.
  4. Something I thought about posting a few years ago, but ongoing radiation should affect more than just Farms. All Raw Resource and Manufacturing Improvements should have reduced production. Background "pollution" should be raised for all nations. This will impact various things if they do not have Recycling Centers, etc to offset. This would provide some measure of impact to a nuke war, which the game currently lacks.
  5. Requested 8 years ago (though without the pretty graphics). I would love to see saved templates in the game.
  6. 2. Numbers as always, can change. The whole point was to make it a restriction per city. 1000/1500 infra is cheap, I wouldn't call it whale territory. 3-5. The whole point of this topic is to render nuke turrets unfeasible, or am I missing something? Also, no military means no miltary. If you're lucky enough to still have 1 soldier at turn change (or when you are attacked), you're totally fine. Actually I want to add to my previous list. 5. Amend this to being "instantly beiged on the next Immense Triumph after 12 turns". This would give them the chance to at least double buy and maybe stop the attacker getting IT. 6. If you sell off all your military, this counts as admitting defeat and you will be instantly beiged on the next Immense Triumph, with no counter from (5). Bonus damage will be applied as per (4).
  7. Wouldn't change a thing, except make it slower for them to build their stockpiles. They don't rely on buying nukes during the war, they just use massive stockpiles. Instead, consider all or some of the following: Remove nukes and missles from the Nation Strength calculations. Require at least 1000 infra per city to build missiles and 1500 infra per city, in order to build nukes. If you have no military (soldiers, tanks, navy), you cannot declare wars. If you have no military, you take extra infra damage, increased chance of destroying improvements, plus a chance to destroy missiles and nukes. If you have no military (or less than x%) for 12 turns (1 day), you are instantly beiged.
  8. Lower the odds, but I see no issues with the basic premise. There is a fundamental issue with the current war system, that you can have no military and still declare wars, fighting with nukes and missiles. I'd actually propose three changes: 1. Add the option airplanes to target nuke/missile silos. Does less infrastructure damage, with the chance to destroy a nuke or missile. 2. If a nation has no military, ground attacks have a small chance of finding and destroying a nuke or missile silo. 3. Add options to naval battles to target various things (infrastructure, etc).
  9. Currently when there is not enough Power in a City, it outright disables everything. A relatively simple change would be to instead have it keep Improvements working on a priority list with it only disabling improvements once it reaches the limit. The priority list being for example, Military -> Commerce -> Civil -> Manufacturing. This would allow for cities to still partially function when Power Plants are destroyed or when you don't build enough.
  10. So currently, when we enlist military units, they're created out of thin air and when we discharge them, they disappear. The amount we can buy is based on a nation's population, but that is all. What I propose is that military units become a part of the population (with Tanks, Aircraft and Ships being worth x population). When you lose military units in a war, your maximum population is temporarily reduced. This would then reduce a nation's income and also reduce the amount of military you can enlist (as you have less citizens to draw from). The nation's population would then be slowly restored over x turns or days (and potentially be a good way to integrate Approval Rating). If you're at war, this would be further reduced (as there would be less migration to a country at war). I would also assign x population to relevant Improvements and if you enlist too many military units, this potentially means they are pulled from your "workforce" and Improvements are disabled (much like they are now, if you don't have enough Power) or run at a reduced capacity. When you discharge military units, they are then restored to the population and either the next turn or the next day, they are then restored back to any Improvements. Discharging military units (if it doesn't already), should also reduce your Approval Rating.
  11. Do you ever get tired of making negative posts to changes? You should try and post something constructive, more inline with the ideals of this forum. Not that I've ever noticed. Happy to be proven wrong though, if someone can show me a changelog.
  12. There is no point to espionage, it's a headless chicken, running around the yard making a mess (see other topics for a discussion around espionage). The point of beige though, is to be a safe zone for you to recover (or to be protected if you are new). You can't recover if you're constantly harrassed by espionage attacks. Additionally, does it make sense that it's possible to have a low score nation, harrass new nations with espionage attacks, who are in their initial "safe" beige period? I know that would drive me to quit a game before I started.
  13. Can we both remove the ability to unleash espionage attacks against beige nations and also in turn remove the ability for beige nations to unleash espionage attacks (as this makes things fair) It's meant to be a safe zone to recover from wars and warlike activity, but currently it is not.
  14. Truthfully at this point, any change would be welcome, for a feature that's underdeveloped and mostly ignored.
  15. My regular post about spies, as they are are horribly unbalanced. Decided I wouldn't bother this year, with making a post in Game Suggestions. The usual points: It's possible to lose upwards of 30+ spies in a day, while you're only able to recruit 3-4 per day. Having maximum spies and Arcane, seems to do little to reduce your chances of losing spies. Once you lose spies and are not maxed out, they're basically useless and you may as well not waste your money, til the global war is over. Some of my previous posts on spies, over the years: The oldest post is from almost 7 years ago, yet spies have not really seen much improvement over the years.
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