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Unknown Identity

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Unknown Identity last won the day on May 7 2022

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    Unknown Identity
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    Imperium of Man

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  1. IoMs submission. Use of Imperium standard on pumpkin in bottom left side of picture. As well as the double eagles on the upper right.
  2. As the Imperium of Man and the Empire of the Romans negotiated back and forth, keeping diplomatic channels open despite their war, both sides found common ground. Although it was tough to see past the conflict, diplomacy, and peace, prevailed, and today marks the end of the war between IoM and EotR. The Horus Heresy has drawn to a close, as both parties chart a new path forward. There will be light now, where there was before only an Age of Darkness 1. The Imperium of Man and the Empire of the Romans agree to work together to improve the Purple color bloc. The first step of this improvement shall begin with Tiberius, Imperator of Rome, proposing the color bloc name “Emperor’s Purple” and both parties voting for it. 2. Both parties recognize the other as a sovereign state. Tiberius is recognized as the sole Emperor of Rome, and Rome recognizes Germanicus’s prior service as Emperor. Rome agrees to treat him as a former Roman Head of State, and holds his service in high regard. 3. The Imperium of Man and the Empire of the Romans agree to reset relations back to a completely clean slate. Both parties also agree to allow better diplomatic relations in the future, should they arise. 4. Both parties agree to sign a Nonaggression Pact for 3 months. Signed, Empire of the Romans Tiberius Aurion Caesar, Imperator Augustus Caesar of Rome Caligula Noxix, Omnissiah Legatus Diplomaticus Imperium of Man Germanicus Julius Caesar, Emperor of Mankind Valentinos, First Lord Commander Velekk Hemlock, Lord Commander Lysander, High Lord of Terra
  3. As the legions of Rome marched on Terra, attempting to force the Emperor of Mankind into peace, the High Lords of Terra gathered in council. Debate was furious, and words flew back and forth, as the Imperium discussed the options available to her. Having just emerged from a war, many were reluctant to push on into yet another conflict. However, as the forum continued, the High Lords of Terra realized there wasn’t a choice in front of them. To avoid fighting would be to let Rome argue that they’d won. And as the High Lords finished their discussion, they received a new missive from Rome, stating the terms had changed. “Recognize Tiberius as the one true Emperor of Rome? Apologize for lies during the Bank of Orbis trial?” The High Lords were stunned by the new demands, but slowly, that surprise turned to anger. His Holiness, the Emperor of Mankind, was the only Emperor the Imperium knew. Now unified in their decision, the High Lords turned to the Lord Commander and the Emperor, who had also been part of the debate. With the assent of the Emperor, the governing body of the Imperium of Man sent a missive off to Rome. As the message made its way back to the new opponent, Imperium of Man began her conscription once more. We will not let an unprovoked war threaten our sovereignty, nor will we be made to “admit” things to Rome’s fancy. War is a good time to stretch the muscles, and so the Imperium shall stretch hers again. TL;DR Imperium of Man recognizes hostilities against Empire of the Romans.
  4. There are literal ss showing that only you, lucilla and blox knew. Val and I didnt know until the deed was done. Stop believing your own bs.
  5. Happy birthday to everyone's favorite pirates!
  6. “The fleet sails with the tide sire” the Captain said to Tiberius. “Good, my father will be pleased; send word to the rest of the Roman fleet that my father wishes to make landfall in Carthage before dawn” The Caesar of Rome directly stated to the seasoned ship captain. “It appears we have arrived exactly as the Emperor has foreseen” Valentinian said to Tiberius. Valentinian was the Roman Senate’s most experienced Senator and diplomat. His counsel is always seen as wise and temperate and his responses timed and always well thought out. “Val what do you think our chances are of taking Carthage?” Tiberius said to Valentinian as he looks out ahead towards the shores of North Africa. The grey haired Senator ran his hand through his grey beard and said “They say the deposed Etruscan Emperor Justinian is here, and is still claiming he is a Emperor of all Romans. They say he is guarded by a small detachment of Numidian cavalry because no true Roman will serve under his banner. Him taking refuge in Carthage and begging the TKR Council to help him invade Italy while bribing them with the gold stolen from the Roman treasury he looted on his way to escape the Imperial Palace after the Roman Senate Declared him a Public Enemy of the Senate and the People of Rome after the Roman population began rioting and demanding his removal at the news of the arrival of the Legio I Germanica, Legio IX Hispana, and the Legio XIV Gemina 50 miles north of Rome.” The old man’s eyes began to close as he remembered this event almost 1 year past. “The Praetorian Guard attempted to find and eliminate the truly Carthaginian inspired traitor but he escaped to Carthage before the arrival of the acclaimed Emperor Germanicus” Valentinian looked at Tiberius and speaking confidently with a grin. “The Republic yet still lives and Rome will never suffer a King again. Our chances of victory will be in the hands of Jupiter and Mars, all the rest of us can do is honor the gods, love our women, and fight with all our might and Rome will be rid of this menace and hedonistic tyrant Justinian Roberts” Tiberius placed his hand on the shoulder of the wise old Senator and with a smirk said “We shall soon see the will of the Gods and our place within them” Valentinian bowed his head and Tiberius turned and left the bridge of the ship and walked down the stairs towards the Imperial cabin. Spotting the Praetorian Guard outside the entrance the soldiers stood firmly at attention as the son of the Emperor walked pass them with swagger in his step as the door was opened. The Emperor was standing around a table filled with maps surrounded by Generals and military officers, Senators discussing strategy and assessing the logistical situation. The Emperor was a towering man of 6 foot 2, he stood wearing a standard officers breastplate with the same decorations as that of a Roman General from his prior service before ascending to the purple. His hair was black with grey tips, a man of 52 years but still in as much physical condition as any Legionnaire. Wearing a purple cloak on his left shoulder and wearing the golden laurel leaf befitting Augustus himself. Standing next to him was the Governor of Germania Superior Quintus Cicero who was a seasoned soldier with a brilliant tactical mind, A young Syrian Military Tribune named Boom Fragor whose Cohort was assigned to be the first to land at the beaches. To the Emperors immediate right was the quiet and always watchful Praetorian Guard Legatus Augusti ‘Bloxeus Severus’ responsible for the Imperial family’s personal security. Tiberius approached the table and the Emperor looked up from the maps and spoke before the Generals had finished speaking. “How many leagues out are we?” Tiberius answering his father immediately “The winds are strong father, the shipmaster predicts we will reach the shoreline before dawn” Tiberius answered. Germanicus smiled and looked down at the maps on the table. “Good, it seems the Carthaginian navy is asleep” Turning to the Generals to his back and smiling “Have I told you all about the Senator testifying before the Censor?” The Emperor jokingly said. “Not recently Caesar no” Marcus Agrippa one of the generals replied first in a playfully mocking tone. The Emperor pleased with the speed of the fleets progress checked the clock and realizing everything was ready. “Ah good, we have the time then; a Senator accused of adultery is about to testify before the morality Censors, whether he has a wife. The censor asks: Do you have, in all your honesty, a wife? The man answered in reply I surely do, but not in all my honesty.” The entire room erupts in laughter and the Emperor turns to face the front of the table and pulls out the parchment of papers and reads to himself. “The TKR Council of Carthage have been incessantly posturing and refusing the extradition of the traitorous tyrant Justinian the Etruscan, Deposed Emperor of Rome, who was found guilty in the eyes of Gods and men in absentia by a Roman Court, and for seeking the forced illegal selling of Rome’s territory and people against the will of the Roman Empire; The Senate and People of Rome formally Declare a State of War exists between TKR, Carthage, Name withheld, Black Knights, and Purple Flower Garden and the Senate and People of Rome.” Signed, Imperator Augustus Caesar of Rome: Germanicus Julius Caesar Imperator Caesar of Rome: Tiberius Filius Germanicus Caesar Legatus Diplomaticus: Valentinian tldr: Roman Empire declares war on The Knights Radiants, Carthago, Name Withheld, Black Knights.
  7. Glad to see The Legion endures. We wish luck to our fellow Romans in their future endeavors.
  8. Interesting to see that Carthago is greater than Rome. Considering they lost to Rome in two globals. 😉 Also, @Marika Ouch, how will we ever recover from this betrayal? 😂 Looking forward to more Punic Wars and seeing if the scales tip. Congrats to TKR and Carthago.
  9. Looking forward to working with new and old friends again!
  10. Good luck and have fun fellow warriors!
  11. I recently applied to have my alliance pip added, and got an in game message saying it was done and my credits taken and can see it in the list. But when I add it to my profile its just showing a broken icon symbol. Checked on both my phone and computer, both show the same.
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