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Everything posted by SoS

  1. I'm in. Going super risky. I'll either fail or succeed spectacularly.
  2. Haha, I've trained myself to ignore the notifications.
  3. Where do I find the option to redeem for this award? Found nothing in "donate" "edit" or "account" Ok, it's in the notifications which I never read :/
  4. Nope. Can't find an option to get this offer.
  5. Then, why are these British massacres using kitchen knives? Never once a black market gun?
  6. I strongly believe in individual initiative. That's the style I've always played these games. Doing what I can where I see the demand and opportunity. It's great individually. But, not everyone's like that. Most people feel the need for permission, titles, authority being granted. Anarchy is great for a band of pirates, with not a lot going on politically. An alliance with goals beyond rum and booty needs more defined organization. They need programs, department heads, benefits, and obligations to attract members who will act with discipline to achieve a goal. The alliance goals and individual goals must find common ground. An alliance that doesn't accommodate its members' goals is doomed. I have always admired Arrgh's style. There's some aspects of it I'd like to imitate. But, it's not complete anarchy. There's a pirate king with the final say and authority over FA. We all have kings who rely on the charter to maintain their control of that ultimate spot that can edit all gov. That and their possession of that unassailable spot. Ultimately, all gov exists at the pleasure of the king.
  7. What I have more of a problem with is players that haven't been here for 2 years getting the award. If only 2 year players could get it, I'd buy it.
  8. Happy for the b-day Sheepy (itsa my birthday too), but yeah too much confetti. Hope it only lasts a day.
  9. Eh, it's political anyhow. They use knives and pointy sticks in Britain to make a political point. In the US, they use guns to make their point. I am admittedly paranoid, but that's where I stand. But, the politics of this is the issue. People are killed everyday, but a massacre can't be ignored. A knife attack in London causes them to station cops armed with asault rifles on the streets. There are long term UN agendas to rid nations of all their harmful ways. Do you think all the anti-smoking shit was spontaneous? No, that too is a UN resolution at work. Just like the UN resolution to rid nations of guns.
  10. Yes, the obvious solution is to give the guy with the hatchet a gun.
  11. Aside from the shitty comedian being especially useless, the video was an accurate depiction of the "good guy" fallacy. He shot a kid ffs. I've been through 100 hours of training to not shoot the kid. That's the hardest part. That and knowing when to not use deadly force. Pointing a gun at an unarmed guy is great. It's also kinda unnecessary isn't it? Exchanging gunfire isn't as much fun, because odds are fair you're going to be shot. It's not easy to be effective when someone's actually pointing a gun at you. The "facts" in this debate are manipulated on both sides. My favorite is the 3000 rapes/day that are never attempted because of gun ownership. The prevention of attempted crime is kinda a negative that you really can't prove. Only the negative aspects make it to the genuine statistics. And, you could have put anything on that chart to compare with the drop in gun homocides. Like, the unemployment rate or the price of tea in China. You can't link causation. Every story of a good guy with a gun starts with a bad guy with a gun. It makes just a tiny bit of sense to try something to remove all guns from that equation. But, that's not going to happen in America any time soon.
  12. Pathetic joke, not funny joke. A man that can't control himself can't be president.
  13. This game is riddled with prisoners' dilemma
  14. Interest rates were very low by normal standards. And stupid low in light of the housing bubble and economic growth. In fact the fed (specifically Greennspan) was asked why he was so stupid. His reply was he had faith in the market to self adjust. Easy money was a huge demand side factor. Then you had oil quadruple in 5 years. Oil isn't on the cpi, but everything that requires oil or transportation tripled in the same time frame. Supply side factor. Everything looked fun until unemployment got below transitional figures. Then wages inflated dramatically. Eventually roi and productivity couldn't feed the fire and it all collapsed. I don't like how victims of all this are painted as the cause. The fed could have prevented all this, but they chose to let it happen. Keynes wrote some basic wisdom on interest seeking that would benefit anyone to learn. It briefly explains most economic activity.
  15. Which factor caused the last major inflation spike in the run up to the great recession?
  16. Summed in one word - a fraud.
  17. Feelings are easier to twist and manipulate than facts. Trump is nothing more than a fear monger. Sadly, he's accurately read the feelings of considerable portion of Americans. And, Hillary is every bit as corrupt and conniving as she's painted. I hate her, don't get me wrong. But, at least she isn't a demagogue and a jackass. I'd rather vote for a professional crook than an incompetent joke. But, I won't vote. I quit voting for far less cause than this current mess. This system and the majority are pathetic. I'm fully disgusted with it all and have little regard for anyone who has any faith in it. This is capitalism at its finest. The shitty end of the stick for all you cretins.
  18. Paperless was hugely successful early in the game. As more alliances and more paper came into the game, it became harder to remain paperless. It requires a strong alliance to begin with and strong relationships. Oddly, it has some of the benefits of neutrality with none of the liabilities.
  19. Ah, I have much to learn.
  20. Some use advantages and others are taken advantage of. Big balls have won over conservativism. Glad to see it.
  21. I like that threads on economics always turn to "you don't know shit about economics". We could be talking about theoretical shit...but economics, no. I'm educated in economics. I don't have a degree, but I wasn't seeking a degree in economics, just the knowledge. I didn't want to be a teacher or a statistician. Your original point was most economists are merely scribes for the religion. I agree. Any insights on the inflation thing?
  22. Carrying a gun makes you far unsafer when you come into contact with police. I think the majority of you don't feel the need to carry a firearm is because most people don't need to carry one. Police do, though. They're like playground monitors without a gun. Donald Trump is a satire. This guy is a satire of Donald Trump. Because if we don't have guns something bad that never happens will suddenly happen. You may not know it, but you're living in a tyranny because you don't have armed citizens. Your government is breaking in your doors and doing something that doesn't make sense...they're taking the guns that you don't have. That's pretty much the only tyrannical thing I've heard the government will do if we don't have guns. Some people can defend themselves and others with guns. A legitimate need for that will likely never happen. If it does, it's worthwhile. Most people carry guns because they're little men and a gun makes them feel big. Hopefully they keep it in their pants. Too often they shoot kids with skittles. Usually, the cop is tried in the media. If it goes viral, he's fuct. It was better when there wasn't video and the cop said he fought me, so I had to shoot him. Now you have video of the guy fighting the cop and because the guy gets shot the cop is a criminal.
  23. They're both a waste of votes. I'll stay home and do something productive, like shitposting.
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