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Everything posted by Lannan13

  1. I did, I even offered, but their Secretary of Defense demanded that I was to surrender my sovergnty and wreck my nation to do that. What about you. How about you stop being a coward behind that computer screen and go fight for your REAL country? I gladly offered to help. It was declined. VE is being hypocritical.
  2. In recent events VE has declared war against Guardian. I was once appart of VE, but recently left after their attrocities. The soul purpose of the alliance is a general protection of a group of nations against outside threats. They began to call up the drums of war and demand that every nation surrender their sovergnty and ruin their own nation's to prepare for war. Then when war came there was no reason as to why it was occuring. They only merely assigned groups to fight other nations. I was sent a "Strongly worded" letter from their Secretary of Defense warning that what I did in defending my own sovergnty and protesting the entire time was an act of cowardness. Not only am I offended that someone wants to give me a lession on courage when I've been to Marine Corps Depot Parris Island Marine Boot Camp, but they slam me for protecting my sovergnty. I am very Libertarian and they declare war on me for protecting my beliefs. This is a great appalling action by them that not only due they resort to their totalitarian views, but they insist that we are to bow to their comand and surrender our sovergnty. I am greatly appalled that this alliance has violated my freedoms and they insist that I pay for not surrendering them. Sincerely yours, Kyro
  3. In recent events VE has declared war against Guardian. I was once appart of VE, but recently left after their attrocities. The soul purpose of the alliance is a general protection of a group of nations against outside threats. They began to call up the drums of war and demand that every nation surrender their sovergnty and ruin their own nation's to prepare for war. Then when war came there was no reason as to why it was occuring. They only merely assigned groups to fight other nations. I was sent a "Strongly worded" letter from their Secretary of Defense warning that what I did in defending my own sovergnty and protesting the entire time was an act of cowardness. Not only am I offended that someone wants to give me a lession on courage when I've been to Marine Corps Depot Parris Island Marine Boot Camp, but they slam me for protecting my sovergnty. I am very Libertarian and they declare war on me for protecting my beliefs. This is a great appalling action by them that not only due they resort to their totalitarian views, but they insist that we are to bow to their comand and surrender our sovergnty. I am greatly appalled that this alliance has violated my freedoms and they insist that I pay for not surrendering them. Sincerely yours, Kyro
  4. The world isn't overpopulated. If you need me to I can go in depth on why it's not.
  5. Mine's Econ: 8.23 Social: 3 Graph Seen bellow.
  6. Contention 1: Self-Awareness One of the arguments for abortion is that the fetus is not self-aware, but the fetus becomes fully aware during the 24th week of Pregnancy, which is why many abortions in the 3rd Trimester are illegal. (http://www.scientificamerican.com...) Many people believe that is the qualifications for the starting of a FDH (fully developed human) is when the creature is self-aware, but this has many flaws. One being that in cases of sleep and in cases of comas. Under these situations the person is not self-aware, does this mean that they are no longer a FDH until they have awoken? However the person’s ability to be self-aware is irrelevant to their personhood as it is an inherent capacity for self-awareness. Dr. Jerome LeJeune, professor of genetics at the University of Descartes in Paris, was the discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down syndrome. Dr. LeJeune testified to the Judiciary Subcommittee, “after fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being.â€" He stated that this “is no longer a matter of taste or opinion,â€" and “not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence.â€" He added, “Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.â€" You can see here that this further my point as one can see that life begins at conception and throughout the child's life is concidered a human life. The moment of conception is when life starts. This is because this is when you start being and because you are beginning to being. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, founder of National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), created a movie that showed the realities of abortion to inform Americans. In his movie Silent Scream he stated, "“Modern technologies have convinced us that beyond question the unborn child is simply another human being, another member of the human community, indistinguishable in every way from any of us." Here the founder of an Abortion Rights group showed that modern technology shows us that the unborn child is indeed another human being and a valued memeber of the community though he is still unborn. (Bernard Nathanson, Aborting America (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979). "In fact, philosophers often use the terms self and person interchangeably: a capacity for self-awareness is necessary for full personhood.â€" (http://socrates.berkeley.edu...) If that is true then we can see that it’s degrading as different levels of self-awareness would vary across the board. Meaning that certain people like that of “specialâ€" peoples and those in different medical conditions would not be considered FDH and be up for “abortionâ€" depicting as such in the Unwind Trilogy by Neil Shusterman. Meaning that they would also be considered less of a person than the average American. With the quote bellow we can see that people are people because they are human, not due to something they gain nor loose in their lifetime, so this can work all across the board in this debate. "Humans have value simply because they are human, not because of some acquired property they may gain or lose in their lifetime." (Scott Klusendorf, "Advanced Pro-Life Apologetics" Biola University lecture notes) By accepting the legality of abortion we can see that we are endorsing that a human life is disposable as Pope Francis called it the “Throw away culture.â€" We get rid of the unborn like they are unwanted pickles on our Hamburghers from McDonald’s and just imagine the horror of never getting to see the light of day? When we look at our stages of life we can see that from it was you there at conception and you’re the same now (though taller and more mentally developed) and we can see that it was you at birth and you are here debating me, so we can see that it was you in the womb, not the body of something that would later become you. This means that once you were fetus, if it is wrong to kill you now, then it was wrong to kill you then. (https://bearspace.baylor.edu...) In the end we can see that at the least a fetus has the same FDH levels that of a person in a coma or asleep. Every organism must be able to maintain a consistent internal environment. This is often seen done through sweating, excretion and blood plays a major role. There is no set law on how one’s internal environment must be maintained, so long as the organism can accomplish this, it’s performing Homeostasis. The Fetus performs a great deal of Homeostasis through the Placenta. The Amniotic Fluid also plays a large role in maintaining body temperature. The fluid stays slightly above the body temperature of the mother in order to keep the fetus’s body temperature where it needs to be. (http://americanpregnancy.org...) The hormones that help maintain Homeostasis are produced in the Placenta. The Fetus must maintain glucose homeostasis, body temperature, and body fluid homeostasis. Every organism must require Metabolism, the transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and the decomposing of organic substances (catabolism). The energy is used to vastly support homeostasis and other phenomena.The fetus maintains a good deal of metabolism on its own. Many primary hormones, such as insulin and glucagon, don’t pass through the placenta. This means the hormones are produced within the fetus. The mother’s own hormones play a minor role in the fetus’s Metabolism. (http://www.reproduction-online.org...) There are many who believe that life starts with a heartbeat, or some who argue that it’s about being self-sustaining. Neither is correct. Life has nothing to do with a heartbeat, or self-sustainment. This is an issue of flawed Cause and Correlation. That because someone is alive because he has a heartbeat, when in reality he has a heartbeat, and brain signals, and digestion… because he is alive. We can measure if you die by using your heartbeat, but it’s not because of your heartbeat that you are a living creature. Your heartbeat just keeps you alive. A tree has no heartbeat, nor does jellyfish, but even they are alive. In all reality, a heartbeat is merely a side-function of Respiration, the true character of life. Self-Sustainment isn’t used to measure life either. The idea that humans are self-sustaining is far from reality. Humans depend on bacteria to live, if we lost the trillions of microorganisms and bacteria in our bodies, we would simply begin to die. (http://www.scientificamerican.com...) There are many humans who can’t live on their own, some using iron lungs, and others in comas. Being able to live is required; being able to do it independently for this very reason is not. It should also be noted that parasitic creatures like the Candiru, or the tapeworm also fall under this category and we still concider them alive. While this seem less than humanly, living isn’t about how pretty or desirable the creature is. Contention 2: After Affects of Abortion In China, women their generally tend to have the world’s lowest rates of breast cancer, but the numbers have been skyrocketing so the Chinese government launched several studies into the incident and has found that an abortion has the chance to increase the rate of breast cancer after an abortion by 600%! This study was backed by the New York City Science Advisor to the Coalition of Breast Cancer/abortion, Joel Bind. Bind has stated that the link found between the two is that of a cigarette link to lung cancer. (http://www.naturalnews.com...) Dr. Jane Orient has found that the reasoning behind this is that estrogen increases by 2000% during the end of the 1st Trimester which in turn increases vulnerability to estrogen-fueled cancers and that a full pregnancy decreases the risk of milk producing stem cells to divide into that of cancerous cells. (http://www.sciencedirect.com...) As we can see from above is that there is a direct corrilation between abortions and breast cancer as the statistics show that it's near 1 abortion per breast cancer incident. They have also found that abortion causes PASS (Post Abortion Stress Syndrome) which leaves women in mental anguish similiar to the effects of shel shock. (http://www.abort73.com...) Contention 3: Life of the Mother In 2012, the Dublin Declaration on Mental Healthcare reached a ground breaking finding that abortion is not necissary to save the life of a mother as 140 scientists observed this study. They released the following findings. -“As experienced practitioners and researchers in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, we affirm that direct abortion is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman. -We uphold that there is a fundamental difference between abortion, and necessary medical treatments that are carried out to save the life of the mother, even if such treatment results in the loss of life of her unborn child. -We confirm that the prohibition of abortion does not affect, in any way, the availability of optimal care to pregnant women.â€(http://www.lifenews.com...) Since I've ran out of characters I shall pass things off to Con for this debate. Contention 1: Self Awareness. The evaluation of life, as defined by Biologists, is done by locating Signs or Characteristics all life possess. While no full list is accepted on a universal scale, at least twelve characteristics are generally used in Biology, often in lists of five or seven. They are as followed: Organization: Defined as composing of cells. Genes: To consist of DNA and RNA. Adaption: Changing to match the environment around it. Homeostasis: Maintaining a consistent internal environment. Metabolism: Sometimes called Thermodynamics, it’s the transformation and use of energy. Response: To react to stimuli or to the environment around it. Reproduction: To be able reproduce or bear children. Growth: To grow in size, usually referred to as Cell Growth. Excretion: Removing wasted from the organism’s body. Respiration: The intake of gases needed to live. Feeding: The consumption of resources to live. Movement: The ability to move that even plants have. The Characteristics of Life are used to measure whether or not something is alive or non-living. As with any measurement, the unit of measurement must match the thing being measured. It is completely useless to measure weight in inches, thus showing my opponent's umbrella is irrelivant and this is the proper measurement. For that reason, we have to use these Characteristics used to determine life among single-celled organisms to determine if a Zygote is really alive. Measuring a Zygote by the standards of a full grown, multi-celled organism would be a fraudulent means to determine it not living, sadly too often successfully used to do so. It is well known among biologists that the fetus responses to external stimuli. At what week it begins to react is not known, and no estimates are universally accepted. [4] A test performed in the early 20th century, studying the effects of sound on fetuses found considerable amounts of data on the subject. The Fetus does react to sound and other stimuli. [5] This is seen again in the study of 100 Dutch women, where the fetus responds to sound before adapting to it. [6] In the study mentioned in the prior segment, the researchers used noise to test the fetus, and found that the fetus would stop responding. It adapted to the noise through habituation or sensitization. These are primitive forms of memory, but the fetus did nonetheless adapt to and remembered the noise. There is other research that suggests the fetus adapts to stress. This adaptation usually involves increased maturation in the Brain and Lungs. [7] Being able unable to reproduce only means you aren’t fully developed or that your development was messed up, but you can still be alive.So how does one handle this characteristic? A good move would be to accept that this characteristic need only be found in one’s species. Of course, we could also use information from Vorvick and Stork to conclude that, on a cellular level, the zygote is reproducing. [8] Starting as a single cell, the Zygote begins cell division (reproduction). This mean that, for the first few weeks, the fetus is capable of fulfilling the reproduction characteristic. For the sake of reason, we will conclude that after the fetus reaches a certain level of development, where cellular development is less as an issue, cellular reproduction no longer counts. We will also conclude that once living, a fetus can’t die and come back to life months later. The fetus reproduces as a cell, and afterwards, is protected by the principle that it’s already fulfilled its criteria, and that reproduction need only be a specie’s characteristic. Last round I have already posted many of these reason on how the fetus is alive in refutation to my opponent's second contention, but I'll continue by extending those points across as they were dropped by adding on to it as they help prove this point. The fetus does not breathe through its mouth, but through its umbilical cord. The Mother inhales, and the oxygen is sent to the fetus through the placenta. The placenta then transports the CO2 back to the Mother via the same means. [1] This would call us to ask whether this counts as Respiration. The answer is simple. Yes. As mentioned in the criteria, respiration is not about means and ways. It’s about bringing in a gas to live, and Fetus does bring in gas. While it doesn’t ‘breathe,’ it does require and take in oxygen. It should be noted that the heart begins to beat just 10 days after implementation, during the first and second week. [2] This is around the time it’s begins receiving nutrients and oxygen from the Mother. As discussed in the prior sections, once the placenta is finished forming, the fetus begins receiving oxygen and nutrients (same as the last source). By receiving nutrient from the Mother by week 1-2, the fetus fulfills the criteria needed for Feeding. As stated, it is not a matter of means. The fetus need not eat much the same as an adult. It need only require and take in nutrients. The fetus does this via the umbilical cord. Prior to conception, the two human Gametes, Sperm and Egg, each contain one pair of Chromosomes, for a total of 23 chromosomes each, or 46 pair together. During fertilization, the two sets merge, forming 23 pairs of Chromosome. After Fertilization, the diploid cell, a zygote, that is formed contains a full set of 46 human Chromosomes. [3] Even at conception, the zygote contains Genes. It doesn't matter whether Lejune is Catholic or a Santanist, he is still creidtable source to site. Saying otherwise is like saying that we can't site John Locke on Philosophy because he's a philosopher. Further on my opponent states that just because something is a live doesn't mean that it's a human. However if we observe the works of John Locke we can see that he supports the right to Life. Let's look at his writtings. " The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions… (and) when his own preservation comes not in competition, ought he, as much as he can, to preserve the rest of mankind, and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another." Here we can see that the government is to protect the right for humans to live and if I have proven that the fetus is indeed alive then the federal government has no choice, but to protect them. We can see that no matter what amount of them they are and even down to a single just newly fertalized egg we can see that it has aquired human rights as it is now alive and the government must protect it. Locke also shows that They must protect them perserve everything from the infant's very limb's. I have posted a video to show what actually happens in these abortion and how it violates this philosophy. My opponent has also dropped all the other qualifications of the fetus beings alive so I extend that across the board. Contention 2: After Effects of Abortion This is a huge part and though my opponent tries to disreguard it stating that it doesn't matter, but that fact is that it does matter. We are talking about huge after affects of abortion and they must not be ignored as they can highly increase the likely hood for problems later in life so I extend this across the board. Contention 3: Life of the Mother and other cases that would warrent Abortion. You can see that many of these things can be averted. Simply on the basis of you shouldn't have been having sex in the first place. For example let's take the usage of Condoms. Though the boxes preaches a "safety" usage of 99% in factory, we can see that the real fact is that those numbers are a lot lower, because people just simply don't know how to use condoms so the number is actually way lower than what the box states. So we can see that contraceptives aren't all that affective when put to the actual test. Now we know that rape is indeed a tricky one Sources for last post. Sources 1. (http://www.livestrong.com...) 2. (http://www.ehd.org...) 3. (http://www.healthline.com...) 4. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov...) 5. (http://www.jstor.org...) 6. (http://abcnews.go.com...) 7. (http://labs.mcdb.lsa.umich.edu...)
  7. Contention 1: Porn Reduces Crime "The bottom line on these experiments is, "More Net access [Porn], less rape." A 10 percent increase in Net access yields about a 7.3 percent decrease in reported rapes." [1] We can see in this first hand case that as people gain more access to porn there is less rape and sexual offense crimes. This is a key factor in this debate as we see that if Porn does anything it keeps our hormones in check by masterbation to God knows whatever the user is wanting to watch and in turn it ensures that they are less likely to go out and rape said "type." "Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study found that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible -- a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan." [2] Adding to the above point we can still see that in application in other areas that once again we can see that in valid areas and application that child sexual abuse has decreased so not only are we seeing a drop in rape, but also child abuse. "the incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years while access to pornography has become freely available to teenagers and adults." [3] Praise God that, once again, rape is dropping here in the US and when we ask the question as to why it's porn. We can see that this is key to get out as it leads to an 85% drop in rape. The Disaster Center found that the states with the lowest porn watching ratings have at rape ratio of 53% per Capita increase in rape while for the four highest porn watching ratio found a 27% decrease in rape. [4] Let's face it guys. The evidence shows that porn lowers rape. Contention 2: Free Speech The first Amendment-"protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. " "Despite popular misunderstanding the right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not very different from the right to freedom of speech. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination." [7] The internet counts as a dissemination. [8] Thus we can see that it would be unConstitutional for the US to ban pornography under the grounds of it would be a violation of our free speech and freedom of the press. Contention 3: Economy "The statistics are truly staggering. According to compiled numbers from respected news and research organizations, every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography." [5] By God look at that power surge. It's no wounder that the porn industry is the most profitable at $14 billion per year. Researchers have done an estimate and they have found that banning this industry would be devestating and shrink our economy by $10 Billion! [6] Sources 1. (http://www.slate.com...) 2. (http://www.sciencedaily.com...) 3. (http://anthonydamato.law.northwestern.edu...) 4. (http://rawstory.com...) 5. (http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com...) 6. (http://www.forbes.com...) 7. (https://www.law.cornell.edu...) 8. (http://dictionary.reference.com...)
  8. I'm replying to this thread because I'm tired of having way to many notifications on my profile on reguards to matters I really don't care about.
  9. Prelude: Our nation of the Brotherhood of Kyro which is made up of the states of Mongolia, Amersitan, Suburbia, Ottowa, Rhodesia, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, Kansapolis, Cambria, Cambin, Ireland, Koland, and Majestiria join together to form a more perfect union in order to increase the welfare of our citizens. Article 1: In order for the citizens of Kyro to feel safe and secure the federal government must gurrientee them certain rights. The rights must include the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, the freedom of privacy, the freedom and pursuit of happiness, and the freedom from fear. Article 2: The National capital of the Brotherhood of Kyro is Ft. Chackees. This nation shall be a Capitalist nation. The national currency is the Kyro, but the US dollar is allotted. Article 3: It must take the Brotherhood of Kyro a 3/5’s vote to pass a law or annex a territory. The Congress of Kyro has the power to declare war on another nation. The Kyrian Congress will be unicameral which will contain the state’s governor and a senator who is from the state. Elections for a governor is every 2 years, elections for Senators are every 3 years, and the elections for the Kyrian President is every 4 years. The President of Kyro has the right to select a Kyro cabinet. Article 4: The main text of the Brotherhood of Kyro Constitution shall not be changed. Only amendments may be added to the Constitution with consent from the Supreme Court and the Congress of Kyro. Article 5: No laws made by the states shall interfere with any federal or the Kyro Constitution. Article 6: The Brotherhood of Kyro shall be a Capitalist nation. The federal government shall monitor and regulate taxes, the Kyro Stock Exchange, and criminal laws. The planning of a just economic just system. Article 7: The Brotherhood of Kyro shall establish a federal court system for Constitutional conflicts and interstate/major crimes. The Supreme Court will interpret laws and have the power of judicial review where the Court will and can repeal laws that are passed that are unconstitutional. There will be 3 Supreme Court Justices and they will be nominated by the president then ratified by the Congress of the Kyro. Court Justices serve until they step down or die. Article 8: The President will be allowed to vote on bills in Congress and has the ability to veto a bill passed by Congress. The President’s veto may be over ridden by a 3/5's vote by Congress. (Feb. 22nd, 2011)  1st Amendment (May 3rd, 2012) Article 1: The federal government has the right to build and maintain a military. The military members will be tax exempt after they had served in the military for at least 4 years and have not been discharged from their service branch. Article 2: The Kyro citizens have the right to bear arms. The Kyro federal government cannot take the guns away from its citizens without reason, but they have the right to regulate weaponry. Kyro cannot tax weapons. Article 3: Criminals can be enslaved depending on state’s law. People cannot be enslaved based on race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation. Article 4: Everyone above the age of 10 has the right to vote. There are no barriers on voting except on whether or not they said person is imprisoned then they are not allotted the right to vote. 2nd Amendment (September 9th 2012) Article 1: The Federal government of Kyro is above the states to the point where when the federal government passes a law the state’s law is nullified. Local governments and the federal government cannot try to dissolve each other. The Federal government and/ or the states can’t pass ex post facto laws. States are permitted to make their own laws and constitution as long as it does not contradict the Kyrian constitution. Article 2: The Federal government has the right to regulate trade. Once something has traveled out of a state and is interstate then it’s a Federal responsibility. The Kyrian federal government can post economic sanctions against other nations. States are not permitted to post sanctions against each other. 3rd Amendment (October 11th, 2012) Article 1: The citizens of Kyro have the right to the freedom of the television and the freedom of the internet. The government shall not place censorship on the airwaves or on the internet. The government has the right to watch the citizens of Kyro and track their history in order to track down possible terrorists. Article 2: The citizens of Kyro have the right to peacefully assemble as long as it does not protrude other’s rights and does not disturb the peace. 4th Amendment (February 3rd 2013) Article 1: Kyro must have a set balanced budget every 5 years and the nation must meet the spending deadline by 1 year at the minimum in as a just in case. Article 2: The Brotherhood of Kyro must not go into debt. The nation’s debt must not protrude the nation’s debt ceiling that of which is $10,000. If the nation goes into debt than the nation must quickly get out in a 3 year time period before an automatic audit is placed on the nation to pay off the debt to get it under the Debt Ceiling. 5th Amendment (September 16th, 2014) Article 1: The citizens of Kyro will be insured to have several rights in the court of law. When arrest the accused has the right to 3 square meals a day and 1 phone call. There may be no cruel and unusual punishment that is not already outlined in the Death Penalty Act. Article 2: The accused have the right to a trial by jury, a judge to precide over the trial, the right to a speedy trial so that they may not be innocent and jailed for too long. Right to have a lawyer. Article 3: The military may not force upon the people of Kyro the quatering of it’s military and/or military equipment on their property or in their homes. Article 4: The police and any government agency must have a valid warrant to search any homes and/or property.
  10. Good morning and a happy new year to you.
  11. Nation Name: The Brotherhood of Kyro Nation Link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=9778
  12. As have I. We have found such offenses to be horrible.
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